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Greer’s cell phone rang, vibrating against Dallas’s thigh. He immediately shook his head no. “I meant to turn my ringer off. We’re in wedding mode. Ignore it.”

“What if it’s something about tomorrow?” Dallas asked. This time he was the reason they stopped moving.

“I don’t care,” Greer said boldly. But ultimately, he did care just as Dallas knew he would, and finally gave in to the ring, fishing the phone from his pocket. He looked up as he accepted the call, putting it to his ear. “It’s Skye. Hello?”

Greer’s jaw tightened and his eyes turned serious, staring at Dallas. “Your mom is with Skye’s mother and they’re on their way over. They should be here any time now.”

Dallas took the phone and stepped back as all the color drained from Greer’s face. Not now and not here.

“Skye, stop them. It’s not the time for negativity. We’re getting married tomorrow. I don’t want all this hanging over us,” Dallas said, his take charge attitude stiffened his resolve. His family added too much baggage, and Greer had had to shoulder the brunt of their abuse. When was too much exactly too much? He was such a burden to Greer already. “Tell her I’ll meet with her next week.”

“Dallas, they’ll be there soon. I was in a class. I think Ducky gave them the address. He talked to her. She’s left your dad and is staying with my mom. She wants to apologize. They both want to come to the wedding in the morning.” Skye sounded unsure and rushed.

His mother leaving his father. What?

That threw him completely for a loop. “They?”

“My mom and your mom.”

“Someone’s here,” Greer said, heading to the windows facing the front yard.

Ducky shouldn’t have taken this on himself. Dallas’s shoulders tensed into granite as he realized this was the other fucking shoe. Fuck. He went toward the front door.

“I’ve gotta go, Skye.” Dallas ended the call and extended his hand toward Greer, handing him the phone. “Let me go talk to them.”

“No, Dallas.” Greer reached out to take the phone then gripped Dallas’s shirt, drawing him closer. “Let them in.”

His panicked thoughts raced as he shook his head. “No, it’s too much. I’ve put us through too much.” The fist holding on to Dallas, gripped tighter.

“Breathe, Dallas. It’s okay. Relax. At least they care enough to come. Where are my parents?”

Dallas took a centering breath and took Greer’s wrist, prying his fingers loose. “Not the same thing. Why would your parents be here? You didn’t tell them about us.” He had to fight the panic taking hold of his reasoning. Dallas yanked open the door, prepared to handle this before it ever could get started. His mother standing there with red-rimmed wide eyes rendered him speechless. Her tears formed instantly, spilling down her cheeks. Skye’s mother stood directly behind her. She stared imploringly at Dallas.

His mother let out a shuddered breath and started shaking her head before digging a tissue from the purse hanging on her arm. “I told myself I wouldn’t do this. Dallas, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for everything.”

“Mom.” Everything around him faded as he stared down at his grief-stricken mother. His heart broke. Over the years of his life, he’d seen too many tears in her eyes.

“No, son, I’m sorry for everything…” she said as he reached for her, having no idea why except he didn’t want her to cry.

“Dallas. Invite her in,” Greer said, jarring him into action.

He extended his arm, sweeping it around her back, and stepped out of the way, encouraging her inside. “Come in, Mom.”

She was barely inside when her gaze met Greer’s. Mrs. Wells, Skye’s mother, patted his arm, following his mom inside.

“This is Greer, Mom.”

Greer stood with his hands in his slacks pockets, looking as handsome as he always did. Greer searched his face before he looked down at his mom and nodded.

“This is my mom, Vicki. And Mrs. Wells, Skye’s mom.”


Desperation wafted off Vicki Reigns in waves. As much as Greer had judged her poorly was exactly how much he wanted to ease her genuine sorrow her own actions had caused. “Come in, Mrs. Reigns. Have a seat.”

“I’m Sheila,” Skye’s mother said to Greer as she shut the door behind her.

“I don’t want to intrude,” Vicki started, wringing her hands. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she spoke. “You’re getting married tomorrow. I didn’t want to wait to tell you how sorry I am. What I allowed to happen to you breaks my heart. You’ve always been my world, always. I’m sorry I was never strong enough to stop your father.”

Greer tried to read Dallas’s expression as she held all his attention. Confusion, maybe reserve, appeared to hold Dallas’s tongue.

“I watched you stand up to him and I gathered my strength from you. I left him this morning. I’m done. Donny is so much like your father. Duncan’s like me. But you… You’re smart and reasonable. You never deserved what he did to you. I tried to help make it better, easier…”

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