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Boss Next Door

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Surely, it isn’t possible, especially for someone like me who has only had back luck in life so far… but then perhaps that is exactly why this is happening to me now. Maybe it’s my time. God, that would be so wonderful.

Eventually, much as I don’t want to, we pull apart and Will rests his head against mine. With his forehead delicately rested against mine, I swim in his gaze, loving the warm feeling that he has created within me.

“I’m not ready for tonight to end,” I whisper, barely even recognizing myself as I do. I have never been so forward before, but that’s because I haven’t ever had the chance. Maybe this is me. “Do you want to come inside?”

He nods eagerly, hiding any surprise that I’m sure he must be feeling at my suggestion. I don’t know how much he can tell about me, but my virginity must scream loudly. I’m sure he must be able to tell that I’m inexperienced. That kiss might have been incredible for me, but he could probably tell that it was my first. Yet, even knowing that, he still wants to spend time with me, I haven’t frightened him off and sent him running for the hills… this is good.

Plus, if it all gets a bit strange later on, he only lives next door. There isn’t any chance of it getting uncomfortable.

“One sec.” I dig around in my hand bag until I find my keys. “But be wary of the mess. Don’t forget that you took me out to dinner before I had a chance to tidy up anything inside. There are boxes absolutely everywhere.”

He laughs loudly and nods. “That’s okay. I will take the blame for it. The mess is my fault.”

Once we crash inside my apartment, the thick fog of sexual tension is all that I can breathe in. It’s almost stifling, I feel swallowed up in lust, but I don’t find the whole experience overwhelming. Something about Will’s presence calms me down and makes me feel like everything is going to be okay.

“Do you want a drink?” I rasp out. “I don’t actually know what I have here…”

“I don’t want a drink.” His arms are around me in a heartbeat, his electrifying touch is making me a slave to his sensations rather than having any more rational thoughts in my brain. They might as well not be there at all. “I want you.”

Oh God, now that is crazy, that is a bit too much, but there’s something about it which feels incredibly right. So, without giving myself a chance to second guess myself, I spin around and kiss him once more. My second kiss is just as wonderful as the first, the fireworks erupt like crazy inside of me, causing me to tingle all over. The urge to wrap myself around him covers me from head to toe, creating a primal, animalistic side of me to evolve.

“I want you too,” I agree as his lips move from mine down to my throat. Every part of my hyper sensitive skin floods with need as his lips greet it. He isn’t being slow and steady with my body, he isn’t treating me like I don’t know what I’m doing, he’s taking control and letting his passion run free which is exactly what I need. “Let me…” Oh God… this feels so good. What else is he going to do to me? “Let’s go to the bedroom.”

He pulls away from me and laces his fingers through mine as he leads me into my bedroom. He knows the layout because it matches his own and he’s happy to take the lead. Thank goodness, because that’s what I need too. My bed is minimal, it has a couple of pillows, a thin sheet, and a blanket thrown over it, but Will isn’t bothered. He is focused only on me, like his eyes want to commit every inch of my body to memory. His gaze is delicious and intoxicating. I would be more than happy for him to keep looking at me that way forever.

Will drags me into his arms and kisses me hard before lying me back on my bed with the weight of his body on top of me. He’s heavy, but in a nice way, and as we kiss some more I run my hands all over his broad back. His muscles feel great beneath my fingers, but the material of his shirt is in the way.

I push him back with a playful smile on my lips and I try my hardest to strip him down, but unfortunately I’m trembling far too hard to make that happen. My nerves, plus the intensity of his eyes, is too much for me. Thankfully, this doesn’t trouble Will at all. He pulls back into a sitting position and in a way that’s almost like a strip show, he tantalizingly slowly peels his shirt off, causing me to gasp at the sheer sight of him. I knew that he was going to look good. He looks phenomenal in clothes, but out of them… wow, he is intimidatingly good looking.

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