Unexpected Bond (Unexpected Arrivals 4) - Page 8

Abandoning the trash, he walks around the table until he’s next to me. He bends and kisses Finley’s cheek and then mine. “Me too, baby.” Finley pats his cheek, breaking our moment, but he just laughs and tickles her side, effectively moving her little hand without a fuss. “You stink,” he tells my daughter. He’s overly dramatic when he holds his nose and waves his hand in front of his face. “It’s bath time.”

Finley giggles.

My heart smiles.

“You go with Mommy, and I’ll come say good night when you’re done.” He rubs his hand softly over her curls, and goes back to gathering trash.

On shaky legs, I carry Finley to the bathroom and fumble my way through her bath. I’ve never met a man who’s literally made me weak in the knees. He’s so good with my daughter, and the sincerity when he’s with us, it shines from his eyes, his words, his actions. This man is unlike anyone I’ve ever met. We have a routine, but tonight, I let her play a little longer than usual. My mind’s racing with thoughts of Seth. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this way. This nervous, excited flutter in my belly. It’s been just as long since I’ve let a man into my life, into my daughter’s life. In fact, it’s never happened. Finley’s dad, Blake, was the last man I was with. Most men run when they find out you’re a single mother, not that I even bothered; my priority was my little girl. I’ve never brought a man into her life.

My gut tells me that Seth is different, and I want to see where this goes. Seth slowly crept in, and now here we are. The chemistry between us is electric, and for the first time in a hell of a long time, I want to feel it racing through my veins.

I want Seth.

“Sef.” Finley points over my shoulder and I turn to see him. His ankles are crossed, as are his arms over his chest as he leans against the doorjamb.

“Hey, sorry it took so long,” I say over my shoulder before turning back to Finley. “You, little miss, it’s past your bedtime,” I tell her, leaning in for a kiss goodnight.

“Sef,” she says again, holding her arms open for him. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her that’s enough and it’s time for bed, but his voice stops me.

“What’s up, Finny? You giving your momma a hard time?” He looks over at her bed.

“Night night,” she says, standing and holding her arms out for him.

He chuckles, a sound from deep in his chest. “Come here, sweetheart.” As if he’s done it a million times, he lifts her and gives her a hug. “Now, it’s time for you to go night-night.” He places her back on her mattress, and my deviant child lies down and allows him to cover her up. “Sweet dreams, Finny,” he whispers with a small wave.

“Momma loves you,” I tell my daughter.

“Wuvs you,” she replies, hugging her bear to her chest and closing her eyes.

Checking to make sure the monitor is on, I close the door softly behind me. “She’s a handful,” I say when I find Seth in the hall waiting for me.

“She’s a cute kid.”

“Thanks.” I don’t really know what to say. This has all been out of my comfort zone. Seth makes the decision for me when he holds out his hand for me. I take it, allowing him to lace our fingers together and pull me into his chest.

“What else needs to be done?”

“You’ve done enough. I can get it.”

“Mara,” he says softly. I look up at him, and his brown eyes are smiling down at me. “Let me help you. I want this transition to be easy for both of you.”

“What’s in it for you?” I blurt before I can stop myself.

“You. The pleasure of your company. And Finley and her goodnight hugs.” He wraps his arm around my waist and leads me down the hall to the living room. He waits for me to sit on the couch, then takes the cushion right next to mine. “So tell me what’s next?”

“I’m good, really. I mean, eventually, I want to paint Finley’s room and get her a toddler bed. Mark said we could paint the walls any color we wanted.”

“Okay, do we know what color? Do you have a bed?”

“I’m thinking a teal green. That’s the color she pointed at when we were browsing color options. And her bed, I know which one I want. I just have to order it and put it together. I’m actually considering a princess twin-size bed so she can sleep in it longer.”

“That’s a good idea. I know Ridge and Kendall did that with Knox as well. His is a race-car bed. Kid loves it.”

“I’ve been looking online.”

“How about we take her shopping, see which one she likes?”

I can’t help it. I laugh. “How many times have you taken a two-and-a-half-year-old shopping? Well, she’ll be two and a half next month.”

“Never. But how bad can it be?”

“Trust me on this one.” I reach over and pat his arm. “We’re better to shop online.”

“Grab your computer, we can do it now. We’ll get the bed ordered and then we’ll know what color of paint for sure.”

I mentally calculate my bank account. Moving didn’t cost what I thought it would with the guys helping. I hate dipping into savings because you never know what could happen, but I will make a good salary at Beckett Construction. My little girl deserves her dream room at our new house. “I’m exhausted,” I say, because I am. “If I start down that rabbit hole, I’ll never get to sleep, and tomorrow is my first day. I don’t need to roll into the office looking like a zombie.”

“You’d make a beautiful zombie.” He winks.

I playfully roll my eyes. “I’ll start looking and let you know. How’s that?”

“Fine.” He sighs dramatically. “I guess I should head out so you can get some sleep.”

As if his words have a direct connection to my brain, I yawn, covering it with my arm. “I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. It’s been a long weekend.” Leaning in, he kisses the corner of my mouth. “Lock up behind me.” He stands and I do the same, following him. “I’m actually going to go start my truck. I’ll be right back.” He rushes out the door. I hear his truck fire up, and then he’s back, shivering from the cold.

I want to wrap my arms around him to warm him up, but that’s too much, right? He has my head all jumbled. “Thank you for dinner and for all of your help,” I say instead, keeping my hands to myself.

“You’re welcome. How about I take you and Finny to dinner tomorrow night to celebrate your first day?”

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to do that,” he says, mocking me. “What’s our girl’s favorite?”

My heart stutters in my chest at his “our girl” remark. “Chicken nuggets, french fries, oh, and she loves cheese pizza.”

“Pizza it is. I don’t know what time I’ll get off tomorrow, but I’ll text you and we can plan from there.”


“Mara.” He grins. “I’ll see you soon. Sweet dreams, and lock up.” He taps my nose and turns to leave. I shut the door behind him, holding off the frigid air. “Lock up,” he calls through the door. I flip the lock. “Night, Mara,” he says, and then all I hear are his heavy footsteps as he walks away.

I don’t need to look in the mirror to know my face is lit up with a smile. Seth Jennings is a force to be reckoned with.

Chapter Five

Seth 5

* * *

I know as soon as I pull into the parking lot and the only vehicles are Ridge’s and Mara’s, that I’m in for a day of nagging from the guys. I also know that I don’t have it in me to give a fuck. Grabbing the box of donuts and the two coffees, I climb out of the truck and make my way inside.

Ridge looks up when I walk through the door, then glances at the clock on the wall. “What are you doing here so early?” he asks, confused.

So, I’m about thirty minutes early. Sue me. I couldn’t seem to help myself knowing she was going to be here. “I brought breakfast,” I say, placing the donuts on the corner of the desk.

“And those.” He points to the s

mall carrier holding two coffees.

I take one out and walk around the desk. I place one of the coffees in front of Mara before I bend down and kiss her temple. “Morning, babe,” I murmur.

“Oh,” Ridge says, exaggerating the word. “I see how it is.”

“I’m so sorry,” Mara says, giving me a look telling me to back off.

“I’m the one that should be apologizing. You’re going to have your hands full with this one.” He gestures at me and my grin grows wider.

“You’re not mad? I mean, we’re not really… we’re talking I guess you could say. Have been talking,” she confesses.

Ridge looks over at me and I nod. Everything falls into place with that simple act. “Not at all. As long as it doesn’t interfere with your work.”

“It won’t.” She’s quick to assure him. “Right, Seth?”

“Have a donut,” I say, indicating the box. She glares at me, which makes Ridge laugh. It’s not that I don’t want to answer her, but I don’t know how without coming on too strong. She’s what’s most important, not the job, and I know she won’t see it that way. I know the guys will be good to her—that’s not an issue—but still, I can’t promise I won’t ever interfere if that’s what’s best for her. I can’t lie to her, and I know she’s not ready to hear that, so changing the subject works best.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Ridge lifts the lid and pulls out a donut before sliding the box to Mara. “Have one. This is a treat.”

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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