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Page 22

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“It’s like pulling teeth to get these men to dance with me.”

“Right!” Stacy yelled, elbowing Dallas in the ribs.

The guy turned back toward the group, looking down at Stacy then around as if he had completely tuned them out. “What?”

“You won’t dance with me.” Stacy’s accusation sent worry surging through Greer that Dallas might have a girlfriend, but Dallas’s humorless laugh eased his fear. Dallas stretched his long arms along the back of the booth, before letting a yawn free. His legs remained crossed at the ankle, showing no desire to fulfill her request.

“We didn’t want to tell you, but you step on all our feet.” Dallas’s deep, rich tenor caressed Greer’s unruly heart, giving a gentle squeeze. Dallas gave a single affirmative nod, driving the joke home until another quick jab of her elbow had him doubling over in laughter.

When Dallas lifted his head, Greer finally got his wish. For the briefest of moments, Dallas’s stunning emerald-green eyes focused directly on him. The jewel-toned gaze touched places inside Greer he didn’t know existed. For one or maybe two extraordinary seconds, the music faded, and darkness crept around the edges of his vision as everything disappeared except the one holding his undivided attention. His heart was fully ensnared by a single look.

He blinked once, then twice, trying to dismiss the hypnotic grip with which Dallas held him. His breath held in apprehension as he absorbed the high voltage currents of electricity arcing between them.

Dallas blinked, giving Greer the chance he needed to step back, to remove himself from the onslaught of sensations bombarding him. What the hell had just happened?

Stacy playfully slapped Dallas’s arm before getting to her feet. “I do not. Come dance with me.” Stacy whined as she took Dallas’s drink from his hand and placed it on the table before reaching out to pull him up. “You can’t get out of it. Come on.”

Dallas moved with the grace of a panther, powerful and elegant as he rose to his feet. Everything about Dallas screamed forbidden even as every desire Greer ever had coiled tight in his gut, fanning his need to claim Dallas. Helpless to do anything other than track each step the gorgeous guy took toward the dance floor.

Once again, the earth shifted under Greer’s feet. He knew what he needed to do. He wasn’t about to let this opportunity pass.

“Dance with me,” Greer said to Skye. His gaze remained fixed on Dallas’s sculpted body as he spoke.

Greer only looked away long enough to place his glass on the table then took Skye’s from her hand when she didn’t move fast enough for his liking.

“These good here?” he asked Jorge and pointed to the drinks at the edge of the table, but didn’t wait for an answer, sliding an arm around Skye’s waist before practically dragging her with him. Dallas pushed his way into the crowd, his towering height the only way Greer had to keep an eye on the gorgeous man.

He started moving, paying little attention to the music or Skye who tugged him down by the arm to yell in his ear. “What’s going on with you, Greer Lockhart?”

“What’s Dallas’s story?” he asked, deliberately avoiding her question. A second or two passed as Skye’s pretty face contorted into a confused grimace before she stopped moving—not that she’d done much dancing to begin with—and stared him straight in the eyes.

“What?” Skye asked, confused.

His three-word sentence hadn’t been complicated, so he waited for her to figure it out.

“I didn’t see that question coming.”

Greer continued swaying to the music, guiding his palms down to each of her hips, encouraging her to move along with him.

“He’s not gay.”

How had that answered his question? He gave a simple shake of his head. “I keep telling you and Kailey, everybody’s a little gay. So, what’s his deal?”

“No, he’s not gay.” Skye bit her lip and cut a worried gaze back toward Dallas. She had that protective mama bear look. Greer eagerly followed her line of sight. The warmth that seeped into his skin stunned him silent. A rare occurrence indeed. Dallas was enchanting in the silliest of ways because he absolutely couldn’t dance at all, but he sure tried. Greer’s genuine grin was immediate as he watched the dark-haired temptation move. Dallas had no shame in his game. This time Skye’s cool palms landed on his flushed cheeks, snapping his attention back down to her. She gripped his shirt, tugging him closer to be clearly heard.

“He’s a real good guy. We went to high school together. He’s not married, but he’s not gay. And he’s one of my dearest friends. Like a true best friend since second grade.”

He lifted his brow, encouraging her to say more as he began rolling his body with hers.

“He’s got two brothers. He graduated from UTA. He was an elementary school PE teacher, but started working at the gym as a personal trainer. He works nights and has done really well there.”

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