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Loved by the Plus Sign

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“Ask me anything. Come on. I am an open book. What do you want to know?” His question pulls me out of my vision, my face heating up as I come to. “Ah. Interrupted a thought, did I? Care to share?” he asks his eyes twinkling with the knowledge that I was thinking about him.

“Uhm...well…” I struggle trying to come up with something to ask him as my mind comes back to the present. “Ah. Did you always know you wanted to be a detective?”

“Always. I can never remember wanting to be anything else.”

“That’s awesome. You want to get married? Have kids?” As soon as the questions leave my mouth, I want to take them back. Too personal and to be honest, I don’t know that my heart could take the answer either way.

“I always have.” Is all he says but his eyes don’t leave mine and I find myself wishing for something I said I had given up on. This is harder than I thought.6PedroShe is so fucking gorgeous sitting across from me trying not blush. Little does she know, her cheeks have been red since the moment I walked into her bedroom, letting me know she isn’t as immune to me as she likes to pretend to be. “My turn to ask you some questions. Yes?” I give her the chance to decline. She moves her hair behind her ear and nods to me. “Excellent. I say we get the hard stuff out of the way first. I would like to know what has caused you so much hurt, that you don’t see yourself the way I and everyone else does?” I know this question has shook her because her head drops a moment before she straightens her shoulders and looks back at me.

“I guess it would start with my parents. They had a very volatile relationship. All they did while my sister and I were growing up is fight, drink and drugs. Then one day, when I was still pretty small, my dad left. My mom, instead of picking herself and us back up, she drank herself into oblivion. If it weren’t for Ray, I don’t know where I would be. She worked a bunch of after school jobs, took me with her, made sure I was safe until she graduated high school and moved me in with her. She is my one constant. Our parents never hugged us, kissed us, showed us any affection. Hell, I don’t even know why they had us.” My body goes on alert listening to her talk about her childhood. My mind begins to look throughout the choices I have for how to avenge this amazing woman who has stolen my heart.

“Relationships? Hobbies? Likes? Dislikes?” I really just want her to open up to me. I need her to start trusting me.

“Well, I am a teacher, as you know. Always wanted to be one. I love teenagers. Watching as they become young adults and learn what they want out of life, knowing I had a hand in it, makes me feel good.” The warmth and love that crosses her face just adds to the many reasons I am finding that she is perfect for me. “As far as hobbies, I don’t actually have any of those. However, I am an investor in a Tattoo Shop called the Tattooed Vixen in Savannah. One of my best friends owns it. I am actually going there next weekend to get my first tattoo.” My cock shot straight up hearing her talk about getting a tat.

“That’s awesome baby. I would love to go with you, if you are ok with that?” Not that she actually has a choice, but hey, I can be a gentleman.

“That would be nice.” Fucking blushing.

“Awesome. So, what about boyfriends?”

“I have had one boyfriend. We were together for two years. At the end, he basically told me that the only reason he was with me was because I was fat, and he figured I would be easy due to being thankful that someone wanted me. Once he realized I wasn’t going to give him my virginity, he had no use for me anymore.” She shrugs as she says the last part like she agrees. Me, all I can see is red. I am picturing a firing squad with her parents and this dipshit lined up along the wall and me ending all of them.

“First of all, I am more than happy I am going to be the one to pop that cherry, baby. Once again, a sign that you are meant to be mine. Second, that limp dick bastard didn't deserve you then and no one on this Earth other than me is good enough for you now. Third, you are more beautiful than anyone I have ever met in my life, tulip. All I am asking is for the chance to show you I mean it. Can we start over?” She smiles as the tear falls from her face. My jaw clenches harder as I contain myself. She nods and wipes her face. “Good girl. Now let’s finish dinner.” We continue to eat, silence the only thing louder than the sound of the music playing in the background. However, I am a firm believer that sometimes silence says more.

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