Kisses and Warfare - Page 10


Rebecca turns, a cigarette hanging from her lips, legs crossed. I see Sparkle not far from her, looking down to the floor. I try not to give Sparkle too much attention, as the girls can be vipers when they want to be. “Who’s first up tonight? Doors are set to open in ten.”

They all stay silent. Not one of them makes a sound.


“Miss,” a few answer while Rebecca sits there smirking at me.

“Who’s first up?” They all look elsewhere while I look to Rebecca. “I’m guessing it’s you.”

“Yep. But I won’t be on time.” The way she says it, it’s as if she has every right to do whatever the fuck she pleases. She turns her nose up at me and looks back to the mirror, continuing to work on her face. I should tell her no matter how hard she tries to make the outside beautiful, the inside will never match. Instead, I smile and walk behind her while everyone goes quiet.

“I don’t think I heard you right. Did you just say you aren’t going to start work on time?”

A smirk. A dirty, big smirk is what I get in the mirror as she looks at me in the reflection while applying her lip gloss as slowly as possible.

“Yep. I’ll go out when I’m ready.”

I smile back at her. “Is that what you think?”

Her lip gloss is placed on the table in front of her. Rebecca briefly looks away, then when she looks back, she smiles. “That’s what I know. You’ve been gone a long time, Miss. Shit changes. You will have to change along with it.”

“That’s not how it works, Rebecca. Now, one last time… are you sure you aren’t going out there on time?”

“I told you already. No. What part of that didn’t you understand? I’ll go when I’m good and ready.”

I step back and look around.

All the girls are now watching, none of them look away.

“Pack your shit and leave. You have five minutes to remove yourself from my premises before I get security to escort you out.”

Rebecca’s mouth falls open, then closes fast. “You can’t do that.”

Ignoring her, I reach for my phone. “Tell McPherson to be back here in five.” I put the phone back and look to Rebecca. “Four and a half minutes left, Rebecca. Collect what you can, because whatever’s not in your hands will be mine.”

“You can’t do that,” she repeats.

Tapping my foot, I look around. All the girls have wide eyes as they watch the showdown between Rebecca and me. I look at my watch, waiting for the five minutes to be up, because you can sure as shit believe I will be kicking her sorry ass out. I don’t have time for this shit, and if she thinks she can run this place, she knows fuck all.

“I have clients who pay big dollars to see me. They won’t be happy tonight.”

“They will survive.” I look at my watch. “Two minutes.”

McPherson walks through the door and stands next to me. “Miss.”

“Two minutes.”

He nods and crosses his arms over his chest. Rebecca finally starts moving, opening her bag and sliding her hand across her table, dropping everything inside, then quickly turns, reaching for clothes before I tap my watch.

She throws her hands up in the air. “You are a cunt, Miss.”

“Takes one to know one, Rebecca. Nice knowing you.”

McPherson escorts her out, and all the girls stay silent.

“Prime real estate just opened. Who wants to open tonight?”

Ten sets of hands throw themselves in the air.

I turn to Sparkle and smile. “Knock them dead, kid. You have ten minutes to get your ass up on that stage. Tell the DJ your music and move.” I clap my hands, and all the girls run around in a frenzy to finish getting ready.

Ah, back to normal.

I smirk as I walk out the door.Chapter FiveBlaze“You think it looks okay, right?” Snow asks as his hand runs through his newly grown hair. It’s been shaved for so long, I almost forgot what color hair it was. “I mean, the ladies love me either way, you know. But come on… tell me what you think?”

We joined this club together and took it over together as well. It’s been Snow and me ever since we met, and we have been inseparable. He’s like glue that doesn’t know how to do anything but stick.

Thank fuck for that.

He’s saved my ass on more than one occasion.

I love my brother and everything he did for me growing up. But Marcus wasn’t capable at the time of being anything more to me than just someone who fed me and kept my crazy-ass mother at bay. Now she’s dead, and Marcus works for me when I need him. Not that he has to, but he just does.

Marcus is my blood brother and my MC brother.

Tags: T.L. Smith Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024