Tamed by the Billionaire - Page 6

Today she would make Roman Steele so angry that he would be happy to see the back of her. Salary be damned. Today was the day she was going to get fired.


After a two hour stop at Holt Renfrew where she lounged in the cosmetics department and got a free makeover Serena pulled into the parking lot of Steele Enterprises at exactly eleven-fourteen a.m.. As she shoved the shopping bags aside and reached for her purse her heartbeat accelerated and her palms grew damp. This was it, the showdown she’d been waiting for.

She signed in at the front desk then rode the elevator to the sixth floor where she headed straight for the cubicle to which she’d been assigned. Dropping her bag and cell phone onto the desk she slid into her chair and breathed a sigh of relief. So far so good. She knew a bombshell was about to fall but not just yet. When it did, she wanted to be ready.

Serena unzipped her handbag and reached for her lipstick and compact. She needed to fortify herself for the battle ahead. There was nothing like looking your best to boost your confidence. She flipped the compact open and was peering into the tiny mirror, tracing her lips with ruby red, when she felt eyes on her. She turned quickly and found herself staring into the flashing dark eyes of Theresa Lederman.

Snapping the compact shut Serena lifted her face to the woman and gave her a look laced with challenge. For a moment neither of them spoke. Theresa was obviously trying to intimidate her but it wasn’t going to happen. What? Did she think her icy stare could browbeat a Van Buren? She’d have a long wait.

Finally, the woman spoke. “Mr. Steele asked for you over two hours ago.”

Serena cocked an eyebrow. “Oh?” She did not offer an apology.

“He had a meeting with the advertising agency this morning. He wanted you to participate.” When Serena just stared back at her Theresa pursed her lips, obviously put out by her lack of response at the announcement. “He asked me to take you to see him as soon as you got in.”

“No problem,” Serena said, her tone light as she rose to face Theresa. Little did the woman know that inside she was shaking. “Let’s go.”

Theresa looked surprised at her boldness but she held her tongue, turned on her heel and headed toward the elevator. Serena followed some distance behind, not wanting to seem like a wayward child being escorted to the principal’s office. She felt the weight of curious eyes from the nearby cubicles but she held her head high, refusing to look to the right or the left. She desired no distraction. She needed her wits about her to face the imminent wrath of Roman Steele.

The two women rode the elevator in silence. At the tenth floor Theresa strode down the hallway, knocked on the heavy oak door and, just like the day before, opened it and stepped aside. On her face was a look of something close to…sympathy?

Serena blinked. That did not make sense. The woman had no reason to feel sorry for her. But then the door was pulled shut behind her and there was no more time to think about it, no more time to prepare. She’d been thrown into the den with the lion.

Serena’s eyes snapped over to Roman’s desk and there he sat, face rigid, dark eyes flashing with an anger she could feel clear across the room. She stood stock-still, heart pounding in trepidation. Her fingers curled into fists as she fought to steady her nerves. Come on, Serena, what’s the worst he can do to you? He certainly can’t kill you. Still, she did not budge, opting to stay close to the door…just in case.

She was still contemplating her next move when, in one fluid movement, Roman got up from behind the desk and began to walk toward her.

Serena gasped and took an involuntary step back. When her bottom smacked the door she realized there was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. What the heck had she gotten herself into?

But then, to her relief, he stopped in front of the desk and pulled out a chair. “Are you going to stand there all day, Miss Van Buren?” He held out his hand, directing her gaze to the empty chair. “Have a seat.” Then without so much as another glance in her direction he went back around the desk and sat down.

Serena expelled her breath. The man wasn’t coming to get her, he was simply offering her a chair. What was she thinking? She’d been so wired up, expecting his rage, that she’d imagined his anger. Her sudden fear had been unfounded. She was not out of the woods yet. She’d be stupid to think that. But at least it seemed that he would be calm and collected about things.

Before she could lose her courage Serena walked over to the chair and perched on the edge, hands clasped tightly in her lap. Okay, Roman Steele. Do your worst. I’m ready for you. She was preparing herself for the fight she knew was coming.

He did not cut corners. Folding his arms across his broad chest he gave her a cold stare. “So what’s your excuse today? More traffic on the road?”

Serena shrugged in as casual a manner as she could muster. “No. I just didn’t feel like coming in early today.”

Roman stared at her in stunned silence. Then his brows fell and he glared at her. “You seem to misunderstand your position here. As an employee of this company it is your responsibility to get to work on time-”

“And what do you do with employees who don’t follow the rules?” Serena cut him off before he could launch into the lecture she knew was coming. “You fire them, right? Well, I would suggest you give me my walking papers because you and I know this is not going to work out.”

“Oh, so that’s it. You’re working to get fired. Well, don’t hold your breath. It’s not going to happen.”

Her shock at his response made Serena hop to her feet. “What? What do you mean, it’s not going to happen? You have to fire me.”

Roman’s lips curled in a sardonic smile. “Oh, do I? Sorry to disappoint you but you’re stuck here with me. You’ll leave in six months and not a day sooner.”

“You can’t do this to me.” Serena’s voice cracked with frustration. “I’ll never fit in here. I’ll never do what you want. You need to fire me. Now.”

Roman leaned forward in his chair, his face as hard as rock. “Never.”

Serena gasped. What kind of game was this man playing? Why couldn’t he see reason? “I don’t want to be here and you don’t want me here. Why don’t you fire me? You know you want to, so what’s stopping you?”

Roman’s nostrils flared. “You don’t know what I want to do right now.”

“Of course I do,” Serena retorted. “You want to take your perverse pleasure in torturing me. You know I can’t quit because of my father’s conditions. The only way I can get out of this is if you fire me. So why don’t you just do it? You want me to beg? Is that what you want?”

“You don’t know what I want,” he said through gritted teeth, his scowl as black as night.

“I do know, you sadist. You want to make me suffer-” Serena gasped as Roman got up and in two strides was right in front of her, his large frame towering over her. “What-”

“This is what I want. I’ve wanted it ever since I laid eyes on you.” His arm snaked round her waist and he pulled her body into his, so close that she could feel the powerful muscles of his suit-clad legs and the hard ripples of his chest through the cotton of his shirt. His other hand cupped her head as he pulled her even closer, bringing her face up to his, forcing her to stand on tiptoe.

She put her hands up, clinging to his broad shoulders for balance, and he pressed firm lips to her gasping ones, taking full control, kissing her until she melted in his embrace. As his tongue explored her she responded willingly, eagerly, wanting this too, more than anything in the world. Had he known she wanted his kiss from the very first day they met? Had he seen the desire in her eyes? She would not ponder any of that. For the moment she would wipe everything from her mind and revel in his kiss.

Too soon he lifted his head, withdrawing his lips from hers, leaving her panting. Slowly, he withdrew his arm and set her back on her feet.

Still feeling like she was floating on air Serena opened her eyes and peered up into Roman’s face. What she saw there made her step back in dismay. The scowl on his face was even darker than before. Was he totally unmoved by the kiss?

Roman gripped her upper arms and set her away from him. “I suggest you leave my office now,” he said, his voice a harsh growl, “or else I won’t be responsible for my actions.” Then, with a look of disgust he released her arms and turned back towards his desk.

Serena did not wait to see what he would do next. Smarting from the blow of his rejection she turned and marched to the door. When she went through it she pulled it shut none too gently. She was fuming. She was mortified. She was…she didn’t know what she was. She’d never been so humiliated in her life. So she disgusted him, did she? And yet he refused to release her from her bondage? Well, she would just see about that.


Roman dropped into his chair and let his breath out in a whoosh. He shook his head, hardly believing what had just happened. What the hell had he done? Serena Van Buren was an employee, for Christ’s sake. On the job for all of two days. The daughter of his associate, a girl entrusted to his care. And what did he do? He’d done a damned good job of playing the pervert, taking advantage of the girl right there in the middle of his office. Jesus, what was he thinking? He was so disgusted with himself he could not sit still. He got up and began to pace the room.

Tags: Judy Angelo Billionaire Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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