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The Amendment (The Contract 2)

Page 87

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“Oh.” I grinned as the memory hit me. “The elevator.”

She waggled her eyebrows, looking adorable. “The elevator. I forgot to take my pill. I remembered the next day and took it. I’ve done that before and we’ve always been okay, but this time I had also been on antibiotics…” She shrugged. “Add in your super sperm and bang! I’m pregnant.”

I winked. “I don’t know about super sperm, but it was quite the bang if I remember correctly.”

She giggled, still sounding nervous.

I cupped her face and kissed her, rubbing my thumbs in small circles on her cheeks. “I don’t care how it happened. I’m thrilled, sweetheart. Beyond thrilled.” I kissed her again. “In fact, throw away those pills. I’ll handle it from now on, or you can just keep getting pregnant. We make awesome babies.”

She laughed and flung her arms around my neck. “Maybe it will be a boy this time.”

I felt a little tug on my heart as I thought about having a son. A little guy I could hang with. Teach about football and cars. Girls.

“As long as it is healthy, I don’t care,” I stated.

Katy grinned. “Liar. I saw your eyes light up.”

I shrugged. “Maybe. If not, we’ll keep trying. A baby with a penis is bound to show up at some point.”

She rolled her eyes at my teasing.

“Are you feeling okay?”

She lifted one shoulder. “It’s been easy so far. No morning sickness. Not even a little nausea. I feel a bit tired, but other than that, I’m good.”

“You saw the doctor?”

“Yes. I have an ultrasound soon.”

“I’m there.”

She smiled. “I knew you would be.”

I tugged her back to my chest, holding her tight. “Thank you, sweetheart. Best gift ever.”

She snuggled close, and I shifted, laying us both down and drawing up the blankets. She was asleep in seconds, leaving me to stare at the fluffy balls of wool.

I thought of the past months.

The terrible pain, drama, and worry were behind us. The shadows and clouds dispelled.

Ahead was clear and bright.

A baby.

A new life to join us and make my life even more complete.

I looked down at my wife—the center of my universe and the reason I was the man I was today.

She was my greatest gift.I parked the car and turned to Katy with a grin. “This feels familiar.”

I was glad to be back to driving. It took a while to get my fears under control and my confidence back. I was more cautious than before the accident, but I took some defensive driving classes and they helped. I no longer had to be driven places, and I didn’t break out in a sweat when I got into a car.

Katy brushed the hair back from her face. At sixteen weeks, she was already glowing. This had been a different pregnancy for her. Little morning sickness, except she was tired all the time. And she was already showing more than she had with the other two girls.

I love her baby bump and watching the changes that happened with her body. The way her breasts filled out, the swell of her tummy as my child grew within her, the soft expression she wore as she absently ran her hand over her stomach, not even realizing she was doing it.

“Third time’s the charm, they say.” She winked as I opened her door and extended my hand to help her out of the car. “Are we going to find out the sex this time?”

We hadn’t with Gracie or Heather. I knew this time she wanted to know, and I had no objections. We needed to plan the nursery and move Heather, so I nodded. “Why not? Surprise today or in a few months—I’m good with either. It’ll make some decisions easier, I suppose.”

“Okay, then, Daddy. Let’s find out.”

The waiting room was busy, but once we were called in, I helped Katy into her gown and to get settled on the table. The paper crinkled as she shifted on the bed, nerves making her restless.

I kissed her forehead and held her hand. I was excited too, so I couldn’t sit down. Standing would have to suffice, although I wanted to pace. The room was too full of equipment to allow that.

Suzanne came in, her face beaming. “Hello, you two.” She had been with us for the birth of both girls, and Katy trusted her completely. She was a great doctor and an even better human being. We were both very fond of her.

She bustled around, getting all the equipment she needed. “We ready to say hello?”

Katy bit her lip, already tearing up.

I cleared my throat. “We’d like to know the sex this time.”

Suzanne looked surprised. “That’s different for you.”

Katy sighed. “This whole pregnancy is different.”

Suzanne asked a bunch of questions, made notes, did an exam, and finally smiled. “All looks good. It’s your third, Katy. Your body reacts differently each time.”

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