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Kisses and Warfare

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Fuck! I hate seeing her upset.

“Mom,” I say while stepping closer.

She shakes her head, holding out her hand. “I’m proud of you. To raise a child as perfect as Annabelle by yourself is proof of how awesome you are as a person and as a mother.”

“Even if she is out of wedlock?” I ask.

“Of course, Kat. It was how I was raised to have children in wedlock, and I had hoped you two would be the same. But you don’t fit into any sort of mold, Kat. Instead, you break the mold. You wouldn’t be who you are if you didn’t.” Mom picks up her purse and heads for the door. “I also know where you work, but your father doesn’t. So, let’s keep it that way. Okay?” She walks out, leaving me standing there, shocked, and unable to respond.

I pick up my cell and call Rochelle straight away. “Did you tell her where I work?” I yell at her.

“Wow! Calm the fuck down. And who are you talking about exactly?”

“Mom! Did you tell her where I work?”

“Umm… no. Do I want to give her a heart attack? Why would I tell her that?”

“Because she knows, Roch. Mom just said, let’s keep it between us and not tell your father.”

“Well, fuck!” she says, clearly as confused as me. “Plus side… she didn’t yell at you and tell you what a piece of shit you are,” Rochelle adds. “That’s a bonus, right?”

“Yeah, a plus side, for sure,” I mutter, then hang up.Chapter FourteenKatIt’s been over a week since I’ve seen Blaze, since his skin touched mine and marked it with something I can’t seem to forget about.

Rochelle has invited me out, but I’m just not in the mood tonight. I’ve been working all week. There’s been no sign of Blaze, which is good, though every time I leave work, a bike is parked with one of his brothers sitting in the parking lot watching. I don’t think it’s him, but it’s someone from his chapter, as they’re wearing the same patch. We also haven’t had any trouble from the Wretched MC, thank God, because that’s not something I want to deal with.

“Mommm…” Annabelle purrs next to me, her hand slapping the table. She’s hungry, and our food is taking quite some time to come out.

“Soon, baby, your food’s coming soon.” I pull my phone out and show her Dora, who she happens to love at the moment, and that seems to occupy her for a good five more minutes until our food is placed in front of us. Annabelle’s food comes in a little paper boat, and she eagerly picks up the veggies and starts to devour them. It’s great she loves to eat broccoli and all the good for you stuff, so I don’t have to fight with her about it. Me? I love to eat hot French fries.

As we finish eating, a dessert is placed in front of us.

“Oh, I didn’t order this,” I say, looking down. However, it’s something I will for sure eat because it looks incredible.

“No, it was paid for by someone else.”

“Umm… okay. Who should I thank?” I ask, looking around.

The waiter goes to point, then shakes his head. “They’ve gone. Sorry.”

“Want some cake, baby?” I ask Annabelle.

Typically, I wouldn’t feed her sweets of any kind, as I want her to get used to eating all the right foods. The type of nourishment that’s good for her little body. But a small amount here and there shouldn’t affect her too much. I laugh when she takes the piece of cake from the fork and slathers her mouth with it. There’s chocolate going everywhere, and a smile that makes my heart pick up a beat as I watch her. “Good, right?” I say to Annabelle while she’s eating the rest of it. Wiping her face down with a baby wipe, I pick her up to pay.

“Your bill has been paid.”

“Sorry, what?” I ask.

“Your bill, it’s been paid,” he says as if I don’t understand him.

Well, I don’t.

“Was it someone wanting to do a good deed?” I ask, completely confused. This isn’t a fancy restaurant, but they do great steaks and amazing deserts. I like to bring Annabelle here when I am too lazy to cook since they serve some fantastic things for kids.

“Not that I’m aware of. It was a man, though, if that helps.”

“Okay, thank you,” I say, then walk out. As I arrive at my car, a figure is standing next to it. Blond hair, blue eyes, and his hands are shoved in his pockets as he leans against my car, waiting for me.


Fucking hell, his voice sends shivers all through me, and not the nice kind. If I weren’t holding Annabelle, I would be throwing something at his head.

“Mitchell,” I spit out his name.

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