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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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I ig­nored the im­plied in­sult in that state­ment.

“Noelle! I'm with Thomas, re­mem­ber?” I said. I no longer cared that she didn't want me to be with Thomas. The fact that he had mys­te­ri­ous­ly dis­ap­peared kind of negat­ed all oth­er con­cerns.

Her ex­pres­sion turned hard. “Right. And Thomas is . . . where?” she asked, look­ing around.

“I... I don't know,” I said, my stom­ach re­spond­ing with a clench. Over her shoul­der, I watched Ar­iana, Ki­ran, and Tay­lor ap­proach­ing, clear­ly in­ter­est­ed in the top­ic of our pri­vate tete-?a-?tete.

“Ex­act­ly. Some boyfriend, bail­ing and not even telling you where he's go­ing. Or that he's go­ing,” she said. She rolled her eyes


again and took an­oth­er sip of beer, al­low­ing this to sink in. “Look, Whit is a great guy. He's a nice guy.”

“Un­like some peo­ple,” Ki­ran said snark­ily.

Even with his mys­te­ri­ous dis­ap­pear­ance they couldn't let their dis­dain for Thomas go. They had nev­er liked him. They nev­er would.

“Plus, Whit can give you things,” Ar­iana put in. “Things you might not oth­er­wise have ac­cess to.”

Give me things, huh? Well, col­or me cu­ri­ous.

Ar­iana gazed at Whit with her clear blue eyes and I won­dered if he felt it. If it gave him the chills the way it al­ways did me.

“Like what?” I said.

“Like a life,” Ki­ran said with a snort.

“Ki­ran!” Ar­iana scold­ed.

“Just go talk to him,” Noelle said. 'You don't have to mar­ry the guy."

I took a deep breath and drained the last dregs of my beer, all the while keep­ing an eye on Whit. He seemed nice. Po­lite and ma­ture. Plus the guys clear­ly loved him. And yeah, maybe he was a lit­tle over­weight, but who was I to judge?

“Bring him some of this,” Ki­ran said, hand­ing over a spare flask of her Hayes Spe­cial. “Whit­tak­er loves my recipes.”

The flask was ice cold and sleek to the touch. I held it in one hand, my beer in the oth­er. Maybe it was time to give a Billings- sanc­tioned guy a chance. Af­ter all, I was a Billings Girl now too. It seemed high time I start­ed act­ing like one.



“It was eye open­ing, I have to say, liv­ing among the lo­cals,” Whit­tak­er said as we strolled away from the clear­ing. “They have noth­ing. Noth­ing but a wood­en bowl and a cup of rice to eat, but they have spir­it, you know? Such spir­it.”

“So you slept in the vil­lage?” I asked, keep­ing my eyes trained on my feet. I was on the fourth beer now, and things were start­ing to get the slight­est bit bleary. “That's so cool.”

I couldn't re­mem­ber whose idea it had been for us to go off alone and get to know each oth­er. His? Mine? Noelle's?

“Oh, no. We went back to the ho­tel, of course,”Whit said. “Do you re­al­ize the num­ber of dis­eases one can pick up in a place like that?”

I looked up wait­ing for him to ac­knowl­edge the irony. “But I thought you said you lived among them.” Just then, my foot hit a rock and slid, twist­ing my an­kle in­ward. I stum­bled and fell side­ways in­to Whit­tak­er. “Oh. Whoops!”

“Are you quite well?” he asked me, us­ing both meaty arms to steady me.


I cleared my throat. Around me the trees tilt­ed and swayed. “Yes. Quite,” I said, mim­ick­ing his tone. Who talked like this?

“Per­haps we should sit,” he sug­gest­ed.

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