The Client (Professionals 8) - Page 40

“What’s wrong? Wait,” I said, trying to grab her as she climbed off of me. But she dodged away, rushed off before I could stop her.

She’d had more than a handful of moments just like that one since the cave.

There seemed to be a cycle with her. She gave and gave and gave, and just when you got used to it, she ripped it away, leaving you wondering what the fuck you did wrong, what you said to piss her off.

It didn’t escape me, either, that while she badgered me for intimate details about my life, she hardly ever gave me any of hers. I knew she had grown up with both parents. But they were dead. I knew she had siblings, but not their names, not their locations. I knew she had a best friend who was wealthy and had kids. I didn’t know what kind of childhood she’d had, what she did for a living. If she did something for a living. If she did, why was she able to leave it behind to traipse around the world with me?

And what kind of job could she do from a converted school bus home?

Burning questions, all, but she’d proven stealthy at changing the subject when I tried to press a topic.

She often used her body to do this.

And being a man who very much appreciated every curve of that body, I wasn’t exactly mad about her dirty fighting methods.

“You’re not going after her?” Alvy asked, dropping down at the foot of the bed, handing me a drink.

“She’s only going to distract me from finding out what is wrong by using my body.”

“Oh, you poor thing, you,” Alvy quipped, laughing.

“I know, right? How dare she. I am more than my penis,” I shot back, taking a drink. “I can’t figure her out.”

“That’s the appeal, though, isn’t it?” Alvy asked, watching me. “That’s why you’re not bored of her yet.”

“I’m not bored of her yet because she is interesting even without all the details.”

“Maybe she’s not giving you the details because she thinks the mystery is the only reason you are interested in her, “Alvy suggested.

“Alvy, you might be a genius,” I declared, but then thought better of it. “You know what, no. I don’t think so. She’s too much of her own woman to give a fuck if I am interested.”


“You sound suspicious of her.”

“I wasn’t at first,” Alvy said, draining the rest of their drink. “But the longer this goes on, the less sure I am about her.”

“What do you think, that she’s after me for my money?” I asked. “Even if she were, which I don’t think she is, how does that make her any different from every other woman in every other corner of the world who I’ve shared some time with?”

“Because this one is getting under your skin,” Alvy said. “You might not want to admit it. Hell, you might not even realize it yet. But she’s in there. And that makes her a threat that all the other gold diggers weren’t.”

“I may be a great many foolish things, Alvy, but I think we can both agree that I have done well enough with the family money.”

There was no argument to that. I spent money like water. But I made it just as easily. It may have even been a final ‘fuck you’ to my father, increasing the family fortune more in a decade than he did his entire life.

“I wouldn’t worry so much if I knew you knew more about her.”

“You’re not wrong,” I agreed. “I will figure more out. Especially if she sticks around for a while.”

“I just think it is in your best interest,” Alvy said, shrugging. “I know it’s not my place. I just wanted to make sure you were thinking with your big head,” they said, giving me a smirk as they walked off down the beach.

I will admit, I had been enjoying our little adventures enough not to let myself sweat the details. In fact, I was simply not someone who sweated details in general. But Alvy was right. If she was going to be more lasting than others in the past, I needed to know who I was getting into bed with.

Now if only she would stop being so damn good in bed, I might actually get somewhere.

I drained my drink, heading back to the hotel, ready to coerce some answers out of Wasp by any means necessary.

Even if that meant withholding orgasms until she gave me some small detail about her life.

In fact, I really liked that idea.

And she got so desperate for release that she would probably give me what I was after too.

If nothing else, I would enjoy the hell out of it.

“Oh, darling!” I called, opening the door to our suite, finding her lounging on the couch, still wearing her bathing suit, legs draped over the arm, one hand up, twirling her hair like I found she did when she was thinking about something.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Professionals Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024