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More Than Her

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“Thank you, Phillipa. There is one last thing…” reaching into my jacket pockets, I pull one box from each and produce them for her.

“You better be fucking asking her for her opinion and not proposing to my wife, dead fuck.” Cord growls. His wife and I both look at him like he has lost his fucking mind. Ignoring him, we both turn our attention back to the boxes. Opening both of them, I wait for her reaction and approval.

“Oh my.'' I hear Esme say, reminding me she is still here. “Hell, if she doesn’t say yes, I might put up with your annoying ass for one of those.” she says laughing. I smile at her, not surprised by her smart-ass comment. However, the only person I am waiting to hear from is my woman's best friend. I look back up at her face and note the tears shining in them.

“Good job dickhead. You just made my pregnant wife cry.” he says wrapping his arms around her.

“Shut up grumpy. I am just so happy for my stubborn friend. Dunbar they are beautiful. Wow.” she laments. My shoulders drop, the tension leaving them.

“Which one do you think she will love the most?”

“Honestly, both of them are exquisite. I don’t think you needed me at all for any of this.” she says.

“Why would you say that?” I ask her, shocked by her admission.

“All she used to talk about is how Tiffany’s is a store for princesses. Only someone who really knows her, would pick up on that because I know she didn’t tell you that. Did she?” she is right. This is the first I am hearing of it.

“No, she didn’t. I just...she is my Queen. She deserves nothing less than jewelry fit for royalty.'' I say shrugging my shoulders not able to say anything other than the truth.

“I promise Dun, we are going to find her. No matter what I have to do, I am going to make her tell me something. I can see now how much you love her and I want this for her. I want her to have what Cord and I have. After the life she has had, she deserves this and more.” she hugs me before her husband pulls her back from me, scowling at me, making me chuckle.

After all the paperwork and handshakes are done, we all part ways and once again I am left going back to an empty condo, without the love of my life. The drive there however, my mind keeps pondering what Phillipa said. Lani has told me minute information about her childhood. Every time I would ask more questions, she would dodge it by putting her mouth around my cock and well shit...all questions would be over. Now I am starting to think, I should have forced her to talk to me. When I finally get my hands on her, after fucking the shit out of her, spanking her fucking ass for leaving me and then making love to her like the Goddess she is, I am going to make her tell me everything. There will be no more secrets between us. I won’t allow her to hide anything from me, ever again.Chapter SixDunThree Months LaterIf anyone had asked me five months ago if the walking dead were real, I would have sent them straight to the asylum. But now, being living proof they do exist, I can't help but feel sorry for the sick fucks that have no heart and no soul. How many of them do you think died from a broken heart? Not the pansy ass kind either. Like this girl won’t circle yes on my love note...or she ignored me in the ice cream shop in front of her friends. NO! I am talking about the kind where you watched your heart as it was ripped from your chest, pulled through a shredder, hung outside and now crows are feeding off the last pieces of it remaining. My heart has been on life support the past few months, hope keeping me alive, but now, five months later, not even hope is an anecdote.

“Uh...sir. You have a call on line one.”

“Who the fuck is it?” I ask not bothering to even reach for the phone.

“Your mother sir.”

“I don’t have a fucking mother.” has been my answer the past three months she has been calling. I can’t find it in myself to forgive, forget, or even entertain the idea of speaking with the person who helped the sun slip through my fingers. I mean shit...times are desperate. I have even stooped so low as to beg Cord to let the P.I. put a tracer on his phone. He finally said yes. That brought more spark back into my dull heart. The problem is the number she is calling from is filtered. This only confirms she is calling from a business phone, but it doesn’t put us any closer.

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