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Torn from You (Tear Asunder 1)

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“Jesus, Emily. Damn it.”

Alfonzo stopped. “Sculpt.”

Logan let me go and placed his hand on my shoulder. “Knees. Now.”

I knew what Alfonzo could do to me, so I did what I was told, but my body still shook with anger.

“Give her to me,” Alfonzo said. “Raul is furious. We heard her screams inside.”

I grabbed Logan’s leg. “Please. No. Don’t let him take me. I’ll be good. I promise. Please.”

I never in my life thought I’d beg like that, I don’t think anyone ever thinks they will until they’re faced with this. My mind was only built to take so much, and going through the torture again would kill me. I needed that piece of me that still wanted to live, to fight, to one day have my dream of freedom come true. Alfonzo was going to take that away. He was going to destroy that last fragment of hope, and I would become like those other girls. I’d die inside.

“No,” Logan said to Alfonzo, and I choked back the sobs as overwhelming relief settled into me. “I’ll take care of this.”

The sound of long, casual strides came toward us. I kept my head bowed, but knew the moment he came near enough who it was by his distinct smell—Raul.

“Take her.” Raul’s instructions to Alfonzo were clear. There wasn’t a single ounce of sympathy in his steel tone. “I knew it wouldn’t last.”

Alfonzo grabbed my arm and dragged me to my feet. I could’ve begged Raul, but it was too late. I knew that. I also knew I had nothing to lose because going to the room downstairs or being sold would be the end of who I was.

I stood immobile in front of Raul then slowly raised my head until I met his eyes.

They flickered with surprise for a second at my bold, direct gaze.

“Emily.” Logan’s warning was low and barely audible. “Alfonzo get her out of here.”

Alfonzo tugged, and I whipped around, hitting my two forefingers into Alfonzo’s trachea. He let me go, staggering backward, choking. Before Raul and Logan could stop me, I reeled around and slammed my elbow into Raul’s face so hard I felt his cheekbone crack.

“Emily!” Logan shouted grabbing for me.

I knew I’d have no chance against him if he got a hold of me. He taught me everything I knew. It was Alfonzo who took me to the ground, his fury in every movement. His knee dug into the small of my back, and my arms were yanked behind me so hard I swear they both dislocated.

I felt something cold and hard press against my head. With my cheek shoved into the ground by Alfonzo’s hand, I couldn’t lift my head, but, from the corner of my eye, I saw Raul crouched down beside me, a gun pushed against my temple.

He cocked the hammer.

“Raul,” Logan snapped.

“I knew you were too close to her.” Raul pressed the gun harder into my temple. “I should kill her right now.” I could hear his heavy breathing and smelled the scent of his last cigarette. “It is a good thing you’re beautiful. You’re worth far more to me alive then the satisfaction of blowing your brains out. Perhaps Kai is interested. He did find you attractive.”

“She’s mine, Raul. I won the fight, or did you forget that?”

“And did you forget who you’re talking too? Any of those men here tonight would be willing to buy her right now.”


“You know how I operate, and second chances don’t exist in this world. She belongs to me now.” Raul tapped his gun against my head. “Or would you rather I shoot her?”

I couldn’t see what Logan did, but I heard the shuffle of feet, and I knew … I knew Logan walked away.

1 hour later

I sat blindfolded in the torture room, tied to the metal bed. Every noise made me jump then my body quivered with fear as I waited for … what, I didn’t know. Was Raul selling me off right now? Were one of those men going to own me? Kai? Would Raul have Alfonzo “train” me first?

The waiting was driving me senseless.

Never knowing when anyone was coming. Afraid of the creak in the floorboards. Of a distant scream. Of how the air in the room shifted.

The sound of Logan’s footsteps as he walked away echoed over and over in my mind. He’d left me. He gave me to Raul. He didn’t argue. He acted as if I was nothing to him.

He told me he would, but I always had this crazy, far-off idea that he’d defend me. He may have brought me here and kept me in this place, but he’d also protected me against it too.

I was wrong.

He’d walked away.

He didn’t care if I was sold or killed.

Logan walked away from me.

The door burst open, and I emitted a tiny scream, but I didn’t cry. I wouldn’t. No one deserved my tears in this place.

Hands grabbed my wrists, and I recognized them. Logan’s. It wasn’t Alfonzo or Jacob. Was he going to torture me? Was he the one taking me to a new owner? Could he be that cruel?

He took off the ropes on my wrists then tore off my blindfold and helped me stand.

Our eyes locked.

And somehow I knew. Whether I felt it or saw it in his expression, I didn’t know, but the man standing in front of me was the man I used to love.

“One chance at this. One. We aren’t ready, but there’s no choice. He’s selling you and … Mouse, get changed. Now.” It was then I noticed the clothes on the bed. Logan grabbed the front of the black lace dress and ripped it off me then threw it aside. I stood dumbstruck, staring until his voice cut through my shock. “Clothes. Now.”

He picked up what looked like an oversized black T-shirt and a pair of jeans and tossed them at me, then walked back to the door. I kept looking at him as I changed, uncertain what was happening. There was a stern determination on his face, unrelenting and dangerous as he put his ear to the door.

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