Ripple Effect (Effect 1) - Page 42

The club was hopping as we entered. This side of the club seemed more like Adam with the street signs and metal walls while the sex club was sensual and erotic. Both sides of the club suited Adam in different ways.

The bouncer, Jethro, greeted us, “Hey, ladies. It’s going to be a full house. Adam has a table saved for you near the stage. Enjoy the show.”

I gave him a warm smile. “Thank you. We will.”

Jethro was like a giant teddy bear. It was hard to reconcile his sweet demeanor with him being a bouncer. I was sure though that he could handle his own, or Adam wouldn’t have him in that position.

Nora rubbed his bald head. “Jude’s coming by. Don’t give him hell like last time.”

Jethro gave her a fatherly look. “I have to make sure he’s good enough for you. It’s in my job description. Ask Adam.”

I was sure my eyes went wide, wondering what he thought about me.

He gave me a wink. “Don’t worry, Ainsley. I think you guys are perfect for each other.”

I liked Jethro, and I gave him a warm smile. “I’m glad I passed.”

We had only talked a few times, but he and Nora were tight. Nora gave him a big kiss on the forehead. “Don’t worry, big guy. He’s good to me.”

Jethro gave her another look as she winked and blew him a kiss. He had a deep belly laugh. Nora grabbed my elbow and took me into the club toward what I assumed was our reserved seat since there were not any other vacant ones. The bar was hopping as the place continued to fill.

Before we sat down, Nora asked, “Do you want a drink?”

I had to raise my voice for her to hear me. “Sure. Surprise me. Something sweet.”

Nora nodded and walked to the bar. I sat down and looked for the video cameras that I knew were in here from the times I had been in the security office with Adam. I spotted the camera and blew a kiss up into the lens, knowing he was watching me. The new security guy, Matt, hadn’t started yet, and Brandt wouldn’t pay any attention to it.

Nora set my drink down in front of me. “Sex on the Beach. They didn’t have a Sex on the Tantra Chair version.”

I rolled my eyes and chuckled before taking a drink. It was fruity and cold. “Once you try the chair, you never go back.”

Nora laughed. “Touché.”

I held up my drink. “I like it. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

The music continued to play and reverberate through the walls. Nora was moving to the beat as she sipped her drink.

I leaned in closer. “Is that The Divas playing up there? Adam mentioned he was getting another band since the demand for The Thrillhammers was high.”

“Yeah, it’s their last song. I saw Chris from The Thrillhammers up at the bar, and they’re going to start in about twenty minutes. This place is going to go crazy. Greg, Wayne, and Shannon from the band are getting ready in the back. I like their sound. It’s chill.”

Nora took a drink of whatever she was drinking and closed her eyes as she let the music absorb into her.

The song ended as the lead Diva said, “Thank you, Club Envy. It’s been a fucking blast. The Divas have loved playing for you. Hold tight as The Thrillhammers will be on here shortly, and they have a hell of a show for you guys.”

Everyone applauded as The Divas took a bow. I’d have to remember to tell Adam that I liked their sound. As the music died down, I knew I only had a few minutes before they cued up some other music while The Thrillhammers got ready to perform.

I leaned in closer to my friend. “Nora, I meant to ask you something at the house. I know we haven’t been spending as much time together lately since I started seeing Adam, and I want to make sure we’re okay.”

In true, typical Nora fashion, she gave me a big air kiss. “We’re totally fine. You and me are like peanut butter and jelly. We work together. We’ve both been crazy busy, and I have a new fella I’m twitterpated with at the moment, so I know how it is. But you’d be there for me if I needed something.”

“True, true, and true. Okay, good. Twitterpated, you say?”

I raised my eyebrow as she laughed.

“Oh, that’s all you’re getting out of me for the moment. I’m going to the restroom. Be back.”

Nora stood up and walked away. I knew she liked Jude a lot, but she wasn’t ready to admit the depths of her feelings.

My phone vibrated. I smiled because it was Adam.

Adam: You look gorgeous. If I see one more guy eye-fuck you, we’re going to have problems.

Me: I like knowing you’re watching me.

Adam: I can’t wait to taste your body again.

I was smiling at the phone, thinking of a response, when he sent another text.

Adam: I’m going to taste you all night long as I fuck you.

Me: I’m already wet for you.

I smiled at my overly open, sexual text. As I hit Send, a tall blond approached. He was the same guy from the other night in the sex club.

Tyler something?

He was the son of one of the partners at my father’s law firm. He sat down and made himself comfortable.

“Ainsley, right?”

I swallowed, squared my shoulders, and responded as a familiar rock song began to play, “Yes.”

Simple one-worded answers normally got the point across. My phone vibrated in my hands again, and I glanced down.

Adam: I’m on my way.

Me: Okay.

Tyler’s blue eyes were looking me up and down, and I was glad Adam was on his way.

“Well, we don’t have to worry about that bracelet bullshit over here. I like how you look, baby. And I think you feel the same way about me. Why don’t we go grab a bite to eat and get to know each other better?”

The fact that he used the endearment that Adam sometimes called me had my stomach turning.

He is disgusting.

I looked him straight in the eyes as The Thrillhammers began to take the stage. The band was making a few adjustments.

“Tyler, I’m Adam’s girlfriend, regardless if I’m in the sex club or out of it. Going forward, I would appreciate it if you would stay away from me. I have no interest in you.”

Tyler gave me a cocky smile. “What would your dad think if he knew you belonged to a sex club?”

I was losing my patience with this arrogant ass as he threw his arm over the back of his chair and took a sip of his beer.

“Tyler, I could give a rat’s ass what my father thinks. He already knows Adam is dating me, so I’m sure he’s put two and two together.”

My insides were shaking at the fact that this man would bring my father into this. Thinking about my dad and what he had done to my mom had my heart racing. The memories were fresh as if a knife had reopened the scar I had long ago tried to forget. A hand came down on my shoulder, and my body relaxed slightly. Adam is here.

Tyler’s eyes narrowed in on what I assumed was a very pissed off Adam behind me. “Is she the reason you dropped my dad’s law firm? It’s obvious she has daddy issues.”

Adam came around and stood beside me as I was about to respond. When I glanced up at his face, he looked furious. His muscles were defined as he positioned himself in an authoritative stance. “You’ve crossed the line for the last time, Tyler. I don’t give second chances. I’m going to ask you to leave my establishment and never come back. Your membership for the club is officially revoked.”

Tyler stood up and matched Adam’s stance. I stood in case something happened. My palms began sweating as the air became thick, and the feeling of a fight permeated the atmosphere.

Tyler spit out, “You think you’re some badass motherfucker who can dictate who I can or can’t talk to. Last I checked, you didn’t own the bitch, so she can fuck whoever the hell she wants.”

Shocked, I looked at Adam to see his response. He was still in control of himself, which helped keep my heart from jumping out of my throat.

Coolly, Adam said, “Are you going to leave the premises?”

“Make me, asshole.”

Tyler reminded me of my father. The music was still playing in the bar, but all activities had stopped, and everyone was watching us. For the first time since this had started, I noticed Trigger and Snake standing a few feet behind Tyler. Adam nodded his head, and they both came to each side of Tyler and began taking him out of the club.

Nora came up beside me, and she took in the scene in her carefree way. “Jude’s on his way. What’s going on?”

Adam looked back at me. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

I started walking, and Nora followed me. Tyler was spitting profanities at Adam.

I hurriedly said, “That guy Tyler tried to start something.”

Nora looked at me as her eyes widened. “I always miss things when I’m in the pisser. Your man friend is going to whip his ass.”

Chastising her, I responded, “Nora…”

Jethro called out above the crowd, “There’s nothing to see. I suggest you all go back to doing what you were doing. If you leave now, you’re out for the night.”

I still continued to push through the crowd as the crowd turned and refocused themselves on what they had been doing before the Tyler incident. I was only a few feet behind Adam as Tyler continued to yell.

As we crossed the threshold, I heard Chris from The Thrillhammers say, “Let’s get this party started. How’s everyone doing tonight?”

Snake and Trigger released Tyler once outside. He stumbled forward a few steps.

Adam said, “Don’t choose the hard way, Tyler. Just leave. Make the right choice.”

Brandt came up and stood a few feet from Adam as Tyler walked toward us.

Tags: Kristin Mayer Effect Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024