Kisses and Warfare - Page 9

“Do you want one?”

“Yes,” she replies quickly.

“And Marcus?”

“I’ll work on it.” Rochelle smirks, kissing Annabelle before she passes her back to me. “He’s changing, not that I asked him to. But he is for me. These things take time, and I love him so much I will wait.”

“What if you have to wait forever?”

“Then forever I will wait. A love like ours doesn’t come around often. I’m sure of it.”

“Well, wedding planning soon? Yes?”

Annabelle claps her hands, wanting her bottle.

“Soon. I’m in no rush.” She looks down at her ring and smiles. “He did really good. I can just imagine him going into a jeweler to buy it too.” She starts to laugh. Marcus is a man of few words, and usually they’re not very friendly, unless he’s speaking to Rochelle, then that’s a whole other ball game.

“Love you. Call me later.” Rochelle walks out. And I wonder if one day I will get that—what she and Marcus have together. I’ve done everything backward. Isn’t the baby meant to come after marriage? Not a one-night stand who doesn’t care for his own daughter.

Kissing her cheeks, I pull her in for the best cuddle in the world. No one can cuddle you like little arms and hands can. It’s the best feeling.I found a babysitter and have told my mother I am only going back to work four days a week, so on the fifth night, I can let Annabelle fall asleep in her own house. Pulling my jacket tight around me, I arrive at work. My mother has Annabelle tonight, and it’s officially my first day back.

Steve sees me and waves excitedly.

My hair is up tightly, and my makeup is done to perfection.

When I get completely inside, I pull the jacket off. I only wear it outside of the club. Inside, I wear whatever the hell I want. Underneath is a red lace bodysuit with cups that are see-through, apart from my nipple area. It’s a lot less than I would wear anywhere else, but for here it’s considered modest.

“I’m taking this week off,” Steve says, carrying his computer. “If you need me, don’t call me.” He laughs as he walks out the door. I smile, knowing exactly what he’s going to be doing all week.

Going straight into my old office, I see all Steve’s things are now gone. It’s bare and pretty much back to how it was before I left. I never had anything personal in here anyway, just some makeup that I used occasionally for touch-ups, because if I wasn’t out on the floor, I was backstage with the girls. Opening the safe, I pull out my computer and place it on the desk. It’s now the only thing on it. Before I start for the night the door opens. Looking up, I see Sparkle, a young girl I hired six months before I went on maternity leave, standing there.

“You’re b-back,” she stutters, looking over her shoulder, then back to me. “I heard.”

“I am. Come in. Do you want to talk?” I wave my hand at her and she steps in, shutting the door behind her. Biting her lip, she looks at the vacant seat she would typically sit in, then back to me.

“I shouldn’t be here.”


Again, she bites her lip.

“Steve told the girls that you were back, and if they continue to pull any more shit, you will fire them.” I nod at her words. “They don’t care. They all say you won’t. So, they’re testing that theory for tonight’s show.”

Walking around to her, I place my hand on my hip and say in a low voice, “Who’s first up?”

“Rebecca. But she’s the ringleader. Says you can’t afford to get rid of her, and that you shouldn’t be in charge. It should be her.”

“You can go now.” I wave her off, and as she reaches for the door, I say, “Sparkle…” Bright eyes stare back at me as she spins around. “Don’t tell them you were in here.”

She nods then slips out.

Looking at the time, the first show is meant to start in exactly twenty-six minutes.

Waiting for a few minutes until I know Sparkle has gone, I grab my phone so I’m reachable and strap it to my hip before I walk out. Dim lights assault my senses. They are laced with blue to give the room more of an open feel and shine down on green couches, which the old boss put in. For some strange reason, he believed it would make the guys spend more.

The DJ waves at me as I walk past his booth, and I head straight out the back to the right, where lights and costumes are hanging everywhere. Walking past them, the girls all sit and smoke at their tables where they do their makeup.

A few look at me through their mirrors, stopping when they see me approach.

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024