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Loved by the Plus Sign

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“Ok. Then what is wrong? I can hear it in your voice, hermanita. Talk to me.” Hearing her call, me what she has called me since we were kids brings tears to my eyes. I love her so much. She has been the one constant in my life.

“Nothing, really. I am just stupid. For one split second I let myself believe that a man really wanted me. Then reality hit and I woke up.” I tell her not really wanting to get into it.

“So, we are either talking about Pedro, the guy that was with Mark and looking at you like the steak to his Lion side. Or, you have a whole other life going on I know nothing about. So, spill.”

“Yes. It was Pedro. We were supposed to go out tonight on a date, but then he didn’t show and didn’t call. The thing is, why do I give a shit? He wasn’t my man or anything. Just like I am not his woman.”

“That’s where you are wrong, tulip. I am your man and you, my delicate flower, are very woman.” I scream and jump dropping my phone on the floor at the sound of his deep masculine voice in my room.

“Jesus.” I say holding my chest. “How the hell did you get up here?” I look around and note the window is still closed.

“Lily let me in.”

“Oh, she did, did she? I see she and I are going to have a talk when you leave.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.

“Not necessary, tulip. She gave me a lecture before she let me up. She just wants to see you happy. Now, are you going to let me explain, or you just like being upset?” The smirk on his face makes me want to smack him and kiss him all at once. I am trying to keep my mad face, but with him standing here, smiling at me like I am his favorite breakfast, I can’t help but want to give in.

“It doesn’t matter. It won’t change anything.” I say trying once more to keep up my facade. He walks up to me, pulls me into his arms and everything begins to fade.

“Look, I had every intention of coming to get you. I got a call about a hostage situation and I was the only hostage negotiator on duty. I thought it was going to be quick, but it turned out to be a serial killer we had been looking for and everything went to hell. I had to save the woman he had taken, baby. By the time it was over, I was already late, and I had to ride back to the precinct to give my statement and fill out my paperwork. I am so sorry, Vanessa. I would never want to hurt you.” He leans in and kisses me softly, his thumb rubbing my cheek. “Can you forgive me?” I find myself nodding yes before I can give it another thought. “Excellent. Now it is not too late to go out and get a pizza. Grab your jacket, baby and let’s go.” I look down at my sweats and t-shirt and back up at him.

“Like this?” I say gesturing to myself.

“What the fuck is wrong with how you look? To me you are the most beautiful woman in the world. No matter what you are wearing. Understand?” He holds my chin forcing me to look at him.

“Yes.” I say simply.

“Good. Now let’s go get something to eat. Do you think Lily wants to come?” I shrug not sure and go into her room.

“Did he tell you why he was late?” She asks and smiles at me.

“Yes. Don’t think I don’t have some things to say to you for letting him in here and not at least giving me a warning.” I put on my best frown.

“Why? So you can tell me to ignore him...nope. You needed to hear what he had to say. Are you guys going out?”

“Yeah. We are going to grab some pizza. You should come.”

“Thanks for the invite, but Mark is on his way over and we are going to have a movie night. He is bringing pizza already. You have fun though.” she giggles and finishes her homework.

The entire ride to the restaurant is quiet yet filled with tension. I don’t know about him, but I am dying on the inside. My body is shaking, quivering if you will. Silently begging him to take me and make me his. Of course, this is nothing I will ever say out loud, but fuck if it isn’t flowing through my blood stream. Luckily the restaurant is not busy, and we get seated right away. I need to sit and hide the way my thighs are squeezed together trying to subdue the ache.

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