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Zack (Cold Fury Hockey 3)

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Awww...damn, that kills me. I hold my arms out to him and say, "Come here. It'll be all right."

Ben immediately turns away from me and buries his face back in Kate's shoulder, his little hands grasping on to her as if he'll die without her. She gives me an apologetic look and brings a hand up to cup the back of his head.

"Come on, Sweet Potato Pudding Pie," Kate cajoles him. "Let's rub some dirt in it. You're okay, right?"

His cries start to die down and I just stare helplessly while my son wants to take comfort only in Kate's arms.

So fucking bittersweet.

Bitter that it's not Gina holding him.

Bitter that it's not me he wants right now.

But so fucking sweet, this connection he's developed with Kate. My son is happy and secure with her, and rather than make me feel jealous as I thought it would, I feel immensely grateful toward her.

"I'm going to get the grill started," I say as I lean over and kiss Ben on the head, then give her a quick wink. "Looks like you got everything under control."

I make my way back up onto the deck and get the grill going. Shortly thereafter, Delaney and Ryker come out, their arms loaded with food. Delaney hands me the plate of burgers to grill and then sets plates, a bowl of potato salad, and an apple pie she picked up at the grocery store out on the large outdoor table that comfortably seats eight.

Ryker, Delaney, and I shoot the shit and sip on beers while I cook the burgers. We discuss the playoffs and the amazing potential we have to take a legitimate shot at the Cup this year. Ryker updates me on the status of his soon-to-be ex-wife, who is now apparently wanting to send his girls down here full-time to stay with him.

"I want them down here with me," Ryker says as he leans back comfortably in his chair. "But she's got to give me a little time to get set up. I need to find someone to watch them, figure out school, and get some decent furniture for their rooms."

"I'll pull the applications of the other women I interviewed," Delaney tells him. "They were both really good, so that might be a place to start."

"Appreciate it," Ryker says with a smile.

"Burgers are almost ready," I shout out to Kate, who is now swinging with Ben. His tears have completely dried and he's fine.

"Come on," I hear Kate say, and a brief glance her way has me smiling as she jumps off the swing set like a little kid. "I'll race you."

"She's fantastic with Ben," Ryker says. "You picked a winner."

"Well, Delaney really picked her," I say with a shrug. "But yeah...she's pretty great."

"Who's pretty great?" Kate asks as she climbs up the stairs followed by Ben.

When she hits the top step, my heart gives a tiny stutter. Her cheeks are flushed, her hair is wild from playing with Ben, and she looks sweet and completely fucking edible right now.

"You are," I say honestly as I point my spatula at her. "With Ben."

"I am," she preens and gives a curtsy. "I really am."

"And humble too," Delaney says drily, and we all laugh.

Delaney and Kate get along extremely well, and I've been hearing plenty these last few days from Delaney, who has been consistently patting herself on the back over her wise choice of hiring.

"Okay, Peter Peter Poopy Eater," Kate says to Ben as she takes him by the shoulder. "Let's go get cleaned up."

My eyes stare at her hungrily as she opens the sliding door for Ben and lets him go in after her. I watch her until she's out of sight, and I cannot wait for the moment I get back from dropping Delaney and Ben off at the airport tomorrow. I'm going to attack her the minute I get in the house for sure.

"Oh, no," Delaney says all of a sudden. "Oh, hell no."

My head rotates her way and she's glaring at me. "What?" I ask, confused.

"No, Zack," she commands me as she points back toward the sliding glass door. "Absolutely not."

I stare at her, flummoxed. My eyes cut over to Ryker, who says, "Did I miss something?"

Delaney leans forward in her chair toward me and then lowers her voice. "I saw the way you were looking at Kate," she accuses.

Ryker says, "Oh, man."

"I have no clue what you're talking about," I say casually as I open the grill and start pulling the burgers off.

"You stay away from her," Delaney presses me.

I turn and level a penetrating look at my sister. "You don't tell me what to do."

"Zack...she's Ben's nanny. She--"

"Back off, Delaney," I say with an undercurrent of menace. "My life."

She sits back in a huff and grabs her bottle of beer. I relax, but then Ryker asks, "I think I understand. But maybe not. Zack and Kate?"

This question is clearly addressed to Delaney, who answers, "Yes. Did you see the way he was eating her up with his eyes? And there was knowledge in those eyes. Oh, yes...he has carnal knowledge of that girl."

"Holy fuck," Ryker says slowly, and, I have to admit, with a little bit of awe in his voice.

I slam the grill lid closed and turn off the burners. Picking up the plate of hamburgers, I walk them over and set them on the table with a bit of a clatter. "Discussion is over," I tell them both. "Now, I'm going in to get another beer. Do either of you want one?"

Ryker holds his hand up and Delaney mutters, "Bring the bottle of bourbon with you. I think I need it."

I snicker and then head into the house. As I open the sliding glass door, Ben comes barreling out. I let him pass and then step inside, shutting the door behind me. When I step into the kitchen, I see Kate with her head in the refrigerator, that beautiful ass sticking out slightly. In two strides, I'm behind her and my hands go to her hips.

She startles but then immediately realizes it's me, and I know this because she gives me an exasperated sigh and slaps my hands away. "Stop. Someone might see us."

My hands go right back to her hips, then one slides across her stomach to pull her back in to me. "No, they won't," I whisper in her ear, just before I nip at it.

Kate gives a tiny moan and her head falls back on my shoulder. "Come on, Zack. Stop playing around."

"This isn't playing," I tease her. "After I get back from the airport tomorrow, I intend to do a whole lot of playing around with you."

And Christ...she fucking shudders hard in my arms.

I release her quickly before the bulge in my pants grows any bigger. "Hand me three beers, if you don't mind."

She pulls them out, holding them to me one by one over her shoulder. She pulls another one out for herself and shuts the refrigerator door. When she turns to look at me, she asks, "That, um...thing down there with Ben. You okay with that?"

"What?" I ask with my eyebrow cocked at her. "The fact my son didn't want me to comfort him but wanted you?"

She nods hesitantly.

"Completely fine with it," I assure her. "He loves you. It's natural."

Kate's face flushes red and she ducks her head a bit. "I love him too."

My insides fill with warmth over the tenderness in her voice as she tells me she loves my son.

"Yeah," I tell her gruffly. "I know you do."


Delaney is uncharacteristically quiet as we drive to the airport. Ben is in the backseat, flipping through one of his books.

She hasn't said anything else to me about Kate, but I know my sister well. It's coming, and since we're almost at the airport, I expect it will be at any time now.

"So the thing last night on the deck," she starts out carefully.

Bingo. Right on time.

"Let's not go there," I warn her.

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