Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 24


I looked over to Snake and nodded toward Ainsley. He knew what I wanted even though he was swamped with his own duties tonight.

Ainsley is more important.

I spun Ainsley around and kissed her hard, making sure all these assholes knew she was mine. When I pulled back, desire danced in her eyes.

Desire only for me. Good.

I looked down at her wrist to make sure she had on her white bracelet. I liked seeing that white band on her. I liked the thought of her being taken—by me. It was a deep satisfaction.

“Baby, I need to go talk to Hampton. I’ll be right back. Order whatever you want. It’s on the house.”

She gave me a light kiss. “Don’t worry. I’ll stay right here and talk to Nora. Go handle your business. I’ll be okay.”

I turned and went to my office. One of my old fuck buddies, Jasmine, was hanging out near my office door. She was beautiful with her short pixie-like dark hair and green eyes. She had wanted to get more serious, so I had walked. The noise of the club made it hard to hear everything as Jasmine started to speak.

Her tongue swept across her bottom lip. “Hey, Adam. Are you busy tonight?”

I held up my wrist. I had on a white band also. “Jasmine, I’m taken. Our arrangement ended a few years ago. Excuse me.”

She pouted her lips as I pushed past her. There was no need to say anything else. She meant nothing, and I had been crystal clear before we slept together.

Shutting the door, I dialed Hampton.

He picked up. “I think I’ve found Roach. He’s in a small apartment in Alpharetta. I should have confirmation over the next day or so.”

Finally, we’re making headway.

I closed the office door behind me, muting out most of the sound. “What do you need from us, Hampton?”

Hampton cleared his throat as papers rustled. “Do you want this guy pressed for information? I have a friend named Bane who knows people. If needed, I can call him to get some references of who we should hire.”

I scrubbed a hand down my face. “Let’s first see what Roach is up to. From there, we might need to get in contact with this Bane guy.”

“Sounds good, Adam. I’ll be in touch.”

“Thanks. Let me know what you find out.”

“Will do.”

We hung up, and I sighed a breath of relief. Hopefully, this mess would be behind us soon. So far, no one’s face had been visible on the pictures that were posted.

I went to my computer screen and glanced at all the video feeds from the club. The bar in the sex club came up. The new member, Tyler Helms, was talking to Ainsley, and Jasmine was walking toward her.


Just because Tyler was a rich trust-fund baby, and he was the son of our lawyer didn’t mean he could write his own laws here. He was a cocky bastard.

My club. My rules. My girl.

Tyler had that look of lust on his face.


I could tell he wanted Ainsley.

Where is Snake?

And I knew Jasmine was going to cause problems.

I went straight to my office door and to the bar, nearly knocking someone over in the process.

That shithead is about to learn a lesson.


I needed to maintain my composure. Ainsley didn’t like fighting, and this was not how I would normally handle it in the sex club. Confrontation was a faster solution for the bar scene, so I generally chose that method. I needed to calm my inner beast that always tried to surface. I didn’t have an anger issue. I just liked problems to be dealt with quickly at my club.

The music was low and sultry. Tyler touched Ainsley’s shoulder as he was speaking to her. My fists balled up, and then I relaxed them, reminding myself to stay calm. I could easily get my point across another way. Ainsley pulled away and scooted a little farther back from Tyler.


I made it to Ainsley and wrapped my hands around her waist. Jasmine was standing behind Tyler, watching us.

“Hey, baby,” I said.

Ainsley leaned into me at my term of endearment.

I looked over to Tyler, who was watching the exchange. He was clearly surprised.

That’s right, asshole. She’s mine.

Tyler glanced at Ainsley’s tits before looking back to me. I forced my fingers from their natural inclination to tighten into fists around her waist.

Tyler spoke almost condescendingly, “Hey, Adam. Good to see you again. Ainsley and I were about to have a drink.”

Ainsley went stiff in my arms, and her head shot over to Tyler. Stiffly, she said, “I said I didn’t want anything and that I was waiting for Adam, my boyfriend.”

He gave a cocky smile, and I was three seconds away from revoking his membership.

As I held Ainsley closer to me, I spoke directly to this asshole with ice in my voice, “Tyler, I suggest you read the manual and know that white bracelets mean off-limits. Ainsley’s mine. Don’t make that mistake again. I’ll revoke your membership next time any rule is broken, regardless of who your father is.”

That sobered Tyler up.


He stared at me as if he was trying to intimidate me. I looked him back in the eye as I gave a smirk. Tyler downed his drink and slammed the glass on the bar before turning and walking away. I noticed that he hadn’t acknowledged my earlier comment. If Ainsley wasn’t here, he and I would be having a serious talk, but I didn’t want to leave her alone for a second longer. He’d be here at some point when Ainsley wasn’t.

With one problem down, another scooted closer to us. Ainsley looked away as Nora was giving Ainsley an air high-five.

Jasmine took a long sip of her drink and then said, “You know, Adam and I used to fuck like rabbits. He’s been through most of the girls here. We could try the three of us.”

Ainsley’s head snapped to the left. Before I had a chance to say anything, Ainsley said, “And who are you?”

Her voice held as much ice as I’d had in mine when addressing Tyler.

Jasmine gave a smirk. “I’m Jasmine. He said I was the best lay he’d had in years.”

I interrupted, “Jasmine, I suggest you watch yourself. We haven’t fucked in years. You’d bett—”

Ainsley held up her hands. I was strung tight and getting pissed off at the nerve of this bitch.

Ainsley calmly but sternly spoke with enough heat to melt Antarctica, “Jasmine, I’m not sure what you planned to accomplish, but if you think I don’t know Adam has been with several people in this club, then you’re delusional. I’m sorry you apparently haven’t gotten over your fuck-buddy relationship, which I’m sure he made abundantly clear was over. I suggest we not speak anymore, or I’m going to ask Adam to revoke your membership for not respecting the white-bracelet rule.”

My girl had a backbone, and I supported her. “Don’t push it, Jasmine. If you bother Ainsley or myself again, you’re gone.”

Jasmine grabbed her drink and left the bar.

Problem two had officially been dealt with. Ainsley had shocked me with her reaction. She had been rational, and she’d let the past stay where it belonged—in the past.

I turned her around on the bar stool. “Are you okay?”

She stood up. “Yes, I’m okay. I’ve honestly been expecting someone like Jasmine to approach me with some sort of jealousy. Your past is more colorful than mine, but we’ve both still slept with people. It’s a nonissue for me as long as they stay in the past.”

“I promise, Ainsley. That’s where they all are.”

She reached up and gave me a gentle kiss. “Then, that’s all that matters.”

“Are you ready for our night on security camera duty?” I kissed her again.

Ainsley grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “I have my eagle eyes ready to spot anyone misbehaving.”

“Good. You’re going to need those for security.”

She paused for a second and then glanced ove

r her shoulder seeing Tyler on the other side of the room. Ainsley turned back to me. “Who is Tyler’s father?”

“He’s our lawyer’s son.”

A look of disgust went across Ainsley’s face. Nora set a Guinness on the bar and then went to the next customer. Ainsley looked over her shoulder as I grabbed my beer and gave Nora a wave before she was out of sight. This week, Nora’s hair was black with red tips. She wagged her eyebrows up and down while giving us one of those shit-eating grins.

Leaving the bar, we made it to the security office as several other people watched us. I knew people probably thought I had lost my marbles with how I was acting with Ainsley, but I didn’t care.

Ainsley had been in here when I gave her a thorough tour of the place the other night. I closed the door behind us and motioned toward the couch.

“Make yourself comfortable, baby. I’m sorry I have to work tonight. I’ll make it up to you.”

Instead, she sat in the chair next to me. I liked that she wanted to be close to me.

“I’m going to hold you to that.” Ainsley bounced her leg like she was nervous, and her shorts rode up slightly higher.

My dick was aching. It was going to be a long night.

She started twirling her ring, and that was my sign that something was up. I planned on giving her a few minutes before I asked what was going on.

Then, she started talking, “To pass the time while you watch the screens, do you want to play a game?”

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024