Unexpected Bond (Unexpected Arrivals 4) - Page 9

“Oh, so you don’t bring donuts to work every Monday?” she asks, and I can hear the snark in her voice.

“Only on my girl’s first day.” Her eyes widen as does my smile.

“As I was saying,” Ridge focuses on Mara, “you already know QuickBooks, and pretty much everything else will come with a learning curve. Mom has been handling a lot of it. Kendall only works a half day today, so Mom will be here this afternoon after Kendall picks up the kids.”

“I’m sure I can figure it out,” Mara assures him with confidence.

“That’s what I’m hoping. I’m shit at all of this.” He waves his arm around the small office that will be hers. “I’m much better out of the office bidding jobs, or keeping the monkeys from getting out of hand.”

“Hey,” I say, pretending to be offended. “Who are you calling a monkey? Is that how you treat a man who brings you breakfast?”

“Like you even have to ask.” He laughs. “Besides, you’re too little too late. Kendall made cupcakes for her first day. They’re in the kitchen.” He points to the door that leads to the small kitchen area in the building.

I shrug, because it’s the thought that counts, and I know Mara well enough that my good deed is already catalogued in her mind.

The door opens and heavy footfalls sound throughout the room. “Wait? What are you doing here?” Tyler asks, joining us. He’s also carrying a box of donuts.

“I brought my girl some breakfast for her first day.”

I swear his damn eyes light up. “Your girl, huh? This is a new development. What happened to the chick you’ve been pining over for months?” Tyler smirks. I know Kendall told Reagan, I can see it in his eyes. Fucker knows it was Mara. “And my wife suggested I bring donuts as well.” He places the second box on the desk.

“Good. I’m starving,” Kent says as he enters the building kicking snow off his boots. He reaches for the box Tyler just placed on the desk. He chooses one and shoves a huge bite into his mouth. “I heard vat,” he says, talking with a mouthful of donut.

“You mean the one he only met one time?” Ridge asks, indicating toward Mara.

“No kidding,” Kent says after swallowing his half a donut. “Damn, here I was thinking of asking her out.”

“Nope,” I say, popping the p. I want to tell him to keep his damn hands to himself, but surprisingly, I keep my cool. He knows what this means; they all will. I also know they would never try to go after my girl. I’m taking a page out of Mark’s book and finding my inner calm.

“You sure? It’s not too late to kick his ass to the curb,” he asks Mara.

“We’ve got your back,” Tyler chimes in.

“You do have an in with the boss.” Ridge chuckles, grabbing a donut.

Her face is flushed, but she’s still amused by our banter if the small smile that tilts her lips in any indication. “It’s new.”

It’s not that new. Sure, it’s been texting, and the odd phone call here or there, but this intensity that I feel, that I know we both feel, that’s not new.

“What’s new?” Mark asks from behind us. He walks over to the desk where Mara sits and places a small bouquet of flowers. “These are from Dawn.” He then reaches into the box and pulls out a donut. “What’s new?” he asks again before taking a huge bite.

“Mara and Seth,” Kent answers.

“No kidding. What about the one you’ve been saving yourself for?” he asks, laughing, and winks at Mara. Looks like Dawn was in on that phone tree as well. If Kent had a wife, I’m sure he would have been in the know as well.

“Mara,” I say by way of explanation.

“Really?” he asks, faking being surprised.

“Why the shock?”

“We should have seen that one coming,” Tyler says. “How did we miss it?”

“You were all occupied with your families.”

“I should have seen it then,” Kent counters.

“You were occupied with the kids. I believe they used you as a jungle gym most of the day.”

He smiles. “I’m the favorite uncle.”

“Keep telling yourself that,” all four of us reply at the same time, causing Mara to laugh.

“We need to load the trailer to start on the drywall today.” Ridge diverts the conversation back to work.

“On it, boss.” Kent grabs an entire box of donuts and heads back outside.

“Thank you, all of you and your wives, so much for everything,” Mara says.

“Welcome aboard.” Tyler taps the desk and turns to leave.

“This one gives you any trouble”—Mark points to me—“you let us know.” He winks and then follows the others.

“Call me if you need anything,” Ridge tells her. “Here’s Mom’s number, and Kendall’s as well.”

“You can call me too,” I tell her.

Ridge nods. “Any or all of us if you need anything.” He grabs a donut from the other box. “Chances are the guys are gone by now,” he explains before sliding into his coat and leaving us alone.

“That went well.” I don’t have to wait long for her reply.

“Seth,” she hisses. “It’s my first day.”

“I know that. I also know that they need to know about us. I won’t hide it.”

“No. I don’t want to either, but do you really think this was the time or place?”

“I do. We’re family. Have been since we were small. They know I’ve not been going out as much and that there was someone I was interested in. I never told them who, because I wasn’t sure if what I was feeling was a figment of my imagination. Then we started to text and I liked you even more. I still kept quiet, wanting to know for certain. I understand the implications of dating a single mom, and I wanted to know for me, that I was all in with you, with both of you before I said anything.”

Visibly, her shoulders relax. “Okay.”

“Okay? That’s it?”

“That’s it. I understand, and while I would have done it differently, it’s out there, which is for the best and we can move on.”

“Wow? No arguing? Nothing?” It’s not that I think she’s a drama queen, quite the opposite, in fact. However, I didn’t expect for her to let go of this that easily. Just another thing to add to the ever-growing list of things I like about her.

“Life’s too short. You explained yourself and I understand. There’s nothing to argue about. Now, you better get moving so I can get to work. I have a lot to read through and learn.”

Bracing my hands on the desk, I lean

in toward her. “Have a good day.” My lips connect with her cheek, and I pull back. Not because I want to, but because we both need to get to work. “Pizza tonight?” I remind her.

“Yeah. I didn’t tell Finley, but she’s going to be excited.”

“Good. I’ll text you and let you know what time we’re done.”

“Have a good day,” she calls after me.

I want to puff my chest out and slap my hands against it at her attention. I’m fucked when it comes to her. Lucky for me, I watched Ridge, then Tyler and then Mark fall, so I know what I’m up against. I see what’s happening for what it is.

I’m falling for her.

The guys didn’t give me shit as I expected. With three of them married, I guess they get it. They understand the spell she has me under. Kent, on the other hand, he’s still living his best life as a single guy. He’ll be the last of us to fall, and I, for one, will be happy to sit back and watch it happen. Hell, that’s exactly what Ridge, Tyler, and Mark are saying about me. That was pretty much their exact words. However, what they don’t realize is I’m ready for it. I want that special bond with someone else. I want what they have with their wives.

“You want to head to Bottoms Up for a beer?” Kent asks.

“Sorry, man, I have to rush home and shower. I’ve got plans.”

“With Mara?”

“Yeah, I’m taking her and Finley out for dinner.”

“You need to hear the speech?” Mark asks.

“What speech?” I ask, confused.

“The one you gave me about dating a single mom.”

“No. That was a little bit of projecting on my part. I had to make sure I was on board as well.”

“Well?” Tyler asks as he closes the toolbox he was just loading.

“Well what?” I play dumb. I know exactly what he’s asking.

“What was your conclusion?” Tyler questions.

“I know what it means, and I’ve thought about it. Trust me, it’s not something that I’m entering into lightly.”

Tags: Kaylee Ryan Unexpected Arrivals Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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