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“My car’s big enough to hold us all. Skye called and is on the phone now, listening to everything.” Sheila lifted her cell phone in her hand. “She had a feeling this was going to work out this way and says they have a table ready for us at Mac’s, like you said. She says Kailey is almost there and Beau’s on his way. Evan’s with them.”

Of course, they were there waiting. Greer nodded. His family was a caring, obtrusive mess. He reached out to encourage his mister out first. Dallas unexpectedly lifted his hand, taking Greer’s. His guy didn’t try to hide their bond, making Greer’s heart swell with pride.

“You good?”

“I’m good,” Greer answered honestly. And he was. Very good.


The bright blue sky and gentle breeze held little interest for Dallas today. He stood close to the trinkling waterfall. One of his favorite places in the backyard. But he was transfixed by something far more interesting this morning, the jeweled depths of Greer’s sparkling stare.

Dallas couldn’t help all the self-reflection he’d been doing. Over the past year, his life had fundamentally changed. He lived with his true self leading the way. At times, it stunned him how lucky he was, and today was one of those days. He stood at his matrimonial altar, surrounded by family and friends. The people who meant the most to him. He hadn’t lost everyone as he had feared.

His mother, who had done her fair share of crying, and Ducky were there to witness his exchange of vows. Of course, his father hadn’t shown up, nor had his brother, Donny, or Cari for that matter. Not that he’d expected them to celebrate his and Greer’s big day. They’d both made their opinions and decisions clear. It hurt knowing they despised him for who he was, but he was working through that with Greer’s help.

The biggest lesson he’d learned this year was the one playing like a loop in the back of his head. It didn’t do any good to dwell on things he couldn’t change. That was their choice and he doubted they would ever come around.

Despite their hate, Dallas had found love and his heart was overflowing.

The brief exchange of vows was etched into Dallas’s heart and memory, never to be forgotten.

To have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health.

He easily committed those things to Greer who declared his love back with such raw emotion lacing each of his words that tears came to Greer’s eyes.

He’d never forget the love they shared today and tightened his hold on Greer’s hands. His wedding ring was going to take a lot of getting used to. Greer had surprised him with a diamond band, something unique and beautiful, if maybe a little over the top. Of course, it fit as if it were made especially for him. Just like the man who placed it on his finger.

“I know this is the moment you’ve both been waiting for. It’s my honor to declare you married in life, for life. You may seal your vows with a kiss.”

Tears filled Greer’s eyes as he came forward, taking Dallas’s cheeks between his palms.

“Don’t cry,” Dallas whispered, stepping into Greer.

The moment might have been too much. Dallas may have broken down along with Greer except Kailey’s loud wail burst the love-infused bubble and increased in both volume and theatrics. She had cried for most of the ceremony, hitting the sobbing point about the time they said I do.

Dallas looked over at her, concerned. Beau held her in his arms and shrugged. When he looked back, Greer had also turned. His look, though, wasn’t concern, but more a shut-the-hell-up look directed at his sister.

“Keep going,” she instructed with a hiccup. “I’m sorry. Post-pregnancy hormones. I’m happy for you. Stop looking at me. Kiss him.” She waved her handkerchief-filled hand in their direction.

Dallas couldn’t help but chuckle at the dramatics. Kailey had become the little sister he’d always wanted. Although he could have done without the weeping interruptions since he was eager to start his life with the man standing in front of him.

He had found his family. Solid and true.

Dallas reached for Greer’s chin, turning him back. “You heard her. Kiss me.”

“I’ll love you forever.” Greer’s lips pressed against his then retreated. “And ever.” Greer kissed him again. “And ever.”

Dallas smiled. His heart filled with happiness. “I’ll love you back just as long.”

The End

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