Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 25

Scrolling through all the screens quickly, it seemed like there weren’t any impending problems. I checked the queue, and no one had hit their button to say they needed help.

I responded, “I’d be up for a game, I guess.”

“I think we should play Twenty Questions.”

I leaned back in the chair. We knew the basics about each other at this point. I was curious to see where she was going with this. I was beginning to trust her more about not trying to push me somewhere I either didn’t want to go or wasn’t ready to go.

“I’m game.”

She rubbed her hands together as I glanced at the screens again. Tyler and Jasmine had found each other.

Good. They would be a great match. Arrogant asses.

“I’ll ask first.” She tapped her finger to her mouth. “When did you lose your virginity?”

I chuckled. “Sixteen. It was in the back of my mom’s pickup truck. You?”

“My senior prom in a hotel room. It was not memorable in the slightest. He was drunk and passed out after the deed was done.” She shook her head. “It was not fun. Okay, next question. What’s something you want to do with me, but you haven’t yet for whatever reason?”

I ran my hands down my jeans. I was liking this game more and more, but she was making security detail difficult.

“Tie you up while I fuck you senseless on the Tantra Chair.”

She squirmed in her seat.

“What’s a fantasy you’ve always wanted fulfilled?”

“To do naughty things together in a public place. It seems like it would be exhilarating.”

Now, I was enjoying this little game a whole hell of a lot. I could easily do that for my girl. I made a mental note. She spread her legs slightly, and a blush crept on her cheeks.

She’s up to something.

She ran her finger up the inside of her leg. “Will you ever masturbate in front of me?”

My mouth gaped slightly at that question. I had not expected that. “Um…yes, we can do that.”

She cocked her head to the side as I watched her face.

“Would you want me to do that, too?”

“Finger-fuck yourself while I watch?”

She nodded.

“Hell yes. I’d be right there, coming with you.”

My girl was getting more and more sexually open each and every day, and I loved it. She was comfortable with me, and we could talk about almost anything.

Ainsley stood and dropped her shorts. She didn’t have on any panties.

I swallowed hard. “Hell yes. Did you plan this, baby?”


That one simple word had my dick at full attention. I sat back in my chair and undid my pants, showing her how turned-on I was. Quickly, I glanced at those stupid-ass screens again.

We’re hiring someone for security tomorrow.

She sat back in the chair and licked her lips as she arched her back and pulled off her shirt and bra. She sat there in a chair, naked, for me. Her hand began trailing toward her center, and my mouth watered at the sight.

“I’ve been thinking about this all day, Adam.”

I rolled her chair toward me. “Baby, brace your legs on my armrests and then touch yourself.”

She put her feet on the armrests. I placed my feet around the base of her chair to keep her from scooting away.

“Now, touch yourself, baby. Make yourself come. Watching you fall apart is going to make me lose myself.”

My words gave her whatever push she’d needed as she started touching herself. I grabbed my cock and started rubbing it as I saw her rosy pussy. She was glistening as she entered her body, and she threw her head back at the feeling.

She moaned, “Adam…Adam…Adam…”

Those words on her mouth did something to me. My name was getting her off behind her closed eyes. She began vigorously rubbing herself, and I started stroking my cock, harder and faster. We were going to come together. Any second, she was going to go.

“Ainsley, look at me when you come. Watch me come.”

Her eyes snapped to mine and then zeroed in on my hand rubbing my dick. It was ready to blow. She started panting hard, and she was coming. I let it go and started erupting on the floor as we watched each other fall apart. She was a goddess as she slumped back in her chair. I leaned back in the chair and watched her.

She’s mine.

Her legs were still propped on the armrests with the evidence of her arousal still on display. I caressed her feet.

“I’ll play Twenty Questions anytime you want.”

Ainsley smiled coyly at me. “I love that game. I can’t—”

There was a knock on the door, and Ainsley abruptly tried to scoot back, which caused the chair to start tipping back. I went to grab it when I heard the door opening.

My voice thundered as I yelled, “Do not come in here!”

The door slammed shut.

Shit, I forgot to lock the door.

First, I made sure that Ainsley wasn’t going to fall. She kept glancing toward the door. There was cum all over the floor.

“Baby, get dressed. No one will see you. Let me step out in the hallway.”

Ainsley still looked half-startled. “I guess that will teach us to leave the door unlocked again.”

She was trying to make light of the situation, but I was on edge. Someone had almost seen her exposed in her beauty.

I gave her a chaste kiss. “I’ll be back.”

As I walked to the door, I zipped myself back up, and I opened the door enough for me to slip out. Snake was about seven feet from the door. He was a smart guy not to give me a knowing grin.

“What’s up, Snake?”

Snake ran his hands through his hair. “I needed another walkie-talkie, so I could talk with all the guys. Mine died.”

He held up his nonworking one. This was another reason I hated those damn things.

“Let me get you another one. I’ll turn one on, too, tonight to help. Stay out here.”

Snake nodded, and I went back into the room. Ainsley was dressed, and she was cleaning up my mess.

“Baby, I’ll get that. I need to get this walkie-talkie to Snake.”

She smiled sweetly up at me. “I wanted to. I’m almost done.”

I grabbed a charged walkie-talkie, went back out into the hall, and handed it to Snake. He took it from me, turned it on, and headed off toward the bar.

He called over his shoulder, “Thanks, man. Let me know if you need anything.”


; “Will do.”

I went back in, and Ainsley was throwing away the last of the paper towels.

“Thanks, baby.”


She wagged her eyebrows up and down, and I chuckled.

I went to the desk, sat down in the black leather chair, and looked at all the screens again. All looked clear. Ainsley came and sat on my lap. I moved her hair over, so I had access to her neck as she leaned back.

She was playing with her ring. “Are you still okay about going to my mom’s friend’s thing tomorrow? I found out it’s actually a congratulations party for her daughter. She got admitted late into medical college. I told my mom that I’m seeing someone, but there’s no pressure to come.”

I continued flipping through the screens as I gave Ainsley’s neck a kiss. “Yes, I want to go. What time do we need to be there? Do you like Donna and her daughter?”

“It starts at seven, and it’s a dinner thing. Donna was a supposed friend of my mom’s when I was growing up. We should only have to stay a couple of hours at most.”

There was a slight vulnerability in her voice that cut to the quick of me. I wanted her to trust me enough to talk about what had happened to her.

“We’ll leave around six thirty to get there on time, if that sounds good. Do you want to talk about it?”

I kissed her neck again and wrapped my left arm around her waist. She settled in a little closer, obviously needing the connection.

We sat in silence for a few minutes.

Then, she started talking solemnly, “My dad was a horrible man. This supposed friend of my mom’s used to tattle on my mom to my dad, and it would cause a lot of problems for her. My mom is the type of person to look for the good within people even if there isn’t any. She stayed with my dad until he left her, and honestly, I think she is still under some delusion that he’ll come back. She’s always been there for me, and she’s protected me, but we don’t talk about any of it. It’s as if what I remember as a kid never happened. Sometimes, because of all the denial, I question if any of it was even real.”

With her anguished voice, my curiosity was at an all-time high. Ainsley stayed silent as she looked into the distance with her eyes unfocused. Since we had met, it seemed Ainsley enjoyed the silence at times. That was something we both had in common. Feeling the need to touch her, I kissed her neck again, and Ainsley leaned into it. As the silence continued, a lone tear fell down her cheek. My right hand came up and brushed it away.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024