Park Avenue Player - Page 87

Hollis smiled. “That would be nice. I feel like I know her already from everything you’ve told me.”

“I’m sure she feels the same way, too.” I looked at the time on my phone. We had about fifteen minutes until we needed to leave to pick up Hailey, and I’d already packed an overnight bag. “I’ll be back in five.”

I slipped on a pair of flip-flops and walked next door. It took Bree a few minutes to open the door. Once she did, she smiled, even though she didn’t look so hot. Her skin had a tint of gray to it, and I heard the hiss of air from her nasal cannula. Her oxygen was turned up pretty high this morning.

“How are you feeling?”

She opened the door wider so I could come inside. “I used to feel like a thirty year old with a sixty year old’s lungs. But today my entire body feels like it’s seventy.”

I felt her forehead. “Are you sick? Do you have a fever? Do you need to go to the doctor?”

She smiled sadly. “No. It’s just the progression of the disease. This is all normal.”

“The trip this weekend was too much. We should have all come over here.”

She shook her head. “No. I wanted to be at the lake.”

Bree took a seat in her reclining chair, and I sat on the couch across from her. I’d come over to check on her, but also to tell her about Hollis, and at the moment that felt incredibly selfish.

“Why aren’t you at work?” she asked.

“I…uhh…Hailey was at her friend’s house for the weekend and decided to stay another night. I’m actually going to take a ride with Hollis to pick her up in a little while.”

Her brows furrowed. “Hollis? He’s coming here to pick you up?”

I didn’t want to lie to her, but I also didn’t want to rub my good fortune in her face. “He, ummm…came over last night, and we talked.”


“We’re going to give things a try—a relationship, I mean.”

“Oh. Wow. That’s…” She coughed a bunch of times. “…good news. That’s great news.”

I nodded. “Yeah. But I feel like an idiot talking about my blossoming romance when you’re so sick.”

“Nonsense. I want you to be happy. You know that.”

We talked for a few minutes, and then I realized Hollis and I needed to get on the road. I reached over and took her hand. “I have to run, because we need to pick up Hailey at two o’clock. But call me if you start to feel worse. Please.”

Bree nodded, though I knew she wouldn’t call anyone if her health declined, which really sucked. She struggled to get up from her chair.

I told her to stay put, but Bree, being Bree, insisted on walking me to the door.

I mentally debated asking her if she felt up for a visitor, and when we got to the door, I figured her health wouldn’t likely be getting any better. I also knew she truly wanted me to be happy, so maybe meeting Hollis might bring her a little comfort.

“Would you…want to meet Hollis before we go pick up Hailey? He’s next door, and I could bring him by to meet you really quick.”

Bree frowned. “Not today. I’m sorry. But let Hollis know I’m rooting for him, okay?”

I kissed her cheek. “I will. And I’ll text you later to check in.”

She nodded.

I went back home feeling deflated. Hollis took one look at my face and pulled me against his chest for a hug. He kissed the top of my head. “She’s not doing well, I take it?”

I swallowed a salty lump in my throat and shook my head. “She’s not really up for visitors.”

“Of course. Another time.”

I held on to him for a minute, and then pulled my head back. “I almost forgot—Bree said to tell you she’s rooting for you.”


“She’s been rooting for you from the get-go. She seemed to sense that we should be together.”

“You have a smart friend.”

I smiled. “I do.”

Hollis motioned toward the door. “Come on. We have a few minutes before we need to leave to get Hailey. I saw a little flower shop when I went into town yesterday to get something to eat. Why don’t we go pick her up some flowers, and you can drop them off before we go?”

God, I loved relationship-Hollis. He was so thoughtful. “You’re the best. Thank you.”

“No reason to thank me.”

I stretched up and brushed my lips with his. “Maybe. But I’ll do it anyway—later, after Hailey is sleeping…on my knees.”Chapter 37* * *HollisThe sun was setting as we pulled up to Megan’s house. When Hailey entered the car, she seemed surprised but happy to see Elodie.

She leaned into the front seat from the back. “Are you coming home with us?”

Elodie looked back at her. “Yeah. Hope that’s okay?”

Tags: Penelope Ward, Vi Keeland Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024