Sweetest Taboo (SIN 3) - Page 69

Dallas said nothing, unwilling to speak and reveal themselves to Adele.

He pointed to the door that led to the cellar. They approached carefully, then opened the door, pistols drawn.

Slowly, they went down the stairs, but the second they reached the concrete floor, Dallas realized that all their planning was for naught.

"Hello, sweetheart," Adele said, her weapon pointed at Jane, gagged and tied to a post. Her eyes were wide, though, and he didn't need words to know that she was terrified. He tried to reassure her, but goddamned if the situation wasn't fucked. He knew Noah could hear everything, but he and Tony would only come if Christopher Brown was taken care of. And what could they do when they arrived, anyway? With a gun at Jane's head, Adele held all the cards.

Especially since Liam and Quince didn't seem to be in the cellar yet.

"Be a good boy and slide your gun over here. Go on," she said. "Do it."

Carefully, he put his Glock on the floor and kicked it toward her.

"Any more weapons on you?" she asked, turning the gun on him as she walked toward him. But it wasn't him she was asking--it was Colin.

"Right front pocket."

"Take it out, darling. Same story. On the ground. Kick it to me." She laughed, then, obviously seeing something in Colin's face. "Well, how do I know what you've been up to? You've been with them. That means you might not be with me anymore."

"Adele," Colin said, as he took the gun from Dallas's pocket, "no."

"You rock solid bastard," Dallas said, though in truth he hadn't expected anything more from the man.

Colin shrugged, then kicked the gun to Adele. "I'm not going to prison, Dallas. Not again."

He looked at Adele. "There are more coming."

She wiggled her fingers at him. "Come join me."

He did, and she turned her gun back on Jane as he approached.

"Insurance," she said, "in case they get in too easily. But I don't think so. I had the cellar door reinforced, and there's no other way in except the way you came. And in case you missed it, that door at the bottom of the stairs we came through? Solid steel. It will take your friends a while to get through."

"You'll never get out," Dallas said.

"Of course we will." She smiled sweetly. "We'll have hostages."

"You miserable bitch." His mind was churning, trying to figure the best plan. If the entrances were reinforced, he needed to buy time so the others could get in. Keep talking and keep her busy. Relay whatever information he could to Noah's headset.

And get her to aim the damn gun somewhere other than at Jane.

"You've disarmed me, Adele. Put your gun down. Let's not risk an accident, okay? There's no reason to keep a gun on her."

"Oh, I think there is."

Dallas kept his eyes on Adele, but he glanced once toward Jane. She stood stoic, her eyes a little unfocused--probably drugged--but she turned to him and he saw the trust there.

Trust he damn sure didn't intend to squander. But right then, he didn't know what the fuck to do next.

"I'm so sorry, Janie," Colin said from where he stood at Adele's side. "I never wanted to hurt you. I just needed the money. Lots of money, and I needed it fast. And I was so angry with Eli and your mother that it seemed like the perfect plan. I didn't know you would be there--I didn't! I just wanted the ransom and then I was going to let Dallas go. But it all spun out of control. Can you forgive me? Please say that you can forgive me."

I'm so sorry, Janie, I never wanted to hurt you.

Can you forgive me? Please say that you can forgive me.

But how do you forgive someone who so cavalierly stole a chunk of your life?

I don't know, and Colin's words are still echoing in my mind when Adele laughs. "Good god, Colin, could you be more of a sentimental fool?" She waves her gun that is pointed at me, as casually as if she's intending to swat a fly.

Tags: J. Kenner SIN Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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