Perfect Chaos (Unyielding 1) - Page 69

I swung around and punched him in the face, although I was rather disappointed he didn’t go down. I would’ve punched him again if Tyler hadn’t come running in the door and grabbed me. I think I would’ve actually killed him and the bastard knew it.

My finger, however, was back on the trigger of my gun and pointed at him.

“Easy.” He lowered his knife, leaned over and put it in a holster strapped to his leg. Kai stood up straight and nodded. “Guess I deserved it—once.”

“Deck, man, we need him.” Suddenly I wished I hadn’t called Tyler to come by this morning. Bad timing. Another two minutes and I’d have a dead body to help get rid of.

All I could think about were the cuts on Georgie. Her words, ‘I asked him to’, ravaged through me, eating up my control like termites. I knew why she’d done it, as a way to deal with her past. To feel the pain and walk away strong, not weak like she used to feel when she was sixteen. It was a classic way to cope with shit fucking with your head. Feel the physical pain in order to deal with the emotional.

Fuck. I should’ve been there. I should’ve been the one to help her and fuckin’ Kai was there instead. I was filled with fury, but I did lower my gun.

As soon as Tyler stepped away from me, I swung again, this time catching Kai unaware and landing him flat on his ass. He shook his head as if to clear it then came to his feet and our gazes clashed. “You done now?”

The guy had no fear. I was the one with the fuckin’ gun. Christ, even worse than dangerous was not caring whether you lived or died.

Kai was a lethal weapon in the sheep’s clothing of a rich gentleman. Pretending to be someone he wasn’t, just like he made Georgie do. His slight English accent was the final touch to his bullshit persona.

Kai strode across the room and opened the sliding glass door as if he owned the place and was a welcomed guest. Cocky son of a bitch. When we talked last night, I’d told him we’d meet today, although I hadn’t intended it to be here or with Georgie around. Kai obviously had other plans.

The bastard headed out onto the terrace, completely at ease. I followed. “Where’s Chaos?”

I raised my gun and pointed it at him, my hand steady as a rock as I tried to stop myself from killing the asshole.

She was sixteen when Kai met her. Sixteen when he pressured her, a vulnerable girl who was being abused by a boy at school and had just lost her brother. The fucker deserved a bullet between the eyes. My finger twitched on the trigger.

“Deck.” Her voice came up behind me and her hand settled on my waist. I lowered the gun. I tried to keep her safe from shit like this all her life, and the irony was she was around it the entire time anyway. “Hey, Tyler.” She paused, her gaze on Kai and she raised her brows, cocking her hip. “Ever think of knocking, asshole?”

I felt the pull at the corners of my lips. I wasn’t sure how Georgie would be with Kai, whether she’d fear him or sass him. The latter was a point for me.

“I like the dramatic,” Kai said, pulling out a chair from the patio table and sat, stretching his legs out. He grabbed Georgie’s coffee mug from earlier, sniffed it then took a sip and set it down.

She huffed. “That’s bullshit.”

“More like traumatic,” Tyler said and yanked a chair out across from Kai and sat.

I kept my hand on my gun resting at my side. Kai glanced at it and a mild smirk emerged. “Not very trusting, are you?”

“I find out my girl has cuts on her caused by you. No, I want to blow you to pieces at the moment.” But that was too clean; first, I’d torture him and make him suffer for oh, about ten years. I felt Georgie’s hand leave my waist. Okay, she had her reasons for letting him do it, but I didn’t have to fuckin’ like it. It sure as hell wasn’t happening again. I had demons, too, except I beat them out by killing the scum of the Earth. Well, I’d fuck her demons out of her.

“Why?” I knew Kai would know exactly what I was asking. Regardless of how much I hated him at that moment, we thought alike.

“If you’d stuck around, you’d know.”

I went for him and Georgie’s grab on my arm did nothing, nor did Tyler’s attempt to pull me away. Kai fought back; the table was pushed over and slipped into the pool as Kai charged me, and we both landed hard on the patio stones. We rolled and I felt the hard clip to the side of my face and elbowed him in the chin before I managed to plow my fist into his nose. I heard the crunch and a satisfied grunt emerged. It didn’t last as his fist slammed me in the lower back and I arched in pain just as he kicked me in the back of the legs. I went flying forward, grabbing out at his shirt and taking him with me as we both crashed into the pool.

Tags: Nashoda Rose Unyielding Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024