Park Avenue Player - Page 86

“Because I wasn’t home last night or this morning. I’m at Elodie’s house. I stayed here last night, if you must know.”

Hollis pulled the phone away from his ear, and I heard Addison screeching. He shook his head and rolled his eyes, but his voice was playful. “Don’t hold your breath. You just got as much as you’re going to get out of me.”

I finished loading our breakfast dishes into the dishwasher and decided it was time I finally got dressed. On my way to the bedroom, I stopped in front of Hollis under the pretense of kissing him, but then I snatched his cell phone from his hand.

“Hi, Addison. It’s Elodie. Why don’t we have lunch soon, and I’ll fill you in on everything you want to know.”

She laughed. “That would be awesome. Not only because I’m nosy as shit, but because I’m positive he hates the thought of us going to lunch together.”

I looked at Hollis, who didn’t look too pleased, and nodded. “He sort of looks like he sucked on a lemon, so I think you’re right. How does next weekend sound?”

“That sounds perfect.”

“Great. I’ll see you then.”

I handed the phone back to Hollis and strutted off toward the bedroom. Hollis came in as my arms were behind my back, clasping my bra.

“I don’t like the two of you together.”

“Why not?”

“Because she’s nosy, and once she gets into my personal business, I’ll never be able to get her the hell out.”

I walked into my closet and grabbed a powder blue tank top and a pair of white shorts. “You need someone who cares about you in your personal business, Hollis. We all do.”

“I do just fine on my own.”

I pulled my shirt on and walked out of my closet shaking my head. “Really? How long has it been since you had a relationship again? Six years now?”

Hollis took the white shorts from my hand and knelt down on the floor in front of me. He opened them so I could step in and then pulled them up to my hips and reached for the zipper. The small gesture of helping me dress made the inside of my chest feel all warm. When he wanted to be, Hollis was really sweet and thoughtful. He didn’t seem to have to try. He naturally wanted to take care of me.

After he buttoned my shorts, he stood and snaked his hands around my waist, locking them behind my back. “Drive with me to pick up Hailey and then come home with us. Stay at my place tonight. I’m not ready to let you go yet.”

That warm feeling in my chest turned to goo. “What about Hailey?”

He shrugged. “What about her? We already spoke to her. She knows something is going on between us.”

I wrapped my hands around his neck. “She knows something is going on. But I don’t think it’s a good idea that she sees us in the same bed so soon. She’s impressionable, and we’re setting an example for her—that includes how fast you jump into bed with someone.”

Hollis dropped his head and groaned. “I want you in my bed.”

I smiled. “And I’d like to be there. But I think it’s important that we put Hailey first, instead of our libidos.”

“Fine. Come home with me tonight and stay in the guest room. You’ve done that before. I’ll tell her I picked you up before coming to get her today because I have an early day tomorrow. She sleeps late. She won’t know what time I leave.”

I bit my lip. It was a tempting offer, but I wasn’t so sure we wouldn’t wind up in Hollis’s bed. Neither one of us had much self-control around the other.

I needed some assurances. “Okay. But no sneaking into the guest room. She caught us once already, and I definitely don’t want her to walk in on us naked and doing the dirty.”


Hollis agreed to that way too soon. Something was up.

“Why did you agree without an argument?”

“I’ll do whatever it takes to get you to come home with me.”

“So you’re not going to try to get in my pants later? Why do I not believe you?”

He smiled. “I figured you’re probably sore anyway. I should give you a break.”

My gut said he was full of shit, but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I nodded. “Okay. I’ll come home with you.”

Hollis planted a chaste kiss on my lips and moved his mouth to my ear. “Plus, we already determined that sex doesn’t include oral, and I can’t wait to put you on your knees and watch you suck my cock later.”***“I want to run next door to check on Bree before we go. This weekend was really hard on her. Plus, I’d love for her to meet you, if she feels up to it.”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024