Hard Hit (IceCats 3) - Page 66

I don’t want to lose him.

I want him to be my safe haven.

I just don’t know how to let that happen, to give away that control. This is why I was terrified to get into a relationship, especially with someone as amazing as Kirby.

Problem is, I’m here. And now, I’ve gotta figure it out.

Chapter Twenty-Five


* * *

I can tell Jaylin is nervous.

I shouldn’t have asked her to stay. I said I wouldn’t. I said I’d go at her speed, but after what happened on the couch, I don’t want her to leave. Ever. She brought a bag; I know it was mainly to change out of that “fuck me stupid” outfit she came over in. Good God, those pieces of lace were downright sinful, and if I didn’t have a little one here, I would ask Jaylin to wear that thing all day.

Jaylin moves through the kitchen, gathering things to cook and talking a million miles a minute. Celeste sits on her hip, holding on but grinning from ear to ear. It’s a sight I crave on the darkest of nights. When I’m doubting myself or our relationship, all I have to do is go to this mental picture of my lady holding my girl. Within seconds, I remember who I am. I’m not going to play it off that Lilly’s words from earlier aren’t fucking with me, they are, but at least I’m able to push them to the side. I’m not dwelling on them anymore. I’m able to remember who the hell I am.

Especially when Jaylin and Celeste look at me.

“She said she was scared to tell me because she was worried about my opinion of her. Can you believe that? My opinion of her? She’s the most unbelievable boss. I look up to her. I wouldn’t think any differently, despite her sexual orientation. You know?”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t see that happening. Not with how high of a pedestal you keep her on.”

“Exactly,” she agrees, coming to me and handing off Celeste. I take her with a grin, and she squeals in excitement. “Oh my. Someone is happy Daddy’s home.”

“Yeah, she is,” I agree, kissing CC hard on the cheek as she climbs up my lap, trying to get the cup on the table. I push it back. “So, lunch went well? Better than you expected?”

“So much better,” she says on an exhale as she chops some vegetables. “I wasn’t ready to defend our relationship to her yet.”

“You’re always ready to defend, sweetheart.”

She thinks that over, holding out the knife like she’s talking with it. With a grin, she agrees, “You’re right.” I scoff as she continues to cut. “I just didn’t want to.”

“Understandable. Though, I don’t know why it matters.”

She sighs heavily. “’Cause Willa has an opinion about us.”

“I wish you’d elaborate more on that so I can figure out if I need to fire her or not,” I mention since she has kept the conversation they had to herself. I know it wasn’t good because neither of them talks about the other now, but Jaylin promises me it’s nothing to worry about.

Of course, I do.

When it comes to Jaylin, I want things to be easy for her. I don’t want any challenges. She works entirely too hard, has been through enough, and I don’t want to be the cause of any bullshit.

She scoffs, pointing the knife at me. “You will not fire her. She’s a great lawyer. She just chose the wrong battle, and I had to remind her who I am.”

Fuck, her confidence is intoxicating. “Damn, you are sexy.”

She gives me a wink that awakens all the desire I’m trying really hard to hold back. Doesn’t work, though. Not when it comes to her. “Thanks. You aren’t too bad yourself. A DILF, for sure.” I snort as she flashes me a wide grin. “But yeah, it was a good lunch. Though I do think I owe it to her to tell her about us, I just don’t know when.”

“Maybe after Willa and I win?”

She considers that. “Yeah, maybe.” She continues to think for a second and then shoots me a look. “Also, we do have a small issue.”

I perk my brow. “Which is?”

“My parents want to meet you. Invited us to dinner at our earliest convenience.”

“Okay. Monday, I only have practice.”

She seems surprised. “That doesn’t freak you out? Meeting them?”

I shake my head. “Not at all. It’s a part of the progression of our relationship.” I move my hands as if I’m building something, but she doesn’t seem convinced.

Jaylin continues to eye me. “What if they don’t like you?”

I shrug. “That’s their problem. I’m with you until you don’t want me.”

Her lips quirk as she lays down the knife before coming over and taking my chin in her fingers. Celeste laughs as she smacks my face, but Jaylin’s and my eyes are locked, and nothing can break that. “I adore you. Greatly.”

Tags: Toni Aleo IceCats Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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