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“It’s okay, Mom.” Dallas finally stopped the tumble of her words and drew his mother into his arms. She reached around Dallas’s back, holding him tight as she closed her eyes. Greer shoved his hands deeper into his pockets, fisting them to prevent himself from reaching out and offering comfort to both Dallas and his mother. He so badly wanted to do just that.

Dallas’s face angled away from Greer as he placed a cheek against her hair and tightened his hold. His chest quivered, most likely tearing up. Dallas was too good a guy not to respond to his mother’s evident pain. Vicki’s eyes opened; she stared at Greer for several long seconds.

“You’re very handsome.” Her arms tightened around Dallas, giving him a stronger hug. Greer’s love lifted his head. As suspected, tears glittered in those beautiful green eyes as his gaze met Greer’s. His arms loosened, but she held on tight.

“Thank you. I love your son with all my heart,” he said, trying for a reassuring smile.

His words seemed to be the catalyst for her to let Dallas go and look up at her son, her palm lifting to caress his cheek. A path Greer’s hand had taken many times over. “That’s what I want for Dallas. He deserves a great love and a good life. I’ve always known he’ll only marry once.”

“Mom…” Dallas started. His cheeks flushed as he looked over at Greer and shook his head. Vicki only smiled and took tissues from her purse, wiping them over her eyes.

“Is the invitation still open for me tomorrow?” she asked, pushing the wad back into her purse. It seemed to be her bag of tricks. She pulled a water bottle out next.

The pause in Dallas’s answer had Greer changing the direction of his approving nod.

“It’s important to me that tomorrow’s special. You know I want you here, but I can’t allow all the drama that follows my family around.”

What a healthy, direct, self-caring thing for Dallas to say. Greer’s heart swelled. Dallas’s road hadn’t been an easy one. Greer had feared he’d pushed them too hard and fast. He was so proud and impressed.

“I’m on your side. I’ll never let your father or Donny hurt you or Duncan again.”

Dallas’s indecision turned to helplessness as he shrugged and sought Greer’s gaze. The question was clear, but Greer shrugged, leaving the answer to Dallas.

“I understand if you don’t want me here, but I’m still going to start working on showing you how serious I am. I want to be in your new life, and I want to get to know Greer.”

“Dallas.” Greer found himself pleading on this woman’s behalf.

“I want you here, Mom. But I’ve worked hard to pull myself together. And I’ve put Greer through hell getting us to this point.”

Greer could only shake his head at the ridiculousness of the idea of putting him through hell. He’d been given the world. Dallas took him for who he was, no one had ever accepted him the way Dallas had.

“I say she’s welcome.” Greer extended a hand to the wallflower standing right against the door, almost unnoticed. “Ms. Wells, of course you’re invited too. Skye’s a large part of our life.”

“I’d love to come.” When she smiled, he saw Skye. This whole group of people were real and genuine, and everything he’d always craved from the world. Greer’s heart was so full, and his palm rested absently against his chest. Mrs. Reigns took Dallas into her arms again, lifting on her tiptoes. She whispered something in his ear, and Dallas nodded, his stare focused on the floor. When he lifted, he had tears in his eyes again.

“I love you, too, Mom. I always have.”

Mrs. Reigns nodded. She looked sheepishly at Greer with her kind eyes. Dallas’s eyes. When she reached for him, he had no choice but to be drawn into a tight, loving hug.

“Ducky tells me Dallas is very happy with you. Thank you.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I only want to make Dallas happy.” All the tears started again, including his and Sheila’s. “Please come in. I won’t let Dallas spend the night away from me. It’s a long story that makes me sound controlling, so let’s leave that there.”

Dallas chuckled.

The tension swirling around them lightened and he started for the living room. “Would you like something to drink or have you had dinner?”

“We haven’t eaten.” Mrs. Reigns shook her head, seeming to like the offer of more time with them. She looked over her shoulder to Skye’s mother still in the entryway, hopeful and eager. “Can we stay a little longer, Sheila?”

The woman finally pried herself from the door and followed them inside. “Yes. I’d like to.”

“Do you want to take them out to eat?” Dallas asked, his love and hope vibrating in every word spoken.

“I’m in. Let’s go to Mac’s. They always make room,” he said, reaching inside his back slacks pocket to see if his wallet was there. He looked over at Ms. Wells as he spoke. “You’ll have to drive. We’re a two-seater family.”

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