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Boss Next Door

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“Oh, I know the one.” Of course she does. I spotted that book in her pile. I don’t think I could mention it to anyone else in my life and have them understand. “Yes, let’s go and act like we’re doing that right now.”

Every smile, every laugh that comes from Serena makes me feel incredible. She looked so stressed and kinda sad when I met her on the stairs. I guess this must be a huge change for her if it’s the first time that she has ever moved home. I’m just grateful that I can help make the transition that little bit easier for her.

The walk to the ice cream store is flooded with laughter and fun. I find my walls sliding down around me more and more by the second without me even giving them permission to do so. Serena simply has that incredible effect on me. And when we get to the counter and she pulls her wallet out to pay for the ice creams, not giving me a chance to offer to pay this time around, I’m stunned to the core. Since people can just see that I have money from the off, I don’t think that I have ever had anyone pay for me before. It might only be an ice cream, but it means a lot.

“We need to sit in the window if we’re going to re-enact the book scene.” Serena takes my arm and drags me along with her. “I don’t know if you can remember all of the speech, but we can have a go.”

We definitely don’t do a great job of remembering how the author wrote the book, but it’s a lot of fun trying. I don’t think that I have ever laughed so hard in my life. I even snort because I’m so out of control at one point.

I like her. My heart thunders as that thought strikes me. Already, I really like her a lot.

In fact, I like her so much that I don’t want the night to end. As I walk her up the stairs and back to her apartment, I’m amazed at how quickly the night has raced passed us. It span by way too quickly. I would love nothing more than to make an excuse so we can carry it on a bit longer but I’m pretty sure that inviting her to mine will seem like I am after something else. Serena is too special for that, I don’t want to rush things with her. She’s different.

“Well, thank you for a fun night.” She turns to smile at me as she stands outside of her own apartment. “Dinner was lovely and ice cream was really fun. That was a much better first night than I was expecting.”

“I really enjoyed it too.” I find myself moving closer towards her like a magnet is pulling me in. Thankfully, Serena doesn’t seem to dislike me getting nearer to her. She juts her head up to stare at me. “It was amazing.”

I take her cheeks in my hands and lose myself in her warm and comforting eyes for just a moment, enjoying swimming in the intensity of her gaze. But it isn’t long before the magnet drags me in even nearer to her. So close that my lips have crashed hard against hers and I am claiming her with my mouth. Her soft plump lips caress mine and her arms hook around my waist. She’s pulling me closer to her and I fall willingly.

God, this feels so good, and judging by the inadvertent moan escaping Serena’s throat, she’s enjoying it too.

Chapter 3 – Serena

What am I doing? I’m losing myself in this kiss, Will has me completely blown away in the best way possible. I might not have ever been kissed by a man until this very moment, but I have heard other people talk about good kisses and bad ones too, and I have to say that this completely exceeds my expectations. This man is unbelievable.

I should be careful. I know that much. Even as I pull Will closer to me and I allow my tongue to snake between his lips, claiming a part of him for myself, I know that I need to be smart. I shouldn’t fall so fast for a man that I’ve just met in my new life, even if he does seem absolutely perfect. Not only does he get the same references as me and he’s even willing to be a dork with me by pretending that we are in the pages of a book we both love, but he’s heart stopping handsome as well, in a way that makes me flutter all over.

Could I be that lucky? I think as his lips create a storm in the pit of my stomach. Have I met the right one, now?

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