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Now, they were getting somewhere. “Who’s he dating?”

Skye’s brows plunged into a hard V. He took her silence to mean she couldn’t remember the last time he’d dated. A guy like Dallas would be sought out by women…and men, for that matter. Greer hoped there may be some sort of promiscuous curiosity on Dallas’s part for no other reason than he really wanted it to be that way.

“He’s busy with BikeBro. He doesn’t have time for anything more.”

Greer’s smirk turned her confusion to irritation. But her statement made him curious. “Does he work for the company?”

Both her hands landed on his chest, and she started pushing him off the dance floor, not caring who she ran into as they went. “Greer, he started BikeBro with his brothers.”

Once they were off to the side, her palms captured his cheeks, more forcefully this time. She drew him down to where their faces were only inches apart. Her gaze was guarded as she stared him straight in the eyes.

“Listen to me. He’s not gay or bisexual. That’s not going to change, doesn’t matter how good-looking you are. Dallas had a long-time girlfriend in college. They dated until a couple of years ago. She took a job in Atlanta. He didn’t want to leave his family. He’s a good guy. Real down to earth. A sweet man who doesn’t play your kind of games.”

Greer nodded, hoping to indicate he’d heard every one of her cautionary words. “Okay, how old is he?”

She threw her hands in the air. “You didn’t hear a word I said, did you? He’s like a brother to me, Greer. He’s not your type.” Skye rolled her eyes at his raised brow. He waited for an answer. She finally gave. “He’s twenty-seven. He helps anyone in need. He volunteers for things all the time, and when I plan to settle down, I’m marrying him. He would be a great husband and father. He’s a genuinely good man.” She tossed out her hands and gave him a clear, see-I-told-you-so look.

Pfft, like her reply answered anything. “Then can I have a crack at him before you two get married?” He flashed her his most charming grin.

She didn’t find him funny at all. Her stern finger pointed in his face. “You’re a player, Greer. A handsome one, and a fun one, but still a player. Seducing Dallas just to add another notch on your bedpost isn’t right.”

“Huh,” he said and took her arm. The immediate connection he’d had to Dallas wouldn’t allow for games, but he wasn’t near ready to share what had just happened to him. Instead, he hid behind his charming, playful grin. “Let’s move closer.”

Chapter 8

Stacy lifted her long hair off her neck while Dallas danced to the beat of the music, swinging his hips, throwing his arms around, laughing, having fun, and encouraging Stacy to keep moving. For someone who whined about wanting to be out on the dance floor, she sure didn’t ever want to stay out there too long.

“You’re having a good time?” she yelled.

“I’m relaxed and drunk,” he yelled back as a “Get Ur Freak On” mix began to play. Dallas instantly emulated Missy Elliott’s famous dance moves, at least as best as he remembered.

Sweat trickled down the side of his face, and he struggled to determine his exact level of inebriation. He suspected complete intoxication hid somewhere in the wings, ready to attack after all the free drinks he’d somehow scored.

Dallas had forgotten how much he liked to dance. His workload didn’t allow for too many nights off. Since the gym had closed to celebrate Jorge’s birthday, and Tank, the assistant manager, turned the party into a required meeting, Dallas had been forced to come along, and was happy to be there.

“You don’t usually drink that much,” Stacy called out, letting her hair fall down her back and raising her hands in the air as she danced up against him, motioning him lower. He bent his head as instructed. “Are you sure you’re not using me to avoid Skye’s client?”

Dallas knew exactly who Stacy referred to. It was growing late, the club’s patrons were down by half, and from the gym only he, Stacy, Skye, and Greer were still there. With such a bold lack of manners, Greer had stared openly at him for the last hour. Dallas suspected everybody in the bar knew exactly who held Greer’s undivided attention, but it hadn’t bothered Dallas in the least.

“Maybe he’s staring at you,” Dallas quipped to Stacy’s upturned face.

She barked out a laugh at him. “If he stared at me like that, we’d already be gone! He’s my kind of sexy.”

Dallas chuckled at the audacity as Stacy shuffled away, leaving him to dance alone as she retreated to the table. Stacy was right, Greer oozed sexy. The guy could have anyone inside this bar.

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