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Invitation Only (Private 2)

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Now the ground tilt­ed. Why did any­one ev­er say drink­ing was fun? This was ac­tu­al­ly quite nau­se­at­ing. “Yes. Per­haps we should.”

Whit­tak­er led me over to a thick log that had fall­en some­time in the past cen­tu­ry and was now over­grown with moss and vines. He low­ered me down slow­ly un­til I was steadi­ly seat­ed, and on­ly then did he let me go. I braced one hand on the cold, rough wood to keep from falling over and shook my hair back. Whit­tak­er smiled as he sat next to me, study­ing my face.

“Noelle didn't lie. You re­al­ly are quite beau­ti­ful,” he said. “You have a clas­sic look about you. Like Grace Kel­ly.”

“Grace who?” I asked.

Whit­tak­er's smile widened slight­ly. “She was an ac­tress. And a princess. Ac­tu­al­ly, it was quite an in­cred­ible sto­ry. She start­ed out as a poor farm girl, then be­came huge­ly fa­mous in Hol­ly­wood, mar­ried a Eu­ro­pean prince--”

“Sounds good to me,” I said bleari­ly, lift­ing my beer bot­tle in a toast.

“Then died in a fiery car crash,” Whit­tak­er fin­ished.

“Oh.” Nice. Thanks a lot.

Whit­tak­er sud­den­ly flushed and looked away, tak­ing a drink from his flask. “Would you like some?” he asked.

Some­where in my brain I knew it prob­ably wasn't a good idea


to drink any­thing else, but I al­so knew that Ki­ran mixed some kind of juice in­to her spe­cial con­coc­tion. And some­where else in my brain, some­thing de­cid­ed that it might be a good idea to con­sume juice. Since it had vi­ta­mins and all.

“Sure,” I said. “Why not?”

I placed my near­ly emp­ty beer bot­tle down on the ground and al­most fell over. My palm hit the dirt and I pushed my­self back up, try­ing to cov­er, but my equi­lib­ri­um was shot. When I reached for the flask, I tipped over in­to Whit­tak­er's arms. My eyes closed in em­bar­rass­ment and the ground shift­ed. Great. Now my brain was to­tal­ly mis­fir­ing.

“Sor­ry,” I said.

“That's all right,” he replied. “Here. Let me help.”

He placed one of his sol­id arms around me and I in­stant­ly felt more se­cure, less wob­bly. I man­aged to get the top off the flask and took a long drink. Mm­mmm. The Hayes Spe­cial was yum­my. And Whit­tak­er was so warm. I closed my eyes, sa­vor­ing the mo­ment, and tipped the flask back. Once again the ground shift­ed. I jerked and the liq­uid went down the wrong pipe. All air­ways closed off and I choked, spit­ting al­co­hol ev­ery­where.

“Are you all right?” Whit­tak­er asked.

“Fine! Fine!” I choked, dou­bling over. Whit­tak­er fished out a hand­ker­chief from his pock­et and hand­ed it to me. I coughed in­to it and wiped my face. The hand­ker­chief was soft, smelled of musk, and had his ini­tials em­broi­dered in­to it. Old school all the way.


No one I knew even owned hand­ker­chiefs, but some­how I was not sur­prised.

“I'm so sor­ry,” I said, fi­nal­ly catch­ing my breath. I tried to hand the hand­ker­chief back to him, but he closed his hand over mine, which closed over the cloth.

“Keep it. It's yours,” he said.

I flushed. “You must think I'm a to­tal los­er,” I said.

“Quite the con­trary,” he said, look­ing in­to my eyes. “I think you're ex­traor­di­nary.”

And then he was kiss­ing me. Okay. Not good! I was not sup­posed to be kiss­ing Walt Whit­tak­er. I was sup­posed to be kiss­ing Thomas. Thomas, my boyfriend. Thomas, the per­fect­ly gor­geous guy who had tak­en my vir­gin­ity. If on­ly he were here. If on­ly I knew where the hell he was.

Thoughts of Thomas flood­ed my mind. Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. Thomas's lips, Thomas's hands, Thomas's fin­gers, Thomas's tongue . ..

And sud­den­ly, I was kiss­ing him. His sweet, warm mouth-, his strong, lean arms. Even with ev­ery­thing we had gone through in the past few days, I missed his touch. That was the one thing with Thomas th

at was nev­er wrong.

Half deliri­ous, I slipped my hands around Whit's thick neck. The sec­ond I did he got con­fi­dent. His mouth moved over mine in a rough, un­prac­ticed, awk­ward back-?and-?forth mo­tion, so fast it was as if he was try­ing to cre­ate fire with our lips.

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