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More Than Her

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“What the fuck, Dun. Why the hell is my wife yelling and screaming at nine in the evening?”

“Calm down. I just asked her if she would go house hunting with me and to pick out a ring next week.”

“Jesus. This couldn't have waited until morning? Now I have to calm her little ass down before she upsets my son.” he says, the pride in his voice as he talks about the baby they are expecting, makes me happy for my friend. “NetTime, you call and give me the news first, got it?”

“Yea man. Sorry. I was just feeling a bit excited.”

“I get it. Congratulations on the prep. Now find your girl.”

“Don’t worry. I will.”Chapter FiveDunAnother week with no fucking information. I have been trying to busy myself with business and getting everything together. Like today, I am meeting Phillipa so I can show her the few houses Esme and I found. After she showed me several options, I narrowed it down to the top three and that is what I am going to show Phillipa. I sent her pictures of them so she could get a jump start. I want to be sure it is perfect for my wife and her best friend would know more than me. Pulling up to the house beside Esme’s car, I see Phillipa has already arrived and must be inside as well. The first thing I notice just like when I saw it the first-time last week, is the amazing view in the living room. It overlooks what I can imagine being a rose garden, watching our children run through the front of the house laughing and giggling, while me and Lani watch on, her belly burgeoning with evidence of our love inside of her again. Jesus. Where the fuck is she?

“Dun.” I hear my name called, pulling me from my daydream. I turn and find Phillipa and Esme staring at me. I am not at all surprised when I see Cord standing behind her.

“Phillipa. Esme. Cord. Guard dog much.” I chuckle, shaking his hand knowing I would be the same way. “Thank you everyone for meeting me here. I am hoping that out of the three houses we are going to see today, one of them will be good enough for my family.”

“Well I have to say, if this one is any indication to what you have chosen to be the options, then I think I am going to have a hard time deciding.” Phillipa says walking around the house.

“Thank you. I don’t care which one you think will be best. I just want it to be best for her. Tell me and it is done.” she looks at me, her eyes assessing me, searching, looking to see if I am serious. I halfway want to unbutton my shirt, my chest sweating like I am on trial. But I will withstand anything if it gets my women back here.

“Who would like a tour?” I look at Phillipa, indicating it is up to her. I don’t need to see it. This is not for me. It’s for my heart.

“Sure.” she says following her around the house. I stay downstairs with Cord.

“Has the jackass come up with anything yet?” he asks, inquiring about our mutual P.I.

“Nah. His ass is as good as fired.” I grunt, getting pissed off all over again.

“I just want you to know, she has been asking her every time they talk for her whereabouts, brother. She is serious when she says she is trying to help, but so far, your girl is giving nothing.” that information is making my gut wrench. I can’t help but wonder if maybe I am too late. Is she ever going to come back to me? ‘Fuck that shit. Gut up, Dun. she has no fucking choice but to come back to you.’ I scold myself. I am about to ask him if she has given a place of employment. Don’t need the state. Just a company would do. Before I can, the ladies walk back into the foyer.

“Phillipa, what do you think?” I ask her, more than anxious for her input.

“To be honest Dun, I don't think we need to see anything else. I took a look at the photos from all of them and had it narrowed down to the top two with this being at the top of the list. Now that I have seen it, I know this is the one.” thank fuck.

“What makes you so sure?” it is not that I am doubting how much she knows about Lailani, but I am trying to learn more.

“The settee pairs overlook the garden in the back. For as long as I have known her, she has talked about her grandmother and the garden she used to have. She used to tell me how when she finally got a house, she would want a window, overlooking the garden where she can sit and read books, watching as the summer roses bloomed.”

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