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Kisses and Warfare

Page 27

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Once I stop shaking, Blaze gets up, his lips glistening with me as he wipes at his mouth with the back of his hand. Standing, he takes his jeans off so I see him. All of him. And I must say, I’m impressed.

A knock comes on the door when I sit up. My legs are still shaky.

“Meet your requirements?” Blaze asks, his hand fisting his cock as he slides it up and down. My pussy starts to pulse at the thought of that sliding in me, and me loving every fucking minute of it.

“Kat.” Shit, Rochelle. “You in there?” She knocks again, not once does he stop stroking himself as he eyes me still on his bed, my skirt bunched up around my waist, my pussy bare for him to see. “Kat!” She bangs again.

“I’m coming,” I say while standing. Then as I shuffle my skirt down, I walk over to him snatching my phone from the floor. His dick is paused in his hand. “See ya later. Thanks for the head.” I lean up and kiss Blaze’s cheek. He goes to reach for me, but before he can grab hold, I open the door and sneak out, shutting it quickly behind me.

Rochelle stands there with her hands on her hips, and she’s eyeing me.

“Ready?” I ask with a smile that’s unable to leave my face. I walk past her and out the doors. When we reach her car, I see Marcus in his, waiting.

Sliding in, Rochelle starts her engine and turns to me. “Should I even ask?”

“Probably not.” I smile.

“Totally not asking then.” She smiles, shakes her head, and we head out.

We didn’t plan to go for long because Mom is at mine watching Annabelle. We didn’t expect to go out, but I tagged along with her anyway, hoping I might have a bit of fun after putting Annabelle down for the night.

Pulling up to my house, Rochelle doesn’t turn off the car, just looks to me.

“Just be careful, all right.”

“I would say I’m always careful, but Annabelle is proof I am not. So, maybe, I will tell you not to worry because I can always look after me.”

Rochelle’s hands grip the steering wheel tightly as she speaks, “Blaze isn’t safe. You want safe around Annabelle, do you not?”

“You are starting to sound like Mother,” I tell her while grinding my teeth. “And I don’t need two Mothers,” I reply to her.

“You have to forgive her for flipping out, Kat. You didn’t tell her you were pregnant until you were almost six months along, and you know Mom and Dad have old fashioned values. No children out of wedlock. You broke all of them. And yes, she flipped out on you, but she’s made up for that by loving Annabelle,” she says.

I always have butted heads with my mother, but that day when I finally built up the courage to tell her I was pregnant, I didn’t like her response. The things she said, like ‘you aren’t responsible enough for a kid,’ or my favorite, ‘you can’t even look after yourself,’ were spit from her mouth with disdain. It wasn’t like I was a teenager telling her. I was a grown woman who had a job. Yes, I liked to party way too much, but I don’t do any of that anymore. I work and occasionally go out with my sister. And if I do go out, I make sure to put Annabelle to sleep first. Being a single mom is not easy, and Mom has no idea what it’s like.

But Rochelle is right, Mom has been trying. She helps whenever I need it, and her snide comments have stopped. And my daughter loves her, so much.

“It’s a slow process to forgive someone who’s meant to have your back no matter what,” I say to her.

“But she is trying.”

“I have to go,” I say, getting out of the car, effectively ending the conversation about Mom. I look back down at Rochelle. “Who I choose to sleep with or spend my time with is up to me, Roch. Not you.” She nods her head, and I walk inside.

My mother is asleep on my couch with the television still switched on. I turn it off, and she opens her eyes.

“You’re back. You didn’t go for long.” Mom looks at the time—if I were at work, I would be gone all night. “Your sister gone home already?” she asks, standing and stretching.

“She has.” I take a deep breath. “I appreciate you always helping with Annabelle, Mother.”

A tear falls from her eye, but she wipes it away quickly. “It’s what I’m meant to do,” she says, smiling. “You are my daughter, and I love my granddaughter.”

“I know I’m not where you thought I would be, but I am happy with my life.”

Mom’s hand goes to her mouth and she hiccups, then I watch her start to cry.

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