Perfect Chaos (Unyielding 1) - Page 70

It was the cold water and Georgie’s shouting which finally got me to stop. She stood on the edge of the pool, her hands on her hips and her face furious. Tyler was on his phone and I was guessing it was to Vic who was more than likely in the car waiting for Tyler, having no idea Kai was here.

I slapped the water with my hand while looking at Kai. “She no longer works for you.” I climbed out of the pool. “Kill him if he goes near her,” I said to Tyler and went inside to change.I WATCHED KAI get out of the water, looking cocky and confident even with a bleeding nose and soaking wet jeans hanging off his hips. His white t-shirt was what caught my attention though as I stared at his chest, mouth agape.

Scars crisscrossed his flesh. There wasn’t one inch that didn’t have a scar, and they were obvious even with the tatts he’d had inked over the top of them. He must have known Tyler and I could see them, but he remained stoic as he righted the chair he’d previously occupied and sat.

“You done staring?”

I nodded. Shit, I didn’t know what to say. I knew he had something dark in his past, but the scars were … even through the wet t-shirt they looked painful.

He smiled, flashing his pearly-white teeth. “So, he finally fucked you.”

“Hey, man, you see we’re on the thirtieth floor here,” Tyler said. “Might want to cool it before you’re on the ground floor real fast.”

Kai laughed then kicked out at a chair beside him. “Sit, Chaos. You’re making me nervous standing there.” It was my turn to laugh because the idea of Kai ever being nervous was hilarious. “Need a favor.”

Tyler snorted.

Shit. Kai’s favors usually involved me flirting with some guy and getting info out of him. If I ever had to go back to his place, I was fake-drunk enough to pass out before he took off his pants and he wouldn’t get suspicious. Once he crashed, I could search his place and be gone before he woke. The only one I had considered sleeping with was Lionel and that was purely because I had been tired of saving it for Deck.

There was a guy I’d taken to my friend, Kat’s, art gallery showing who I’d actually been interested in … well, interested in having sex with. Hottie turned into a meatloaf with lots of money and no charm past the public eye.

I heard Deck come up behind me then he rested his hands on my shoulders. Vic arrived and nodded to me and there wasn’t the usual glare of what I took as hatred. Now, he actually smiled at me and his sexy, milk-chocolate skin against his white teeth made him look super-hot. Then he looked at Kai and the smile dropped, all business again. Deck obviously told his boys about my extracurricular activities.

“I was just telling Chaos about a … favor I require.”

Shit. Deck’s hands tightened on my shoulders and he moved in closer so his body was leaning into the chair.

“Chaos?” Vic said.

“Nickname,” I clarified.

Vic grunted.

Kai looked rather relaxed, considering he was outnumbered and didn’t even carry a gun.


“She isn’t going near that guy again,” Deck shouted. He actually shouted. Deck rarely shouted.

Vic leaned up against the glass window and crossed his ankles. Tyler looked from Kai to Deck and then to Deck’s grip on the gun.

I raised my hand like in school to which Kai laughed. Deck slipped his hand in mine and lowered my arm. “Kai, bad timing,” I said. “You should’ve knocked or called, not showed up here.” I tilted my head and looked up at Deck. “And Lionel’s harmless.”

“No.” Deck was unwavering and I would’ve stomped my foot if I was standing, but since I wasn’t it would’ve looked silly.

“Sugar, it’s not happening.” Tyler winked at me and I sneered. “Give it up.”

Kai sighed while tapping his fingers on the table. “You fucked that scenario up.” His words were to Deck and he was probably right. Lionel nearly pissed his pants when Deck broke into his place. “Have you told her what you’ve been doing overseas for the last few months?”

It was Vic who lost it and came at Kai, but Deck stopped him, blocking him with his hand on his chest. “Not now.”

“What’s overseas?” The men were quiet and Tyler wouldn’t even look at me.

“Get her out of here,” Deck ordered Vic.

“What?” I shouted as Vic hooked my arm. “What the hell? What is it? Kai? Deck?” Vic effortlessly swung me off my feet and carried me inside. I yelled the entire way into the bedroom.I WAITED UNTIL Georgie was out of earshot before I spoke. “I want her out.”

“You said that already.”

I had on the phone last night after I gave him a detailed report on how I was going to torture him.

Tags: Nashoda Rose Unyielding Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024