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The front door closed, leaving Dallas and Ducky on the porch. Ducky nodded. Dallas extended his fist, giving Ducky a quick knuckle bump. Greer had no idea what had been exchanged between them, but something about the moment had his heart connecting.

The slow seeping warmth returned, enticing Greer back into the world where only moments ago he’d disconnected. What an odd thing.

He remembered those first few years of starting his own business. Hell, he went back even farther. He remembered being a young teenage boy, making his first online market account, pretending to be his father. Greer had been overjoyed to make his first few thousand dollars in the stock exchange. The excitement had amped up several degrees when he’d given his treasure away to help save the seals.

Greer lifted a hand to his heart. The steady thumping produced contentment. He liked Dallas being inside his building.

Tenney whistled, one of those between the finger, ear-splitting sounds. Instant pain exploded in his ear. Greer winced, knocking the earbud from his ear. Anger had him reaching for the bud, ready to slam the guy. By the time he had pushed the earpiece back in his ear, the line had gone dead.

Fuck Tenney.

His phone rang. Tenney’s name and number echoed through his earpiece. Greer let the call go to voicemail.

He sucked down a couple of aspirins then went for his private bathroom, forgetting all about the asshole on the phone. He found he wanted to look his best before seeing Dallas again.

Dallas. The constant chatter running through his head muted. It wasn’t a bad thing.

He quickly brushed his teeth. Unfortunately, not because he planned to kiss anyone. He ran a brush through his hair then checked his face and nose for anything that shouldn’t be there. He quickly adjusted his clothing, straightening his already plumping cock inside his tight-fitting underwear. Lastly, he added a touch of cologne.

Greer gave a side grin as he stared down at his shaky hands, quickly fisting them to control the tremor. He was nervous and excited. His anticipation was getting the best of him.

He went back into his office, grabbed his suit coat then decided against wearing it and started out his office door. He infused confidence in his long stride. The flutter of his busy staff downstairs carried to him as he crossed the landing, his entire focus centered on the closed conference room door. Did Dallas have any idea of Greer’s involvement in this project? That moment of surprise would be a thing to remember.

With a push of the hand to the door, Greer strode into the conference room. Kailey turned his way with a big toothy grin forming. His brow furrowed, questioning why she was even in the room. Then he scanned the participants. Dylan sat at the head of the table, Donny to his right, Ducky and Dallas were to Dylan’s left. All with their backs to the door.

Ducky was the first of the brothers to look up and turn his way. He gave a surprised gasp then nudged Dallas who was bent forward, studying the contract while speaking to Dylan. “This seems generous…”

With another knock of his elbow, Ducky stopped Dallas from saying more. Dallas jerked his head toward Ducky then followed the finger pointing behind them. From his angle, Dallas had to awkwardly glance over his shoulder to see Greer as he shut the door behind him. Greer had to work to school his facial features as their gazes met, then held. The shock of the moment had Dallas’s mouth dropping open and a tinge of pink flushed his cheeks. No words followed.

The blush warmed Greer’s heart. The connection he experienced was all still there, drawing him with wanton interest toward Dallas. Of course, Greer’s cock stirred under the force of those penetrating, perhaps even accusing, green eyes. He couldn’t help but grin at the look on Dallas’s face. Out of nothing more than self-preservation, Greer decided to tackle the other side of the room before shaking Dallas’s hand. Even though it cost him dearly, he turned away from Dallas and extended a hand toward Dylan as he circled the table.

“I’m sorry, I’m late.”

“Not a problem. We’re moving through the contract with great speed. You’ve done good work here, Lockhart. Guys, this is Greer Lockhart, the mastermind behind this proposal. Greer meet Donny.” Dylan indicated to the only brother Greer hadn’t met.

As he stepped closer to Donny, he stood, clasping Greer’s outstretched hand. Dylan placed a finger on the table in front of Dallas. “This is Dallas and Duncan Reigns. They own BikeBro.”

“He knows me as Ducky,” Ducky added as Greer continued around that side of the table. He worked to hide his smile and nodded.

“You know, him?” Donny asked Ducky.

“Yeah. He and Skye brought Dallas home the other night.”

Dylan’s gaze instantly shifted, first to Dallas, then to Greer where he leaned his ass against the credenza rather than taking his seat.

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