Gage (Men of Honor 1) - Page 55

I tried, I really did, but it was no use. As soon as she started massaging my cock with her silk soft pussy walls I was a goner. I knew and so did she, so she worked me until I gave her what she wanted.

My kid kicked up a fuss the faster I fucked and when she started screaming I thought for sure I’d messed up until I felt the heat of her cunt juice flow down my cock and knew she was just cumming.

Her wild thrashing set me off and I started shooting just as her water broke. I knew the difference because as much as I’ve made her gush in the past it was never anything remotely like this. “Fuck!”

* * *


* * *

Gage in a panic is an adorable thing, at least I think so now after the fact, now that the pain of giving birth is behind me. He panicked when my water broke while we were having some of the most amazing sex I’ve ever had, and again when he forgot that he’d already packed my bag and placed it in the trunk of his car.

He panicked when we got to the hospital and he thought the staff wasn’t moving fast enough and there are no words for what he did when after giving birth to my first son excruciating pain doubled me over and there was another head poking out down there.

Two sons later and he panicked about the fact that we’d only prepared the nursery for one. He’d done everything but faint dead away on the floor, but the strain had been evident on his face throughout the whole ordeal.

His antics had kept me pretty well occupied and between them and the meds I didn’t feel as much pain as I’d expected to. Now he’s sitting in the chair beside my hospital bed looking very proud of himself the new daddy with our sons held safely in his arms.

He’d ran everyone off about an hour ago but of course he was staying behind because he didn’t trust anyone else with our babies. I ran my hand over my now empty middle feeling lighter than I have in months and already missing the weight of my babies.

But they were finally here, I can see them, smell them, hold them, life is good. “Gage they’re asleep, you can put them down.”

“Not a chance, I waited all this time to hold them, no way am I letting them go. You want one?”

I laughed and held my arms out as he got to his feet to pass me one of the boys. Which one I wouldn’t know since they looked exactly alike. I took my son in my arms feeling happier than I ever have because my life was finally complete.

It’s only been a few months since the bane of my existence was removed through my husband’s machinations. It was a little after the fact that I found out what he’d done. How he’d had Donna investigated and then arrested. And even later that I found out what all she’d done in the past to land her in jail for a very long time.

Murder, theft, you name it she did it and it was only after it had all come to light that I truly understood the threat she’d posed. Gage had forbidden me and even refuse to mention her name as if she never existed, was never a part of our lives. And when I think about it, she really never was, except in her own mind.

I haven’t seen her since the day I refused to let her join us for lunch, except for the day I saw her being driven away in the back of what I later learned was a cop car. It was then I realized how much my husband not only loved and adored, but treasured me as well.

He’d wanted me to see the beginning of her demise, to put my mind at ease so that I could enjoy the rest of my pregnancy in peace, something I will be forever grateful for.

And what a smooth ride it’s been. With Gage by my side I couldn’t have asked for better. He’d even softened enough to allow my parents to come to the hospital and the two people who’d just left here were vastly different from the parents I remembered.

Maybe it’s the fact that their grandchildren are boys, or it could be that my husband had threatened them with exclusion if they stepped one toe over the line. Whatever it is I’m just glad to have them back in my life.

“You’ve had it babe, why don’t I put them down and let you get some rest?” He put the baby in his arms in his cot before returning for the one I held putting them both down before coming back to me. “You did good, but we’re not doing this again, my heart can’t take it.”

Tags: Jordan Silver Men of Honor Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024