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Dare to Stay (Dare Nation 4)

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Cole deserved more than a woman who couldn’t give him her heart. “Not avoiding you exactly,” she hedged. “But I do need to talk to you.”

His expression fell, the smile gone. “I had a feeling. Care to tell me why? I thought we enjoyed each other’s company.”

How did she explain? Mentioning Braden was out of the question for so many reasons, her professionalism being paramount. “Can we say it’s not you, it’s me?” she asked, cringing as she used those trite words.

“I’m not sure it matters why, but can I ask if it’s about Braden Prescott?”

She blinked in surprise. “What makes you say that?”

“Which isn’t a no.” He shoved his hands into his chinos pockets. “I saw you two on the sidelines last week and briefly on television this past weekend. There’s a certain chemistry between you that’s hard to miss.”

She swallowed over the lump in her throat and realized she had to tell him the truth. “We’re not together now but we have history,” she admitted.

“It’s obvious. And you should have told me,” he said, sounding hurt.

She stepped forward to put a hand on his shoulder, then thought better of it. “Probably but I wanted to keep the past in the past and my private life private.”

“Not so easy when you’re working with your ex. He is your ex, right? That’s what you mean by history?”

She nodded.

“Well, I see something current brewing between you two now.” He met her gaze, his expression cool. “You should be careful. I heard him telling stories about his time traveling for Doctors Without Borders, and the man definitely lit up when he talked about his time there. Who knows how long he’ll stick around.”

Although Willow didn’t know if he was looking out for her or trying to hurt her, she was annoyed just the same. As for Braden, Cole wasn’t telling her anything she didn’t already know. But it still hurt to hear and reminded her of why she needed to keep her emotional walls high.

“I don’t appreciate you making assumptions about me or gossiping about my life.” Braden joined them, a pissed-off expression on his face, arms folded across his chest.

Cole glanced at Braden and, without another word, shook his head and walked out of his own office, leaving them alone. Her stomach twisted at the way things had ended. She’d wanted an easier breakup, but he’d taken her off guard. The fact that both Bella and Cole had picked up on something between her and Braden meant others would, too. And she didn’t like it at all.

“So what was that all about?” Braden asked.

“It’s really none of your business.” She did not want to tell him she’d ended things with Cole and have him make all sorts of assumptions as to why.

There was no reason for him to know his kiss had been the impetus for her to take that step because she wasn’t the kind of woman to lead a man on.

Braden narrowed his gaze. “Considering he mentioned me by name and had the balls to come to pretty wrong conclusions about my life, I’d say it’s very much my business.”

She leaned against the desk, gripping the edge with her hands. “We broke up,” she said through clenched teeth.

Interest flashed in his gorgeous eyes. “I take it from how pissed off he was that you’re the one who ended things?”

He stepped into her personal space, and when she drew a breath, it was his cologne she smelled, his sexy frame that was close to hers, and as usual, her own body responded.

“Does it matter?” she asked.

“It does to me. I want to know that our kiss meant something to you. Enough to break up with Walsh.” He leaned in and she stopped him, placing her hand on his chest.

Eyes leveled on hers, he grasped her wrist and pulled her toward him, placing her palm against his mouth. She shivered, the soft feel of his lips a whisper she felt everywhere. Her nipples tightened and her sex clenched, moisture coating her silk underwear. She held back a moan, but she knew there was no missing the evidence of her arousal, not when his gaze zeroed in on her chest.

“Admit it. I’m the reason you ended things,” he said in a raspy tone. He threaded his fingers through hers.

“Even if you were, it doesn’t change things between us.” But the pulsing desire flowing through her begged her to change her mind.

“You just cleared the way, sweetheart. I’m a Prescott and a Dare. We know how to get what we want.” His gaze bored into hers, making it abundantly clear exactly what he meant.

She decided not to dignify his comment with a reply, but clearly he wasn’t put off, because he merely grinned at her. “So what are you doing for Thanksgiving this year?” he asked.

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