Tamed by the Billionaire - Page 5

“Good. I will appreciate punctuality in future.” Roman’s voice was firm.

Serena looked back at him, frowning slightly. She had not expected this. Normally, as soon as she started playing “defenseless maiden” all the men in her presence would jump to protect her and her feelings. She had expected Roman to tell her that it was okay, that she didn’t have to worry about being late. So charm had not worked with him. Not yet, anyway. She was not going to give up.

“I wanted to give you a proper introduction to Steele Industries, tell you about what we do here and what you will be expected to do in your new position. That won’t be possible seeing that we’re having this conversation twenty minutes later than planned.” He looked at her sternly.

She glared back at him, unable to stop herself. Her plan to charm this man seemed useless. He was much too overbearing. She could feel her face grow hot again but this time it wasn’t from embarrassment. She was too angry to be embarrassed. The man was frowning at her as if she were a wayward child.

“According to what your assistant told me you still have about ten minutes before your next meeting. Wouldn’t it make sense for you to make use of those minutes?” She gave him her haughty Serena Van Buren glare, the one she’d used to shrivel many a man who’d sought her attention.

Roman’s eyes narrowed. He seemed unimpressed. “I would appreciate your remembering your position here.”

“And what, exactly, is that position, Mr. Steele?” she said in challenge. “If you realize, you still haven’t told me what I’m supposed to be doing here.”

“As I’m sure your father already told you, you’ll be working closely with me. You’ll be my special project coordinator, assisting me in the launch of a new line of hair care products. You’ll be involved in all aspects of the launch – product development, consumer research, marketing, sales and finance. ”

Serena was silent for a moment, absorbing it all. Then she said slowly, “My father never told me any of this. It sounds like you plan to work me into the ground.”

“The job will require you to work with various departments. This is what people do, Miss Van Buren. They work for their compensation.” Roman’s voice was unyielding. “You will be expected to carry your weight around here just like everyone else.”

Serena bristled at his tone. “Mr. Steele, I want you to understand something. I don’t need to be here. I’m only here to please my dad so if you think I’m going let you-”

“As my employee you will do as I instruct,” he said coldly. “You may have thought you were coming here on holiday but you’re here to work. And make no mistake, you will deliver.”

“And if I don’t?”

“Then be prepared to face the consequences.”


“Hello.” Serena’s voice was husky with sleep. She rubbed her eyes and peered at the clock radio on her night stand. Six o’clock. Now who in the world would be calling her at this hour?

“Wake up, sleepy head.” Tammy’s shrill voice was jarring.

Serena put the phone receiver away from her ear and glared at it. She could still hear Tammy’s giggles from afar and she was not amused. She was still frowning as she put the receiver back to her ear.

“Tammy, why are you calling me so early in the morning? This had better be important.” She sighed and shook her head. “Although I have a feeling it’s not.”

“I have Jan on the phone, too,” Tammy said cheerfully, totally ignoring Serena’s annoyed tone. “We’re doing a three way so we can give you the good news together.”

Serena yawned and stretched luxuriously under the down comforter. “What good news?”

“Tammy and I are leaving for Paris next week.” Jan’s voice was breathless.

“What? You’re still going? Without me? We were supposed to do that as a group, as friends.” Serena sat up in the bed, fully awake and peeved at this turn of events. She’d been planning this trip with Tammy and Jan all year and now they were planning to run off without her.

“But Serena, you won’t be free for months. You’re stuck in that job thing you’re doing and we still want to go.” Tammy could not hide the eagerness from her voice.

“We got another girl to join with us,” Jan chimed in. “Remember Kelly Snow? We told her about the trip and she’s crazy about the idea. You know we needed a third person to split the hotel costs.”

“I was supposed to be that third person to help you guys out,” Serena said bitterly. “And now all you do is stab me in the back.”

“There’s no need to be nasty about it,” Jan scolded her. “You’re not available right now and we still want to go. When we get back we can do lots of things together but this might be our last chance to fulfill our dream of exploring Europe. You can go any time you want. All you have to do is ask Daddy. But Tammy and I have to grab this opportunity while we can.”

“I know,” Serena said softly, “and I’m sorry. It’s just that I was so looking forward to doing this with you guys. If I go by myself it won’t be any fun. I just thought you would wait for me.”

“You know we would if we could,” Jan said soothingly. “We’ll make it up to you, Serena. Promise.”

“Just do your best on this job of yours and maybe your dad will be so impressed he’ll give you an even better gift than a trip to Europe.” Tammy’s voice was softer and a little less shrill than usual as she tried to comfort her friend.

“Yeah, that job,” Serena said with a sigh. “It’s only my second day and I hate it already. The personal assistant is bossy and my boss…well, let’s just say he’s definitely not what I expected.”

“I bet he has a paunch and a bald head and gives you googly eyes across the desk.” Tammy had begun to giggle again.

“Not exactly,” Serena said slowly, suddenly not sure she wanted to share everything with her friends. She had boasted so much about how she would ‘wrap the old geezer around her little finger’. Roman Steele was definitely not an old geezer and wrapping him around her little finger was probably going to be as easy as wrapping cold steel around that digit.

Jan’s voice broke into her thoughts. “Just let them know you’re a Van Buren. Once you fix them with that cold stare they’ll wither.”

“Uhh, guys, I’ve got to go now.” Serena cut in before Jan could say more. “I have to get ready for work.”

“Doesn’t that sound weird?” A chuckle followed Tammy’s question. “I’ve never heard you say anything like that.”

“Come off it, Tammy,” Jan said, sounding annoyed. Then she said in a voice that was quiet and almost apologetic, “We understand, Serena. We’ll let you go now. Call you later, okay?”

“Okay.” She hoped they didn’t hear the sob in her voice.

Serena hung up the phone and for the next few moments she just lay there, staring at the wall as the thought sank in. They were going to Europe without her. While they were touring famous museums, meeting charming Frenchmen and handsome Italians, she would be slaving away at a boring office job.

She shook her head, dispelling the awful thought, then slid out of bed and headed for the bathroom feeling abandoned and alone. Her friends had betrayed her and were heading off to have fun without her, with boring Kelly Snow to boot. Her father had shipped her out of the house, cut off her allowance and put her in this apartment in the city. Okay, it was a nice apartment but it wasn’t home and she missed her dogs and her horse. Her father had turned out to be a cruel, cruel man. What was worse her grandmother who had always defended her now seemed to be on his side. She just could not understand why her friends, her family, the whole world had turned against her. It was not fair.

Then as she stared at her frowning face in the bathroom mirror her mind tiptoed back to Roman Steele. Gorgeous, heart-stopping Roman Steele. She had to admit, he was one of the most attractive men she had ever seen, with his deep dark eyes and glossy black hair that curled sexily at his nape. Olive-skinned with a strong, square jaw, he could give any of the Italian hunks a run for their money. The man oozed sex appeal.

But he was also a serious man. She’d seen that very clearly on day one. He was not one to mess around with. But still, she couldn’t just bow her head and play meek, mild-mannered assistant like he probably wanted. No way. That was definitely not her style.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. A quarter to seven already? Had she been daydreaming so long? She began to strip. If she wanted to get to the office on time she’d have to be on the highway in the next forty-five minutes. Today she was not in the mood to be chewed out by Roman Steele.

Or was she? Serena lifted her face to the mirror again and this time a look of mischief was reflected there. Did she want to be a good girl or did she want to get fired? To be good or not to be good, that was the question. And she had the answer.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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