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Pretty When She Cries - Black Mountain Academy

Page 83

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“I know.” I shrug. “I would probably tell you the same thing.”

She nods, and we finish our lunch in silence. Before we can make it out of the cafeteria unscathed, Audrey appears at our table out of nowhere.

“God,” I groan. “What now?”

Her eyes flick over me with disgust. “It looks like you’ve been in a good paddock lately. Shall I ask the cafeteria staff to get you a bucket of oats?”

“Fuck off, Audrey,” Court snaps at her.

“It’s okay.” I pin her with my gaze. “I’d rather be soft around the middle than starve myself to be like you for one more second, you toxic bitch.”

Her mouth falls open, and her eyes cloud over with rage. “What did you just call me?”

“You heard me the first time.” I smile up at her sweetly. “You might be pretty and plastic on the outside, but inside, you’re a fucking sewer. Your hate and bitterness are rotting you alive, and believe me, we can all smell it.”

A few people around us snicker, and Audrey looks as though she’s about to lose her shit. Someone on the other side of the cafeteria claps, and another person cheers. I recognize Aspen, the student council president, giving me a little thumbs-up. Audrey’s eyes are bulging out of their sockets when she heaves her claws in my direction. Before she can grab me, someone snatches her wrist and shoves her back.

“Leave her alone,” Jared growls.

I blink up at him in surprise. Why would he bother to come to my defense after what I did to him?

Audrey spins on her heel and shoves at his chest, but he doesn’t loosen his grip.

“Let me go,” she grits out. “Or I will make you regret it.”

“Go ahead.” He releases her and steps between us. “You have nothing left to hold over me anymore, you donkey-faced thundercunt.”

Another round of laughter and cheering ripples through the cafeteria as Audrey gapes in disbelief. She’s always been the queen bitch. It never occurred to her that she could lose her crown, but judging by the atmosphere here, it looks like she has way more enemies than she realized.

“This isn’t over,” she screeches over her shoulder as she stomps away.

I glance at Jared and force my appreciation through parched lips. “Thank you.”

He nods, and I’m worried he’s going to leave. So, before he can, I reach out to grab his arm. “I’ve been trying to call you.”

“I have a new number,” he says.

“Oh. Well, I was hoping… maybe we could talk?”

“Sure.” He shrugs.

“I’ll wait for you at my locker.” Court winks at me as she gets up from the table.

“Okay, thanks.”

She leaves, and Jared takes her place. The cafeteria is starting to clear out, and the bell will sound soon. But I have to do this now. I just hope he’ll hear me out.

“I’m so sorry, Jared. I did an awful, horrible thing. I betrayed your trust, and—”

“It’s okay,” he cuts me off. “I deserved it.”


He taps his fingers against the table and sighs. “I said all that shit to you that night because Audrey told me to. She wanted me to humiliate you and cheat on our fake relationship with one of her friends at the party, so I did.”

I should have known. None of Jared’s words or actions made any sense that night.

“But why would she ask you to do that?”

He’s quiet for a moment, and the sadness in his eyes catches me off guard. I recognize that hurt because I feel it too.

“When Jacob and I first got together, we agreed to keep our relationship under wraps. His team was important to him, and he didn’t want to compromise that. I thought I was okay with it, but the longer it went on, the harder it was. I was sick of lying to everybody and watching girls throw themselves at him right in front of me. One night, at a party, I let my emotions get the best of me, and we started arguing. I didn’t even realize Audrey had heard us until it was too late.”

“Oh, no.” My stomach twists. I think I can see where this is going.

“She didn’t even hesitate,” he says. “She threatened to out both of us, and Jacob freaked. He was pissed at me for being so reckless. I just wanted to fix it, so I told Audrey I’d do whatever she wanted. She asked me to humiliate you, and I didn’t want to do it, Kail. I swear I didn’t. But it felt like an impossible choice. I was in love with Jacob, and I thought he loved me too.”

“Didn’t he?” I whisper.

“Apparently not.” Indignation taints his voice. “Audrey made another deal with him behind my back. It wasn’t enough to punish you. She wanted to punish me too because I didn’t abide by her schoolwide ban on you. That’s why she fucked Jacob in the gazebo. It was all to prove a point. Audrey gets what Audrey wants.”

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