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Avoiding Responsibility (Avoiding 2)

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"Often?" he asked chuckling to himself.

Lexi rolled her big brown eyes. "But we have places to be tonight. You didn't ditch work on one of the busiest nights of the years just so that we could stay in and have sex all night."

"Are you somehow proving a point? I'd ditch work for that any day."

Lexi let out a short breath and shook her head at him. "On any other day then," she told him wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I'm taking you up on that," he said standing and straightening out his suit. He reached out for her as she passed by him to finish her makeup. She wrapped her arms up around his neck and let him hold her close for a brief moment before breaking contact.

"Don't get all riled up again," she warned him as she ducked under his arm and walked to her dresser.

"Pointless request when I'm around you."

Lexi smiled brightly to herself as she put the finishing touches on her already perfect makeup. She then slid on a pair of heeled, knee-high, black boots and zipped them up feeling especially like Pretty Woman. Ramsey snatched up her black pea coat from the hook near the door and eased her into the warm material.

To say traffic was a nightmare would have been an understatement. New York traffic was always a force to reckon with, but on New Year's Eve it was just a disaster. The couple inched through the streets hoping to arrive at their destination early enough, but as time dragged on they were just hoping to make it there at all.

"Is there any way that you could drive just a little faster?" Lexi politely asked the cabbie leaning forward in the yellow car.

The man didn't even have the decency to answer. He just looked back at her through the rearview mirror as if she were an idiot. Obviously they were in wall to wall traffic on one of the busiest days of the year. There was literally nowhere to go to avoid the mess.

Lexi slumped back against the seats. "Great. What are we going to do? We're going to be late."

Ramsey wrapped his arm around her shoulders and squeezed gently. "Can you walk in those things?" he asked nodding at her shoes.

"Sure," she mumbled. "Just not across town."

"Right," he said nodding to himself. "Hey buddy, what are the chances you're getting us to the Plaza in the next twenty minutes?" The cabbie again looked at him as if he was not only dumb but also blind, and refrained from answering. "Look I know that you understand what I'm saying so an answer would be appreciated."

The guy glared at Ramsey through the mirror and muttered, "No chance."

"How about I give you an extra hundred bucks if you get us there in twenty minutes?" Ramsey volunteered. Lexi jumped backwards swiveling in place to look at Ramsey. She couldn't believe that he was actually bribing this guy. Somehow she had never thought that something like that would happen in real life.

"A hundred?" the guy asked obviously in disbelief as well.

"And I'll double it if we're there in fifteen," Ramsey reaching for his wallet to show the guy that he was serious.

"Ramsey, why are you carrying around two hundred dollars in cash?" Lexi muttered softly next to him. She could feel her jaw slack at the prospect that he would throw about two hundred dollars on a cab ride as if it were nothing. She knew he had money. Of course she knew. His family fortune alone without his get rich scheme from the clubs made him the wealthiest person she had ever met, but he was generally so reserved about it around her. Sure he had done some extravagant things, but it was never something so completely pointless. Then again if the cab driver didn't make it to the hotel in twenty minutes he wasn't out any money.

"It's New Years," he told her, his green eyes sparkling as if that explained everything. The mischievous look on his face also told her that he was carrying a lot more than that.

"Aren't you afraid you're going to get mugged?" she breathed.

It was Ramsey's turn to look at her like she was crazy. "Have you seen me?" he asked gesturing to all his extreme height and fit build. No one was likely to mess with him.

"Two hundred in fifteen minutes?" the driver repeated eagerly.

"You bet," Ramsey told him as if the amount were pocket change. And to someone like Ramsey Bridges, it probably was. Lexi was having a difficult time wrapping her mind around that. Even though Chyna shopped more than any other human being and spent two hundred dollars on a cotton t-shirt, Lexi still couldn't understand Ramsey's decision. She hadn't been raised poor, but two hundred dollars was just not something you threw away on a taxi driver.

Regardless, that did seem to make the driver more adventurous. As traffic began to pick up, he swerved and maneuvered around other cars, racing down streets, and stopping abruptly. Lexi had to close her eyes for part of the ride because she was pretty sure that they had gone through several red lights and almost been hit a half a dozen more. And still they managed to make it to the Plaza in exactly twenty minutes. Lexi hadn't thought it was possible. Ramsey true to his word paid the cabbie their fair, then pulled two crisp fifty dollars bills out of his wallet, and handed it to the guy.

"Perfect timing," Ramsey said grabbing Lexi's hand and pulling her towards the ballrooms.

"Oh my God!" Chyna exclaimed rushing towards them as they approached the entrance. "Where the f**k have you been?"

"Traffic's a bitch," Lexi told her apologetically.

"I thought I was going to slit my wrists if I had to spend one more minute with that woman. She is quite possibly the devil. I mean literally the devil," Chyna said throwing her arms in the air. "I think she gives Bridezilla a new meaning."

"Is she really that bad?" Lexi asked glancing around to see who else could be listening in on their conversation.

"That bad?" Chyna cried. "You have no idea. I have been asked if I've gained ten pounds fifteen times since I arrived. I was told that my face looks pudgy, my hips are getting rounder, and that there's no way my ass is going to fit into the dress she picked out. Not only that, but my complexion is all wrong, my hair color won't blend in, and my nails are overdone," she said thrusting her understated French manicure in Lexi's face. "And don't even get me started on what she says about my shoes," Chyna whined pointing at the beautiful black stilettos on her feet.

Lexi couldn't help but smile. "You look gorgeous," she told her leaning forward and kissing her cheek.

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