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“I’m just learning you’re Wild_Rider. I didn’t know you had that performance inside you.” Dylan chuckled when Greer lifted his middle finger in reply to that comment. It seemed the best response to give his almost partner.

“Dallas is Biker101,” Donny stated proudly, drawing every eye to him. “And you just about kicked his ass.”

Out of all the answers he could have been given, this one stole his voice. Greer’s nemesis was his infatuation. The air in the room shifted as did every gaze. Dylan chuckled again, apparently very in tune to Greer’s visceral reaction to the news.

“So, it’s you,” Kailey said happily before Greer had a chance to speak. “I knew there was something about you. When you threw the race, Greer was so upset. My husband and I were on Zoom with him before the contest started. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen Greer work so hard.” Like normal, Kailey’s cheeky attitude had even the stone-faced Dallas grinning.

“I think you’re right. We need to take this contract and talk,” Dallas said, reaching for his file folder. “Maybe we could take you up on the attorney offer.”

“Hold up.” Greer lifted a hand, near not ready to let the Biker101 subject go. “I want a rematch.”

“Lockhart, I’ve been taking his advanced classes…” Dylan started as if he were the measure to beat. He wasn’t. Greer wanted to beat Dallas or die trying.

“I’ve taken his class too. He’s a good trainer, but I want another crack at him.” Greer pointed at Dallas. “Just you and me. I’ve really developed a strong need to beat you. You can’t throw it this time.”

Donny’s excitement was only surpassed by Ducky’s. “Would we do it as a site-wide deal?”

“I don’t care. I just want the match between him and me.”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Dallas’s attitude changed. He lost the hesitant edge. So, Dallas was competitive. Greer could see the wheels turning in his head even as he resisted the challenge. This look was filled with promises of honesty and integrity even while Dallas planned to kick Greer’s ass.

His cock thickened, and he didn’t try to hide his attraction from any of them, especially not Dallas. If Dallas lived his truth, well then Greer did too.

“I think we could make it into a donation drive. I see gamers do it all the time. We can make it a private event. To watch the match, there has to be a donation of something,” Ducky suggested. “Maybe to a food bank. If people don’t have cash, they can donate food with a picture on social media.” Ducky lifted a hand for a high-five, clearly liking his own idea.

Dallas nodded, automatically slapping his brother’s outstretched hand while adding, “I’d like the donation to go to either a local food bank or the Boys & Girls Club, if that’s all right. We’ll make it a private event with a passcode to enter. You can do that, right?”

Ducky nodded.

“Then set the rematch. I can do it this evening if there’s enough time to make it happen,” Greer suggested.

“I work in the evenings.” Dallas turned away. He never looked up from gathering the papers in front of him, placing them inside the file folder.

“How about Saturday morning?” Donny asked. “Gives us two days to plan a strategy and spread the word.”

“Perfect.” Greer wasn’t giving Dallas a chance to decline. He turned to Kailey. “See if anyone in Bill Hainer’s office has time to see them this morning. Send the contracts over to him now. Ask for a rush.” Greer pushed off the credenza and went around the table the way he’d come in. He stuck his hand out again to Donny. “I look forward to working with you. We’ll make a lot of money together.”

Donny beamed at the idea. When Greer passed by Dylan, he said, “Do you need a ride to the airport?”

“I could use one.”

Greer nodded and kept going. He bypassed Dallas to stick out his hand to Ducky. He was really growing to love that guy. Greer couldn’t help his good-natured grin at Ducky’s sincere attempt to dress up for their meeting. But the disheveled hipster inside wouldn’t be contained, no matter how crisply pressed his suit and tie were.

“Dylan’s told me you’re the glue to this operation, and we all wouldn’t be here without you.”

Ducky beamed as he got to his feet, eagerly shaking Greer’s hand. “We’re all equal partners. I just do my part.”

Good answer. Greer patted Ducky on the arm. “At some point, I need to know how you came about your nickname.” Finally, he turned to Dallas. Dallas stood, and Greer offered his hand. The shake was firm and solid. He shouldn’t be considering how the weight of Dallas’s hand felt good and right in his. Dallas’s stare held Greer captive. Time slowed, his surroundings faded, his heartbeat the only thing he heard.

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