The Client (Professionals 8) - Page 41

“I want to be alone.”

“I have a game I want to play.”

“I don’t like games.”

“Says the queen of them,” I shot back, watching as she turned her head on the cushion to glare at me. “Are you going to try to deny it?” I asked, stalking closer to her, dropping down on the ottoman at her side. All I got to that was another glare. “You only like the games you can win.”

“Sweetheart,” she said, slowly unfolding, a cat ready to strike. “When are you going to learn?” she went on, moving to straddle me, running a finger down my jaw. “I always win. In fact,” she said, wiggling around on my lap, feeling my cock already pressing against her, “I believe I already have.” With that, she hopped over, turning, attempting to walk away.

My hand shot out as I got to my feet, grabbing her wrist, jerking her around, slamming her back against the floor-to-ceiling windows at our side.

“Want to bet, darling?” I asked, yanking her suit down, sealing my lips over her nipple, feeling the tremble course through her body.

For a woman who loved to be in control of situations, she melted into a puddle of need when you took charge in bed.

I was going to win this.

And, sure, she was going to be a sore loser afterward.

But that was a problem for later.

The only problem now was figuring out which way I was going to torture answers out of her. My fingers. My tongue. My cock. She was a sucker for all of the above.

I guess we could employ all the weapons in this battle.

My fingers slid her suit aside, thumb moving up to stroke her clit, two fingers thrusting inside her, working her exactly how she liked it until I felt her walls start to tighten around me, threatening oblivion.

“Fenway, please,” she cried, fingers digging into the flesh of my neck.

“You can come,” I assured her, doing one careful tap to her clit. “Once you tell me when you lost your virginity and to who.”

“What? Why are you—oh,” she whimpered as my finger did another tap. “I was fifteen,” she told me.

“Was he your first love?” I asked, doing a swipe.

“No. I don’t do love. He was my next-door-neighbor. He was thirty,” she admitted. “You promised,” she reminded me, hips squirming when I paused, surprised by her admission, at the laissez-faire way she described what most states would consider statutory rape.

“I did. I promised,” I agreed, working her clit, sending her crashing through an orgasm.

She barely managed to catch her breath before I was moving down to my knees, running my tongue up her.

Thankfully for me and this plan of mine, Wasp was multi-orgasmic, something I was using to my advantage, driving her up once again. “What do you do for a living?”

“Fenway, this is-oh. Fuck,” she hissed, her hand slapping down on the top of my head when I sucked hard on her clit. “Fuck, please…”

“Just tell me your job title, and you can come.”

“I’m… I’m a… fuck. I’m a… dog trainer,” she declared, sucking in a deep breath as my lips sucked again, sending another orgasm coursing through her body.

“A dog trainer,” I repeated as she came back to her senses, breathless, flushed.

“Yes. I train dogs. Really badly behaved dogs.” There was something in her voice, a tone, an insinuation I didn’t understand, an inside joke I wasn’t privy to, perhaps? I didn’t know. I wasn’t going to press. I was happy to get an answer at all from her. Taking a deep breath, she reached up to run a hand through her hair, making it settle more to one side as she looked down at me, eyes small, smile wicked. “I didn’t think you could play that dirty.”

“Oh, darling, I am full of surprises,” I told her, shooting upward, shoulder going to her center, tossing her over my shoulder, her ass high in the air, just begging to be slapped.

“Ow!” she hissed, body jolting when my hand landed there with a satisfying smack.

I carried her through the suite, tossing her onto the bed, watching as she bounced, standing there at the foot of the bed, stripping out of my clothes, watching as she tried to keep unaffected eye contact, then failed, hungry eyes trailing.

“Take off your suit,” I demanded, watching her eyes flare, knowing she loved being bossed around even if she would never admit it.

Moving to the nightstand, I got a condom, put it on, watching as she made a show of undoing her straps, pulling the suit down to her waist, then slowly lowering down onto the bed, planting her feet, bridging upward

“I need help,” she told me, giving me that ball-stabbingly hot sexy pout of hers.

My cock twitched as I moved back to the foot of the bed, fingers teasing the outside of her ankle before both hands grabbed both ankles, yanking, pulling them out from under her, then twisting, forcing her onto her stomach. My hands moved into her hips, pulling her ass up high toward me, then yanking the material down to expose her perfect ass.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Professionals Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024