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My Saving Grace (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 1)

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“How goes the articling?” she asked.

“Oh, it’s, ah, great.”

“Gracie, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I lied, running a hand over my aching head. “It’s been a day. A file got lost at the courthouse, and it took a lot to sort it out. I’m tired, that’s all.”

“What’s your boss like?”

I couldn’t tell her the truth. That he was arrogant, rude, sweet, and sexy. That he haunted my dreams and, at times, made my days a living nightmare.

“Intense.” Was my reply. “Brilliant, but he has a temper. He yells a lot. His assistant is a saint.”

I was telling the truth. Michael never reacted to Jaxson’s moods. He carried on and did his job, ignoring the tirades and demands.

She chuckled. “Sounds like a young version of your dad.”

I chuckled. My mom and dad had said they met when Mom worked at the same place Dad did before he went to The Gavin Group, where he still worked to this day. As I got older, I noticed my dad always became evasive and seemed uncomfortable when one of us would ask about their beginning. Finally, I asked my mom, and she told me the truth about how their relationship began. The arrogant, nasty man my father had been. The way he basically forced her to marry him. How they got to know each other and fell in love. The drastic change in my father. She had confided how he was known as “The Dick” in the marketing world and how often he yelled in the office, his arrogance knowing no limits. It was hard to picture my loving, protective father as anything but the almost-perfect man I thought he was, but my mom also told me of his past and what had shaped him. How she’d seen the pain behind the mask he wore and how deeply she fell in love with him. Then she winked.

“Don’t tell him you know. He will tell you his own version one day, although he’ll leave some parts out. He would be horrified if he thought his Gracie knew everything about his past. He couldn’t handle it if you thought less of him.”

I had assured her I would stay quiet, but eventually, we all knew at least the basics of the story, and we liked to tease my dad on occasion. I never divulged how much I knew, but somehow, it made my dad even dearer to me, knowing how much he overcame to be the man he was now.

“A bit, I think. Hard to deal with at times, but it’s not forever. I am enjoying learning, though.”

“Good. Okay, gotta go. See you soon!”

The cake tasting was something to look forward to. I missed seeing Addi these days, but between the wedding and her crazy schedule overseeing ABC Corp., and my articling job and studying for the bar, there never seemed to be time.

With a sigh, I realized it might be for the best. She knew me too well, and I wasn’t sure if I could hide my jumbled feelings for Jaxson from her. I found them confusing, so there was no way I could make her understand them.

With a start, I returned to the present and grimaced as I sipped my now-cold coffee. I stood and went to the kitchen to dump it in the sink and get ready for work. I had to brave the lion this morning, and I had a feeling he was going to be in a foul mood. I hoped I could smooth the waters and not be transferred to another lawyer so soon. I would be known as being difficult, and I didn’t want that reputation following me.

I stepped into the shower, sighing as the hot water poured over my tense shoulders. I would have to apologize. Groveling was a small price to pay for my future. I had to put on my big-girl panties, swallow my pride, and say I was sorry.

I hoped he gave me the chance.

It was cold out, so I dressed in pants and wore my favorite blouse. It was girlie, with lacy sleeves and a draped neckline in a deep blue. I added a soft shawl in grays and blues. I had noticed the office was always cool and Michael told me Jaxson preferred it that way, so I made sure to keep a sweater or shawl with me. When I got to work, I waved at Milt, the security guard, and headed up the stairs. I was relieved to see Michael already at his desk, busy with files.

“Hey,” he greeted me.

“Hi.” I cast my glance at Jaxson’s closed door. “How are things?”

He rolled his eyes. “The lion is in his den.”

“No kitten today?” I asked, trying to sound lighthearted.

“One with rabies, maybe.”

I grimaced. “Oh.”

“He wants to see you when you’re ready.” He paused, lowering his voice. “You might want coffee first.”

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