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“But I don’t think we knew he was a part of this. Right, Dallas?” Ducky looked to Dallas for confirmation, a small furrow marring his brow.

Dallas seemed to have gone mute and developed a deer in the headlights look. He shook his head. An uncomfortable silence descended over the entire group.

Greer crossed his arms over his chest and nodded. “Please continue.”

Dylan gave him a what the fuck stare. Greer casually lifted a shoulder in a shrug.

They had in fact made fast time as Dylan lifted the second to the last page of the contract. “Dallas, did you have a question before we continue?”

Dallas tried to speak and had to clear his throat before he could continue. This might be the best moment of Greer’s life. The good-guy Dallas Reigns was rattled by his presence. Straight, yeah right.

“So, you’ll do all this for only fifteen percent of the company?” The deep tenor did all sorts of things to Greer’s insides. He watched as Dallas flipped through the pages of the contract they had previously gone over.

“We’ll also have a share of the profits as outlined,” Dylan added with a nod.

“Guys, this is doable. We need help with manufacturing and handling the business. I say we take this offer, right now,” Donny said eagerly, throwing his hands in the air, indicating this was a clear no-brainer. There wasn’t a negotiating bone in Donny’s body.

“Of course, I feel that way,” Dylan said, agreeing with Donny. “But you all should look out for yourselves first. Take this contract to your attorney…”

Donny shook his head, disagreeing with Dylan, and caused Greer to grin as he jumped in, speaking before Donny could say anything more.

“I’ll provide independent legal counsel if you don’t have an attorney. We want you to be comfortable with the offer. Please take some time, nothing changes on our end.”

“Is there something hidden in here that you haven’t said?” Ducky asked. Greer appreciated the question.

“No, not at all,” Dylan answered. “I read line by line with you, explaining our requirements. You hold the rights to your company, but we need to get the company out of your apartment and start building the company properly. We believe this will make you more successful.” Dylan placed both hands on the contract. “It’ll be a lot of work for you guys with quite a bit of change hitting you all at once. It’s not a decision to make lightly.”

“So, you’re investing in our company. You’ll continue building the Secret app. We’ll have a new office and warehouse. Better, cheaper vendors for the hardware, and we’ll have a shipping department. You’re providing us with a business consultant to help with all this paperwork we’re not doing. We’ll have a bookkeeper, and more trainers, with a professional studio attached to the office for the workout sessions,” Dallas said, summarizing the high points.

“Yes, and while that’s happening, we’ll begin a marketing and branding campaign to go nationwide,” Dylan explained.

Ducky’s eyes bugged out of his head. His delight was clear in the expression. “And if we fail, we owe you nothing in return?”

“Correct. But you won’t fail,” Greer answered for Dylan, adding his two cents while drawing Dallas’s gaze back to him. The endearing blush was still there. “I own this company. You’re local to me. Dylan’s asked me to keep an eye on you guys. This is what I do for a living. We won’t fail.”

“How did you become involved?” Dallas asked, skeptically. From the rustle under the table, and the wince on Dallas’s face, Greer could only assume Donny had kicked his brother.

“Dallas, he just said this is what he does for a living,” Donny explained for Greer as if his brother was the dumbest person alive.

“It’s a valid question. Dallas,”—Greer let Dallas’s name roll off his tongue like it deserved to be there—“Dylan reached out to me the day after you and I met. Now that we’ll all be partners, I have a question for you guys.” He waited until he had three sets of eager eyes focused on him. “Who the hell is Biker101? I don’t like to lose, and he kicked my ass.”

Kailey laughed, reminding him she was even in the room. “He’s the worst loser you’ll ever meet. That’s why you need to take this deal. He refuses to lose.”

“Ignore her. She’s my sister. Her glowing praise is biased.” Greer gave her the shut your mouth glare. “Now who’s Biker101? My ego needs you to tell me he’s either Lance Armstrong or Tom Brady.”

Ducky laughed along with Kailey, sitting back comfortably in his seat, looking between his brothers. “If he’s gonna own part of us, he should know.”

“I already know the answer,” Dylan teased, reclining back in his seat, looking proud that he had the upper hand.

“You knew and didn’t tell me?” Greer’s brow cocked in surprise. Fucker.

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