Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 23

He smirked. “I’ll figure out a way to talk her out of it. I’m not worried.”

Adam oozed confidence, and I had no doubt that he was right.

“I think I figured out something I want to do today,” I said.

“What’s that?”

“Figure out a few more positions on the Tantra Chair.”

A devilish grin spread on his face. “I think my day just got filled with lots of sexilicious sex.”

I giggled, and I took another bite, thinking about all the orgasms to come.

Just under a week had passed since Ainsley and I had started officially dating. It was Friday, and Ainsley was on her way to the club.

Brandt needed me to be here tonight since he was going camping with his brother in Stone Mountain. They did it every year, just the two of them, to remember their father who had been killed in Afghanistan. Their dad had died when Brandt was ten and his brother, Logan, was seven. Brandt’s dad was American, and his mother was English, which was the reason Brandt had the slight accent at times. His parents had met and fallen in love on one of his dad’s tours. After his dad had died, his mom had debated about moving back to Europe. In the end, she hadn’t wanted to take the boys from the only home they could remember with their father. They had been fortunate not to have to move through the years.

My sister, Jessica, was still bugging me about coming to my parents’ anniversary party. I still hadn’t decided. I wasn’t sure if I could go. I wanted to spend some uninterrupted time with Ainsley tonight and think about all this shit tomorrow. I still had a while to decide on what I was going to do. After having lunch with my parents today, guilt plagued me for not just agreeing to go. My mom had said something I was still thinking about as I waited for Ainsley.

I walked into the deli where I would meet my parents once a week for lunch. The place had a green awning with the words Something Sweet to Eat written in white. I met my parents inside at our usual table. Baked goods lined the counter and sugary smells filled the air.

My mom was slender with blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was short at just under five foot five. I towered over her. I was the exact image of my dad. Add twenty-five years to me, and I’d look exactly like him but with tattoos.

As I sat down, the waitress came up to the table and asked, “Same as always?”

My parents and I all said at the same time, “Yes, please.”

She turned and walked away with a smile on her face. She was the owner’s daughter and worked at the deli in the summer.

My mom started off with, “How’s the club doing? I saw The Thrillhammers made the paper again, and it looked like they were playing at Club Envy.”

I chuckled. My parents had actually cosigned the loan for the club. When Brandt and I had broken the news that we were expanding into a sex club, they had been supportive but shocked. After the details had been thoroughly outlined, they had accepted the direction we would be taking the club.

“It’s going good. Pays the bills, so no complaints.”

My mom gave me a gentle smile. “What’s been going on in your world since we met last week?”

Ainsley came to mind, but I wasn’t ready to mention her yet. Out of habit, I reached up and felt the scratch of my whiskers. I had forgotten to shave again. “Nothing much. You know, working and trying to stay on top of everything.”

My dad was wearing one of his old Falcons T-shirts. He wore old ones during the off-season. It was one of those sports superstitions he and his buddy Marty would do to bring the team luck during the next year.

Our lunch was delivered. I had a Reuben sandwich with chips. It was the best sandwich in town.

My dad chimed in, “Your cousin, Lori, had her baby. She’s coming to visit at Christmas.”

I talked around the bite I had taken, “Oh, good. I’ll have to make sure to see her.”

Even though my brother, Jake, and I didn’t talk, this worked for my parents and me. It allowed us to stay close. We never mentioned him. I would never force my parents to choose between us even though he was a lying, cheating bastard.

My mom was watching me intently having that knowing look on her face. She was about to say something that was going to make me uncomfortable. My mom laid her hand on my free one. “I know you’re going to find your true love one day, Adam. She’s going to come in like a bright comet and change your world, leaving everything altered. I know you don’t like talking about this, but I can sense something changing in you. I know it’s a little off topic, but I needed to say this.”

I had no words as I stopped mid-bite, thinking of the brown-haired, blue-eyed woman who had been plaguing my every thought as of late.

My phone beeped, stirring me from my memory.

Finally, she is here.

Ainsley: I’m here.

Me: I’m on my way out. Stay in your car until I come to you.

Ainsley: Yes, sir!

I went to the entrance and then jogged across the lot to my girl. She gave me a sweet smile and a wave from the driver’s seat. Things were easy between us. I liked holding her in public and showing affection without any pressure to change who I was. Ainsley didn’t push me for what I wasn’t able to give. She let us exist and be without the normal bullshit relationship pressures, like what our future might look like and all that other crap.

I still wondered what was so troublesome from her past. In time, perhaps she would open up about it. There had been a few times this last week when I’d thought she wanted to tell me.

I opened the car door. “Hey there, baby.”

As she got out of the car and locked it, she responded, “Hey. Sorry I’m a little late. Nancy’s hours are changing, so she’s not going to need me as much. Emilyn was upset, but she’s better now that I promised to still see her. Nancy also asked me if I could help watch Emilyn the next few Friday nights. I guess Nancy has a new boyfriend.”

Mentally, I said a plea that Ainsley had said no. I knew I was a bastard for thinking that, but right now, I wanted all of Ainsley’s free time. I was a selfish prick when it came to her, and I didn’t care.

I grabbed her hand as I started walking. “What did you end up telling her?” I tried to keep my voice casual.

Ainsley was in those super short shorts and the tank top she had worn that night when I had come over to her place for spaghetti.

Hell, I’m going to have an issue with guys keeping their eyes where th

ey belong.

I was on security tonight since Brandt was gone. There would be no sex for us until after the club closed, which would be four in the fucking morning since I’d have to monitor everything.

Ainsley gave me a sad face. “I told her that I’d help her out. I didn’t have any plans anyway.”

I froze near the entrance of the sex club. My mouth gaped open. “Are you serious? Ainsley, I’m your plans when you’re available.”

She leaned up and nipped my lips. “Gotcha.”


She rocked my world with the smallest actions that wouldn’t make sense to anyone. Ainsley was real. She wasn’t conniving or caught in money and prestige. Ainsley wanted to be happy and cared for.

I went to her ear. “I’m going to fuck you hard for that.”

She tilted her head and kissed me. “That’s what I was hoping for.”

Ainsley walked toward the door where Trigger stood his post. She was saucily swaying her ass at me, and if I could pound into her right now, I would. I’d have her screaming for my cock. She knew I wasn’t going to be able to do anything for a bit.

I jogged up behind her and put my arm around her shoulders. She looked up at me and gave me a beautiful grin as the slow hum from the sex club took over. Just having her in this environment had me envisioning all the possibilities. Her pale blue eyes danced with happiness, and I liked being the one who had made them do that.

The crowd was getting thicker as the night darkened. It would be a full house tonight.

We were headed back to the security office when my cell phone rang.

“This is Adam.”

“Adam, Hampton. Do you have a second?”

I looked down at Ainsley, who was watching me. I started heading for the bar, and she followed. I had to take this phone call.

“Hampton, can I call you back in five from my office?”

“Sure thing, Adam.”


I hung up the phone. With Brandt and two of our bouncers being gone, we were short-staffed from our normal head count.

Ainsley popped up onto a bar stool. The movement caused her shorts to ride up a little further.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024