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The Amendment (The Contract 2)

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She pulled the ultrasound machine closer. “Let’s have a look.”

I chuckled as she squirted the gel on Katy’s tummy, making her squirm. Katy always reacted to the cold. I kissed her and watched as the wand moved back and forth, and the image became clearer.

“There’s your baby.” Suzanne smiled, clicking and measuring. I held my breath as she turned on the sound, and I heard the heartbeat. The odd noise filled the room, the fast, steady sound like music to my ears.

“You’re sure you want to know?”

“Yes!” Katy and I exclaimed.

“It’s a girl,” Suzanne announced.

I laughed. “I’m surrounded. My own little harem.”

Katy’s eyes were focused on the screen. She tilted her head, looking confused.

“It all looks good…” Suzanne’s voice trailed off.

I frowned at the subtle change in the noise. It was faster, like an echo of itself, the strumming continuous.

“Well, look who’s been hiding,” Suzanne mused and glanced over at us. “There’s the reason this one is different, Katy.” She grinned and winked at me. “You did good, Richard.” She peered at the screen intently.

“It’s twins. And the second one is a boy.”

I blinked. Looked at Katy. Back at the screen. Blinked again.

There were two babies.

We were having two babies.

And one was a son.

I was having a son.

This generation of VanRyan men would know he was wanted and loved. I would teach him about family. Graham would be a real grandfather to him. Maddox and Aiden would be horrendous influences on him, and I would pretend to be outraged and secretly enjoy every moment of their adventures. Laura would spoil him.

He would have everything I didn’t as a child.

All my children would.

I wasn’t sure I had ever whooped in a doctor’s office until that very moment.

But I did—and loudly. Loud enough to make Katy jump and the doctor laugh.

I kissed Katy. Kissed her for the gift of two more children to love and the son I secretly wished to have. Once again, she made my dreams come true.

“Thank you,” I said against her lips. I tasted salt but didn’t know if it was from my tears or hers. It didn’t matter.

“You did it,” she whispered back.

“We did it.” I kissed her again, my happiness knowing no bounds. “We did it.”SEVERAL MONTHS DOWN THE ROAD…The hospital halls echoed with the sound of my footsteps as I hurried down the corridor. I stopped by the desk and met the amused gaze of Shelly. She had been on duty every time one of my kids was born, and she was used to me by now.

“How is she?’

“You were gone fifteen minutes. She survived.”

I glared at her and held up a large bag. “I got enough ice cream for everyone. Unless they’re rude.”

She snagged the bag from my hand with a laugh. “Good thing I’m not. I hope you brought spoons.”

I chuckled as I moved past her, needing to get back to Katy.

Katy’s ice cream craving had been constant this time. I couldn’t keep it in the house. I’d fill the freezer, and by the next day, I had to stop at the store again.

Today, after giving birth to our children, she had asked for some. Given everything we went through today, she could have anything she wanted from me, and ice cream was easy. Even if I hated leaving her for the briefest of moments.

I opened the door to Katy’s private room, smiling at the sight in front of me. Katy was asleep, her cheek resting on her hand. Her face was pale and wan, but a smile still played on her lips. She was exhausted.

The latter part of her pregnancy had been fraught with problems. Katy was tiny, and carrying one baby was hard enough, never mind two. And my son seemed determined to make sure she knew he was in there and growing. Constantly active, larger than his sister, he was a challenge. The entire pregnancy was. After a few scares in the second trimester, bed rest was ordered and a date for a cesarean set. Somehow, Katy held on, and today our children arrived, healthy and happy at thirty-six weeks. Suzanne was pleased and expected their stay in the NICU to be a matter of days, not weeks. I already had a hotel suite booked close to the hospital. The girls were in the care of Mrs. Thomas, Laura, and Brad and June, who loved spending time with them. With the help of a nanny I had hired, they would be well cared for until Katy and I brought their siblings home. It would be a few days before the girls could see them, but I had sent pictures, and they were both excited.

I sat down, running my finger along Katy’s cheek. She would be upset if I brought her ice cream and she didn’t get to eat it.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she grasped my hand with a smile. “Hi.”

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