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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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She was there with me at every round for the Cup. She was there when I was bruised and exhausted. She kept me going. She was there for every loss but also every win. And when I hoisted the Cup over my head in a Hollywood ending against the IceCats at the end of a seven-game series, in their arena, I looked up at the boxes, and I knew Shelli was there. Cheering for me. For the Assassins. When I went down the line, shaking hands with the IceCats, and I came to Merryweather, he didn’t shake my hand. But I didn’t care.

Not only did I win the Cup, I won Shelli’s heart.

I don’t think there’s ever been a time when I’ve been this happy.

We spent the summer in New York for rehearsals. And when she had a week-long break, I flew her to Bora Bora since she’d never been. A lot of the guys went, and we had a blast. The best part was seeing the look of pure relaxation on her face. She works so hard, does so much, and it felt damn good to see her finally relax a bit. It’s also funny watching her in the mornings these days. With no stats to follow, now she follows the moves the teams make. Her brain never stops, and boy, do I love it.

I love her. God, I love her.

It’s funny how hard it was for me to tell her that. When I finally did, it was just like breathing. She completes me. No one gets me like she does, and no one can make me laugh until I cry. Everything seems perfect to me, and I wouldn’t or couldn’t change it for anything. Not when I get to be on the receiving end of Shelli’s smile.

I’m going to miss that smile.

The apartment here is small, but it’s only temporary. She’ll stay for another four months, with both of us traveling to the other when we have time. It’s gonna be tough, but if anyone can do it, we can. We have no choice, really, because the other option is being without her, and that isn’t going to happen.

“Damn, she’s amazing,” Dad says from beside me. “Don’t let her go, Aiden. Talented, smart girls like that, you keep forever.”

“You forgot gorgeous,” I add, and he laughs.

“Thought that would be weird.”

We both nod in agreement, but beyond the last comment, he’s right. I can’t let her go. I won’t. With the new season approaching, I’m nervous to be away from her. We have it so perfect when we’re together, but I know we’ll fall into a new rhythm. Lots of FaceTime and phone sex are in our future, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. While she says Chicago is seriously her last show, I’m not sure she’s done. She just wasn’t happy where she was, and now that she has me, her biggest fan, I think she’ll go on for a while. I could be wrong, though. She could come back home and hop right back in the saddle for everything to do with the foundation.

She could honestly do anything she wanted, and I’d be there.

Supporting and loving her.

Shelli moves across the stage, her voice carrying in such a mesmerizing way, and I can’t stop smiling. It’s crazy how quickly she’s changed my life. I never thought someone could make me feel the things she makes me feel, but I do. I really never saw myself as someone who wanted a partner in life, but now I want that partner to be her. She makes me want things I never thought I could. I love living with her, I love watching her succeed, and I love that we cheer each other on.

Do we fight? Constantly. She drives me absolutely insane with her mouth. Always has to have the last word, and she sure as hell gets on me about leaving my boxers in the bathroom. Don’t know why it matters. I pick them up when I remember, but it drives her to cussing at me. I’ve also learned that it doesn’t matter if I put my name on my food…she’ll eat it. If she’s hungry, she’s eating, and I don’t know why it doesn’t make me mad. Instead, it makes me laugh. She makes me laugh.

Shelli is it for me.

I thought it would be harder on us, with our parents knowing, but it hasn’t been. They’re annoying and think they know everything, but for the most part, they’re very supportive. We have family dinners every damn week, and apparently, we’re all going to Harry Potter world this Christmas. I’m not complaining since I wanna go, but it will be hard feeling Shelli up with my wand when Shea is right there. He’s always right there, too. It’s like he knows I want to touch her all the time, and he cockblocks like no other.

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