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Torn from You (Tear Asunder 1)

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I was doing up the zipper of the jeans when he strode towards me. “I needed you gone ten minutes ago—move it.” He grabbed my arm just as the door burst open again. Logan shoved me so hard behind him that I fell to my butt.

“What the … Sculpt?” Alfonzo’s eyes went from me to Logan. “What are you doing here? She’s sold, Sculpt. I’m taking her to her new owner.”

“No.” Logan’s voice was steady and calm. “That is not going to happen.”

I climbed to my feet.

Alfonzo’s eyes kept darting between me and Logan. “Your father will crucify you, then her.”

Father? What? My eyes widened, and I staggered backward until my back hit the damp cement wall. Raul?

Oh God. Logan was Raul’s son? Logan was Raul’s son.

“Maybe. But I get to live with the satisfaction of what I’ve wanted to do for weeks.” Logan took two strides and swung hard and fast, his fist connecting with Alfonzo’s jaw and sending him back into the wall. “You. Are. Scum. A parasite.” Logan hit him again and blood splattered from his nose and upper lip.

Alfonzo grunted and tried swinging back, but he was no match for Logan, and as soon as he went for his gun, Logan kicked it from his hand, and it went sliding across the floor.

“You touched her. That was your mistake.” Logan continued to punch Alfonzo again and again until Alfonzo was lying on the ground unmoving. I was staring, watching, confused and not knowing what the hell was going on except that Alfonzo looked dead and Logan was covered in his blood.

I glanced at the gun then back to Logan who stood over Alfonzo staring down at the motionless form. I didn’t know what was going on, but I wasn’t letting the chance escape me.

I dove for the gun.

My fingers curled around the butt, and I jumped to my feet just as I heard Logan’s voice.

“Emily. Put the gun down.”

I shook my head back and forth as the gun trembled in my hand while I pointed it at him. “No. I’m getting out of here. And you’re not stopping me.”

He took one step forward, and I steadied the gun with my other hand then cocked the hammer.

“You’re right. You are getting out of here, but not on your own, and I think you know that. I’m going to help you.”

I backed up as he came forward. “No. I don’t believe you. Why would you do that? You brought me here. You’ve kept me here. He’s your … he’s your father. That man is …” I couldn’t say it again; it made me sick to my stomach to think I’d willingly slept with that bastard’s son.

“Put the gun down.” He held out his hand. “I never lied to you.”

I jerked the gun toward him as I spoke. “Bullshit. You lied to me every single day. Were the nights a lie too? Am I just like all those other girls? Maybe I’d be better off with a new owner, at least I know when he fucks me I will hate him. Not like you. You made me love you then you wrecked me with it. Then … then you gave me back piece by piece every night only to take it away all over again in the morning.”

“I’ve never lied to you. Ever.” He nodded to the gun. “You shoot that thing in here—we’re both dead. Every man in this place will be down here. I’m trying to help you, and this shit is about to blow up in our faces.”

I didn’t believe him. My trust had been destroyed, just like I was going to do to his heart when I shot him. “Stay back.”

“I can’t do that.” He dove for me.

I tightened my finger on the trigger and closed my eyes.

Then I felt the jarring pain in my back when Logan threw his weight on top of me and we both crashed to the floor. He grabbed the gun out of my hands and slid it in the back of his jeans.

Without a word he pulled me to my feet, slid his cell from his pocket, and snagged my hand.

He pressed a number on his phone and put it to his ear. “Deck.”

Deck? Georgie’s Deck? What? No, it couldn’t be.

“It’s now,” he said abruptly into the phone. “I don’t care if your guys aren’t ready. This happens. You sure your man has her safe? Good.” He nodded then his back stiffened as he listened. “Not happening, Deck. I’m not taking that chance.” Silence, except for the thumping of my heart and the blood rushing through my veins. Logan pulled me up the stairs. “Deck, I don’t care. You hear me? Change in plans. She goes. I’ll deal with Raul and the consequences.” He propelled me down a hallway, then out a side door that led us outside. He stopped, placed his hand over the receiver and said, “Dave.”

Dave appeared from behind the bushes. “We’re taking a risk meeting.” He nodded to the phone. “Taking a risk using that. It’s for the end game.”

“This is the end game. It needs to happen. Alfonzo is down.”

“Shit. Sculpt, that wasn’t—”

“We get her clear, and I’ll look after the rest. You got the signal?”

Dave ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, but Sculpt. Jesus. Not a good idea. Deck says—”

“Do I look like I care? Do it.”

I was so confused having no idea what was happening except Dave was shocked, Logan was losing control, and Deck was yelling through the speaker. They were speaking to one another as if … as if this was planned. Could it be true? Was Deck here? Could Logan be talking about getting me out of here? Why now? Why would he suddenly change his mind?

The flicker of hope was trying to emerge from beneath my fear. I was scared of what Logan was doing, of what would happen if he was caught, if we were caught. I was confused as to why Dave was helping and worried that this was some kind of setup.

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