Juicy Rebound (IceCats 1) - Page 90

“Because you haven’t been with someone like me,” he says with a wink before he kisses me and then goes off toward the jewelry store. “We’ll meet at Starbucks?”

“Yeah,” I call to him as he flashes me one of those life-altering grins. I can’t take him. I shake my head as I head to the little spot in the middle of the mall where I know they have money clips. After picking out a nice one, I have it engraved with Mr. Moon’s initials. They’re coming to my uncle’s for dinner. We are heading to their house after we have Christmas with my family.

My mom offered for Mr. and Mrs. Moon to stay for our Christmas, but they declined, not wanting to intrude. Mom is convinced she can get them to stay, and I hope they do. I love spending time with them. I’m a little nervous that they know about Drew. I trust that Chandler is right, though. That they don’t think I’m weak and will continue to love me. As I love them.

And I really love Chandler.

He’s been absolutely amazing this trip. He belongs with my family. He cooked breakfast with my mom and then went to help Sofia and Ryan with some equipment at her gym. Her gym is breathtaking, and I almost took her up on her offer to come work for her. But where would that leave Chandler and me? I’m not leaving him. I refuse to. I have things too good with him, and after the shitshow I’ve lived through, I’m not willing to let that go.

Even though I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t let me even if I wanted to.

A grin tugs at my lips as I head to Starbucks. The thought of him fighting for me makes my blood burn with want. He’s so protective, so confident, and it drives me wild. I want to be self-assured just like him, and I’m working on it. With him beside me. After ordering a hot tea, I take my drink to find a seat where I know Chandler will be able to find me. I’m a little bit nervous about going to my uncle’s after this, but a part of me doesn’t care. It will go well, or it won’t—it doesn’t matter because I’m unbelievably happy, and no one can take that away from me.


You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

Drew’s voice sends chills down my spine. Immediately, the flight response in my brain kicks in. I go to get up, but I pause when he holds his hands up as he lowers himself into the chair across from me. Why am I pausing?

“I just want to talk.”

I cling to my cup as I meet his eyes. I used to think they were so sexy, so perfect, but not anymore. “What do you want?”

“I want to talk.”

“I have nothing to say to you, especially after you pressed charges on Shelli. Yes, she shouldn’t have hit you. But come on, you’ve done worse. You had it coming.”

He nods. “I did, which is why I dropped the charges against Shelli.”

I press my lips together. “I didn’t know that.”

“The paperwork will go through after Christmas. I just asked my lawyer to.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Okay.”

“Do you want to know why?”

“I really don’t,” I say sharply. “I don’t want to talk to you.”

It’s as if he doesn’t hear me. “I’ve been watching you with him for the last hour. You love him.”

Okay, stalker. My heart jumps up into my throat, and I still want to run. But I don’t move. “I do.”

“More than you ever loved me,” he says as a statement, not a question. “You’re happier. So much happier. It was hard to watch at first. I wanted you back.”

My jaw drops before I sneer, “Absolutely not.”

“I knew you’d say that, even before I saw you with him. After, though…I knew I didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of getting you back.”

“Drew, it won’t happen. No matter what—”

“I’m sorry,” he says, cutting me off. “I did wrong toward you. I was awful, and I really am sorry.”

I can only stare at him and try to breathe. My heart is pounding, and my stomach is churning. I swallow back vomit as he goes on.

“When you left me, I went on a drinking binge, got a DUI, and was sent to rehab. I’m an alcoholic, and at the time, I was also popping pills. I couldn’t handle what I was feeling—”

“That’s no excuse,” I say, my eyes narrowing to slits. “You hurt me when all I did was try to love you.”

“You’re extremely right. And again, I’m not trying to make excuses. I’m trying to apologize,” he says softly, and for the first time ever, I see shame in his eyes. “I wanted to tell you all this when Shelli hit me, but I was so embarrassed that I said more than I should have, and I regret that.”

Tags: Toni Aleo IceCats Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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