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Dump and Chase (Nashville Assassins Next Generation 1)

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Shelli thinks it’s funny. I don’t.

But then, this is my life.

And what a life it is.

When the show ends with all the usual pomp and circumstance, my gaze stays on that girl I’m entirely in love with. I clap loudly, screaming her name as I stand to my feet. Her first show was a hit, and she was made for the role of Velma Kelly. Her sassy ass and sultry voice blew away everyone in the place. She was magnificent. She takes her bow when they call her name, and her eyes meet mine. She doesn’t have to say anything for me to know she loves me. It’s all over her gorgeous face.

And mine, I’m sure.

I gather with her parents and mine in the lobby. We’re going to dinner once she comes out, and then we’re heading back to our place. I’ll leave tomorrow with our families, and while I’m bummed, I’m excited for the new season to start. Before I know it, Shelli will be home for the holidays, and we can start the next chapter of our lives. I’m excited, though a little nervous. I don’t want to mess up. But if she hasn’t left me for the constant pairs of boxers on the floor, I don’t think she will.

We have to wait about an hour before she comes out, still glammed up from the stage. She’s wearing a simple little black dress that fits her in all the ways I love. Her heels are high and sparkly, though she walks as if she’s in sneakers. Such confidence and beauty. Her dad hugs her first and then her mom before she finally gets to me. I wrap my arms around her as she does the same to me, our mouths meeting in a heated embrace. I’ll never get tired of kissing her. I swear it. I savor her kiss, the feel of her lips and the taste of her. She must have just eaten something sweet, making me feel as if I’m in heaven.

When I pull back, she gazes up at me. “What did you think? Be honest!”

I shrug. “It was okay. You missed a step in the second act and were off-key for most of the show,” I say, all blasé-like, and her eyes narrow but she grins. “Totally joking! You were the best up there and blew me away completely. You should star in all the parts on Broadway. Can we ask for that? Who do I talk to?”

She wiggles as she squeals, and everyone laughs. She wraps her arms around me, and we kiss once more, this time a little longer and with tongue. When she pulls back, her cheeks are red, and she gives me a sultry look. It leaves me wanting to go back to our place rather than to dinner with our parents.

But we have to go.

I made the reservations months ago at the best steakhouse in New York to celebrate this night. Shea and Dad have been talking about getting a rib eye all week, but I don’t give two shits about a steak. Nope, only my girl. She leans into me, kissing my jaw when I hold her close as I sit beside her. She’s absolutely stunning and all mine.

“You were amazing tonight.”

“You have to say that,” she teases, kissing my nose.

“For real, Shelli, you were amazing,” Mom says from across the table, stealing Shelli’s attention from me.

My dad nods, and a huge grin is on his face. “Best I’ve ever seen. Seriously better than when you played that blond chick with the snowman.”

She laughs. “Yeah, big change, huh? So much fun. It was perfect. Everything I wanted it to be.”

Elli beams as she moves a pin back in Shelli’s hair. “It was an honor to see you do that. Perfection, my love.”

Shelli’s eyes are starting to fill with tears, and I cuddle her close to me as Shea says, “Truly. You were spectacular.”

“Thanks, guys. I wish that Amelia could have made it, but no, she’s gotta be ready to have my nephew and niece.”

I grin against her temple. Every time I think of that gender reveal, when both pink and blue balloons came out and everyone was shocked to hell, I laugh. I thought Chandler was going to puke. I think he did, actually. I don’t remember. So funny, though. Amelia was crying and not because she was excited. Nope, she’s terrified. Pretty sure Grace is moving in with them for a while since Chandler’s season is about to start. We have a few preseason games against the IceCats, so we plan on checking in on Amelia, Chandler, and the kids. I’m excited to see who pukes more—the kids or Chandler.

My arm tightens around Shelli’s neck as I kiss her temple once more. Sucks that, after tonight, we’ll be apart for three weeks. She has so many shows, and preseason is about to start, but we’ll be fine. I figure, if I tell myself that, I’ll start to believe it and not be bummed that I won’t see her daily. That I won’t wake up to her gorgeous face and perfect lips. Man, I’m gonna miss her.

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