Sweetest Taboo (SIN 3) - Page 68

Maybe Colin really was a man who'd spun out of control, pushed over the edge by the loss of his daughter and financial devastation.


But Adele was just one-hundred-percent fucked up.

And that fact terrified Dallas.

Now, Colin was in the back of the SUV with Noah and Tony on either side of him. He was gagged and wore noise-blocking headphones tuned to classical music, so as to ensure that the men could speak freely without giving Colin any information they didn't want him to have. Dallas didn't truly believe that Colin's reveal of the location was part of a larger plan forged by Adele, but he wasn't taking any chances.

Liam turned to him. "And when it's over? What are we doing with him?"

Dallas's gut clenched. If he didn't need Colin's information, right then he could happily put a bullet through the bastard's brain. Or maybe he couldn't. Though he hated the pity that had welled up inside him, he couldn't deny that he felt it. And that pity just might save the son of a bitch's life.

"We'll worry about that after we get Jane safely out," Dallas said. He shifted in his seat to look back at the man. "And if we d

on't get her out, then I don't give a shit what happens to him."

The secluded farmhouse stood at the end of a dirt road that opened onto twelve acres of untended apple orchards, and even with Quince behind the wheel it took an hour and a half to get there. When they finally approached the turnoff to the property, Dallas was about to lose his shit.

"We walk from here," Liam said, and Dallas nodded. Right now, Liam was the de facto leader. Not only was Dallas not typically in the field, but he knew damn well his judgment was tainted by fear. "Tony and Noah, get to the house and get the device set up. Stay low, stay quiet. Once you've located them inside, signal us. Colin is going in with me and Dallas. Quince will provide backup from another access point. Tony, you handle anyone else who might be inside the property. Noah, you're on coms unless Quince or Tony need assistance."

They'd already gone over the plan multiple times, but it helped to hear it again. Solidified it. And gave Dallas a sense that this was really going to happen. That they were on it. That they would get in, and get her out.

Back in Manhattan, they'd pulled the farmhouse's original blueprint, but there was no way to know if alterations had been made in the meantime. Hopefully not. Right now, the plan was for Quince and Liam to enter through the cellar access while Colin and Dallas entered through the kitchen door. They'd locate and approach, then assess the situation. If necessary, they'd try to reason with Adele, with Dallas promising her whatever she wanted. But the real mission objective was to take her down, and the men intended to stay hidden long enough to do that, so long as it didn't compromise Jane's safety.

As for Noah's and Tony's assignments, Noah would be stationed near the front door, and Tony would make his own determination once they were aware of how many people were in the property.

That little task was going to be accomplished using the listening device Noah had invented. Though designed for much larger buildings, it should work as well for the house, pinpointing--and relaying--internal conversations. The team anticipated that Jane was being held in either the basement or the attic. By using the device, they could confirm that and conserve valuable time.

Now that they were moving, Dallas removed Colin's headphones, since he'd need to hear and follow instructions. He kept the gag. His tentative trust only stretched so far, and no way was he risking Colin shouting a warning to Adele.

About a hundred yards from the house, Dallas's earpiece crackled, followed by Noah's voice. "Looks like we've got three in the building. Target is in the basement along with Jane. A male identified as Christopher is on the first floor, kitchen area. Adele spoke to him through the house intercom."

"Jane is okay?" Dallas asked at the same time that Liam asked if there were others inside.

"Can't confirm as to Jane, but best guess is that she's alive and conscious. Adele was talking to her, and the lack of a reply is most likely because of a gag. As for others, it's a possibility. The device detects conversation, not human heat signatures. Could be other targets in the building who are off shift and sleeping, but there's no way to know for sure."

"We haven't had any indication she's working with anyone else," Liam said after they broke the transmission. "But we won't know until we're inside."

Dallas turned to Colin and yanked his gag down. The older man sucked in air, bending over and resting his hands on his knees as he gulped. "Talk," Dallas ordered.

"There won't be anyone else," Colin said softly. He lifted his head and looked between Liam and Dallas. "Adele doesn't trust easily."

"Who's Christopher?"

"A patient. I knew she'd started sleeping with him--I didn't get why." He drew in a breath. "Now, I guess I do."

Dallas looked at Liam. "She knew she needed help."

"Was she sleeping with anyone else?" Liam asked Colin.

"I don't think so."

"Probably just the three of them in there," Liam said, his attention back on Dallas. "Game on."

Liam broke off, following the path Quince had taken, while Dallas and Colin headed for the door. Dallas had a Glock at his waist and a Ruger in his pocket, and he'd happily use either on Adele if she'd harmed even a hair on Jane's head.

"Footsteps." Noah's voice played in his ear as they entered through the kitchen door. "Location indeterminate. I can pinpoint voices with more accuracy."

Tags: J. Kenner SIN Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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